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Glossary & Acronyms
Specific USOCs and FIDs are found in the Universal Service Order Codes (USOCs) & Field IDentifiers (FIDs) Overview
Detailed information on Acronyms associated with products and services can be found in the individual PCATs and Business Procedure.
# | |
911 | Emergency short cut dialing used to contact police departments for dispatch of officers, fire fighters or ambulances. The system identifies the callers location and other pertinent information to dispatch accurately. |
A | |
Abbreviated Dialing | A feature that permits the calling party to dial a destination telephone number in fewer than normal digits. Speed dialing is an example. |
Access Charge | A regulated charge billed to either end users or Carriers as compensation to the local telephone company for the origination and termination of line(s.) |
Access Code | A five- or seven-digit code that, when dialed, gives access to a desired network. |
Access Line | The portion of a leased telephone line between the end user's location and the Central Office. The circuit used to enter the telecommunications network. |
Access Tandem | The switching system that provides distribution for originating or terminating traffic between End Offices and the Interexchange Carriers Point-of-Termination. An Access Tandem is also used to distribute originating or terminating traffic between a CLEC end office and an intraLATA toll point or an Interexchange Carriers Point of Termination. |
ADN | (Advanced Digital Network Service) A digital private line service that transmits voice, data, video and other digital signals. |
ADSL | Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop |
Agent | A person or company that acts on behalf of another. Typically individuals or companies that market the services of a carrier or equipment provider as if they were an employee of the carrier or provider. |
Aggregator | An independent entity that brings several subscribers together to form a group that can obtain long-distance services at reduced rates. The Interexchange carrier bills subscribers. The aggregator only provides the initial plan set-up. |
AIOD | (Automatic Identified Outward Dialing) An option on a PBX that specifies the extension number instead of the PBX number on outward calls. Used for internal billing. |
Alternate Access | A form of local access where the provider is not the local exchange carrier, i.e., CenturyLink, but a company authorized to provide local access. |
AMA | Automatic Message Accounting |
ANI | (Automatic Number Identification) The number associated with the telephone station from which switched calls are originated or terminated. |
ANSI | (American National Standards Institute) A United States-based organization which develops standards and defines interfaces for telecommunications. |
Answer Supervision | An off-hook signal sent back to an originating end when the called station answers. |
AOCN | Administrative Operating Company Number |
APOT | (Alternate Point of Termination) form identifies specific collocation terminations at the ICDF frame where the CLEC "UNE termination cables" are terminated. These terminations are used for the purpose of ordering UNEs, Ancillary Services, or Finished Services. |
AQCB | (Automated Quote Contract Billing) System used to price non-tariffed products and services. |
ARD | (Automatic Ring Down) Private line connecting a station instrument in one location with a station instrument in another location. When station one is off hook, station two rings. Also called "hot line". |
AS-LS | (Answer Supervision - Line Side) is a battery reversal method which provides on hook/off hook signaling. |
ASR | (Access Service Request) The appropriate form to issue when ordering Access and Local Network Interconnection Services. ASRs are sent via mail or through CenturyLink's EXACT-PC system. |
Asynchronous | Form of concurrent input and output communication transmission with no timing relationship between two signals. |
AT | Access Tandem |
ATIS | Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode |
B | |
BAA | (Blanket Authorization Agreement) Signed by interconnectors guaranteeing that they have authority of the end user customer to request CPNI and place service orders on the customers behalf. |
Backbone | Network of broadband connection between switches. |
BAF | Bellcore (Now Telcordia Technologies) AMA Format |
Bandwidth | A measure of the communication capacity or data transmission rate of a circuit. The total frequency spectrum in hertz (cycles per second) that is available to a channel, or the amount of data that can be carried in bps (bits per second) by a channel. |
BPAL | Basic PAL |
Baud Rate | The speed at which a modem sends and receives data, e.g., 2400 bps, 9600 bps. One baud is roughly equivalent to one bit per second. |
BBS | (Bulletin Board System) A computer system that is accessible by other computer users to leave messages, or retrieve or leave files. A bulletin board service is a forum for users to browse and exchange information or files. |
BFR | (Bona Fide Request) Submitted CLECs with an interconnection, or pending, agreement with CenturyLink for non-tariffed, non-negotiated, non-mandated services, including operations standards. |
BHMC | (Busy Hour Minutes of Capacity) For Switched Access |
Bit | The smallest amount of information that can be transmitted. In binary digital transmission, a bit has one of two values: 0 or 1. A combination of bits can indicate an alphabetic character, number or perform a signaling switching or other function. |
BLOA | (Blanket Letter of Agency) A legally binding agreement assuring CenturyLink that a Payphone Service Provider will be responsible for billing on all orders placed by them on behalf of the site. |
Blocking | The inability of the calling party to be connected to the called party because either all permitted trunk paths are busy, or a path between a given inlet and any permitted free outlet of the switching network of a switching system is unavailable. |
