Regional Subscription System (RSS)
Regional Subscription System User Guide
The purpose of this Guide is to provide history and background information about the subscription process.
Subscription Products - This section contains descriptions, pricing, and delivery options for the Subscription products ADV, BNA, Information Platform, LSPID, Resale CARE Records, and CARE Charging.
Subscription Reports/Lists - This section contains the structure, pricing and delivery of the CARR, CLLI, Customer List, Enhanced Customer List, Market Share Report, Resale Enhanced Customer List, and PICC Reports.
Subscription Services - In this section provides information on Subscription Services including Errors to Mirror Carrier, Mechanized Hold for Pending Orders, Pending Disconnect, PIC Repair CIC Cross Referencing, Local Resale, and PICC Termination
Input and Output - Input and output options, timeframes are described in this section as well as set-up instructions for access via the internet and transmission.
CARE Record Layouts - This section provides record layout for both input and output CARE formatted files as currently used by CenturyLink™'s Regional Subscription System.
CARE TCSIs - This is a complete list of TCSIs currently used by CenturyLink's Regional Subscription System.
PIC Changes - PIC change information is contained in this section including PIC changes in residence, business, PAL as well how to do Future Due Dated PIC changes.
PIC Dispute Resolution - In this section, we provide information on the end user PIC Dispute process and carrier impacts.
Customer Service Inquiry and Education (CSIE) Center - This section describes the services the CSIE provides for carriers.
Mergers, Acquisitions, Disconnects - This section describes handling a merger, acquisition of another IXC, and disconnecting Feature Group D trunks, and going out of business.
Conflict Resolution and Editing Hierarchy - In this section, we provide the details of how orders are processed with the Regional Subscription System.
Network Blocking - This section contains Network Block information including definitions of toll blocks, and Network Block application matrix.
Subscription Contact Information - This section provides the names and contacts numbers for Subscription-related issues.
Trouble Shooting Your CARE files - This section provides Frequently Asked Questions for troubleshooting your CARE files.
Subscription Forms
Download general information, usage and requirements for Subscription Forms.
Regional Subscription System On-lines User Guide
The purpose of this guide is to provide complete on-line procedures for accessing the Regional Subscription System on-lines and inputting PIC changes and information requests.
Download Regional Subscription System On-lines User Guide
CenturyLink 14 State Local Service Region & NPAs

Last Update:November 7, 2023
Last Reviewed:November 7, 2023