bps | (Bits Per Second) when seen in lower case, signifies bits per second. BPS in uppercase indicates 8 bit (bytes per second. |
BRIDS | Bellcore (Now Telcordia Technologies) Rating Input Database System |
Broadband | High capacity communication path with transmission speed greater than 1.544 Mbps. |
Browser | Software used to access the web network, e.g., Netscape. |
BSA | (Basic Service Arrangements) The underlying connections to and through CenturyLink's network. Under Open Network Architecture, BSAs should be considered the fundamental connection to the network. |
BSE | (Basic Service Elements) In Open Network Architecture, BSEs are functions of the switched network that are available through CenturyLink and competitors on like terms. A BSE normally consists of an access link element, a features/functions element, or a transport and usage element that connects Enhanced Service Providers to their customers. |
Busy Hour | A consecutive 60-minute interval with the highest levels of measurement or derived load used in traffic engineering. |
Byte | The number of bits used to represent a character. For personal computers a byte is usually 8 bits. |
C | |
CABS | (Carrier Access Billing System) Communications Data Group (CDG) Carrier Access Billing System (CABS) is one of the systems CenturyLink uses to bill various products and services which are not billable via Ensemble, Billing and Receivable Tracking (BART), or any other CenturyLink billing system. |
CAC | (Carrier Access Code) The sequence an end user dials to obtain access to the switched services of an Interexchange Carrier. |
CAD | (Computer-Aided Design) A computer application using software and high-resolution graphics for drafting, design and other similar engineering functions. |
CAM | (Computer Aided Manufacturing) Computer controlled manufacturing. |
CAMA | (Centralized Automatic Message Accounting) An arrangement that provides for the recording of detailed billing information at a centralized location other than an End Office, usually a tandem. |
CAMA-ONI | (Central Automatic Message Accounting-Operator Number Identification) An operator located at a position that is connected temporarily on a customer-dialed station-to-station call. |
CAP | (Competitive Access Provider Capacity) The highest possible reliable transmission speed that can be carried on a channel, circuit or piece of equipment. |
CARE/ISI | (Customer Account Record Exchange/Industry Standard Interface) National guidelines for the formats and language used in mechanized exchanges of Equal Access-related information between Interexchange Carriers and telephone companies. |
CAROT | (Centralized Automatic Reporting on Trunks) A mechanized system for testing of trunks to ensure that trunks are accessible to traffic, function properly during call setup and termination, and provide a proper transmission path during a call. |
Carrier | A telecommunications company providing either local exchange service, interLATA service, or both. |
CCC | Clear Channel Capability |
CCS | (Common Channel Signaling)A signaling method in which a single channel conveys, by means of labeled messages, signaling information relating to a multiplicity of circuits or calls and other information, such as that used for network management. CCS is defined as a private network for transporting signaling messages. The primary components of the network are Signaling Transfer Points (STP) and data links. The two basic types of CCS signaling are trunk signaling, used for call set-up, and direct signaling; used to send queries and receive information from a database. |
CEMR-MTG | (Customer Electronic Maintenance & Repair – Maintenance Ticketing Gateway) A web interface that allows Customer interaction with the CenturyLink Maintenance & Repair facilities and request service for trouble tickets. |
Central Office (C.O.) | CenturyLink's primary point to connect customers to the network. These highly secure buildings contain computerized network switching equipment. |
Channel | A telecommunications path of a specific capacity and speed between two locations in a network. |
Channel Bank | Channel terminal equipment used for combining (multiplexing) channels on a frequency-division or time-division basis. |
CIC | (Carrier Identification Code) The four-digit number that uniquely identifies an Interconnector or Interexchange Carrier. The Carrier Identification Code is indicated by XXXX in the Carrier Access Code. In Feature Group B, the last four digits (950-XXXX) are used to identify the Interexchange Carrier. With Feature Group D, it is also used to presubscribe end users to a specific Interexchange Carrier. |
Circuit | A transmission line connecting two or more electronic devices. |
Class of Service | The billing structure, screening, & type of line. |
CLEC | (Competitive Local Exchange Carrier) A telecommunications company, certified by a state utilities commission, that provides local exchange service within a CenturyLink local exchange and its associated local calling area. |
CLLI | (Common Language Location Identifier) An 11-digit code that CenturyLink assigns to a Carriers location to designate the central office or area served by a central office. Characters 5 & 6 are the state code, 7 & 8 are the central office name and 9 through 11 specify equipment type. |
CMDS | (Centralized Message Data System) A system used to distribute Exchange Message Record (EMR) formatted billing data between the recording/rating company and the billing company when the companies are not located in the same CenturyLink Geographic Specific Region. Data includes third number, collect and calling card. |
CMRS | Commercial Mobile Radio Service |
CNAM | Caller ID With Name |
COCOT | Customer Owned Coin Operated Telephone (See COPT). |
Control Center (Control Center) |
A secure proprietary on-line and web-based application that provides instant access and management control over a broad range of CenturyLink National Wholesale products and services. |
COPT | (Customer-Owned Pay Telephones) Pay telephones that customers own outright rather than leasing through CenturyLink or another company. CenturyLink can provide access to the public switched network for Customer-Owned Pay Telephones. |
Country Code | Two or three digit codes used for international calls outside the North American Numbering Plan area codes. |
CPCN | (Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity) A document that registers a company as Carrier with public utility and corporation commissions. |
CPNI | (Customer Proprietary Network Information) Information pertaining to a customer's selected service arrangements with CenturyLink or other BOC. This information is only available to competitors when written authorization from the customer is provided. |
CSB | (Carrier Service Bureau) A separate group within CenturyLink that handles Equal Access requests. The Carrier Service Bureau also handles ballot scheduling and validation of Equal Access input and maintenance. |
CSE | Custom Solutions Engineering. Carrier/Wholesale organization responsible for pre-sale engineering. |
CS&I | Formerly the System Design Center. Includes the CSI group Custom Solutions and Implementation and CSE group Custom Solutions Engineering (See CSI and CSE definitions). |
CSI | Custom Solutions Implementation. The Carrier/Wholesale organization responsible for program and project management. |
CSR | (Customer Service Record) A detail of a customers communications services including listing information, service and equipment, billing etc. |
CSU/DSU | (Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit) Customer premises equipment that provides basic digital transmission at various speeds. |
Cut Through Dialing | 10 + CIC + telephone number followed by an authorization code for IntraLATA calls. |
D | |
D-4 Channel Bank | A digital multiplexer used to convert 24 voice grade analog or data channels into DS1. |
Database | A collection of information on a computer. Often provides varying levels of information accessible by certain keys or menu selections. |
Db | (Decibel) A unit of power (sound, optical or electrical) increase or decrease that is proportional to the exponential increase or decrease of power. |
Dedicated Line | A non-switched channel or private line. |
DLEC | Data Local Exchange Carrier A CLEC that specializes in DSL services primarily by leasing lines from local phone companies. |
Demarc | (Demarcation Point) The point, jack or cross connect panel, at which ownership or responsibility for operating and maintaining facilities passes from one party to another. |
Dial Around Compensation | 'Dial Around' is a method used by end users to purposely bypass a PSP's local or long distance carrier services by dialing, for example, 1010XXX1+ or 1-800 numbers. To compensate PSPs for this revenue loss, the FCC has mandated per call compensation to be paid by carriers to PSPs via the National Payphone Clearinghouse. PSD transmission is required. |
DLR | (Design Layout Record) The layout for the local portion of a circuit at a particular location. |
Download | Process of transferring information from one computer to another. |
DS0 | Digital Signal, Level 0 |
DS1 | Digital Signal, Level 1 |
DS3 | Digital Signal, Level 3 |
DSX | Digital System Cross-connect frame |
DSX-1 | Digital Signal Cross-connect level 1 |
DSX-3 | Digital Signal Cross-connect level 3 |
'Dumb' Set | This CPE device, or 'basic' set, has limited or no processing or programming capabilities. Screening, power, & other functions are received from the network Smart PAL (S-PAL). |
E | |
EAS | Extended Area Service |
EASE VFO | EASE VFO Enhanced Automated Service Order Entry Virtual Front Office Login - EASE ASR Virtual Front Office Login - EASE LSR Virtual Front Office |
EDI | (Electronic Data Interchange) Industry standard for direct computer to computer exchange. |
Generic term for electronic mail service. | |
EMR/EMI | (Expanded Message Record/Exchange Message Interface) Telcordia Technologie's standard format for the collection and recording of call data. |
Ensemble | The primary engine that calculates recurring charges, OTCs, usage charges, discounts, adjustments and taxes. This series of modules creates all extracts used by the bill rendering software (FBF) ENF for paper and electronic bill creation. Several modules within the billing domain are called by the online systems to calculate and tax prorated charges upon order completion. Ensemble bills 26 cycles each month. |
End Office | A Central Office that serves a Carriers end users and where the first point of switching will occur. |
Enhanced Services | Services using network facilities and computer processing that: act on the format, content, code, protocol or similar aspects of transmittal information; provide additional or restricted information or. involve subscriber interaction with stored data. |
Equal Access | The name used to describe the process of providing all end users with ease of access to the long-distance network using the Carrier of their choice. |
Ethernet | A LAN and data link protocol based on a packet frame. Normally operating at 10Mbps, multiple devices can share access. |
EUC | (End User Customer) Used to describe the recipient of services provided by CenturyLink or its competitors. Often referred to as "customer". |
EXACT-PC | (Exchange Access Control and Tracking System for Personal Computers) Bellcore's user-friendly software program that permits direct input of access service orders to CenturyLink's computer system. |
Expedite | The acceleration of a processing procedure, e.g., due date, that is different from the norm. |
F | |
Facility Check | System which identifies if CenturyLink has necessary cabling, wiring and central office equipment available to provide service to a specific address. |
FAQ | (Frequently Asked Question) Files that answer commonly asked questions Internet-related topics. |
FBC | (Facility Based Carrier) A carrier that uses its own facilities to provide service. |
FCC | (Federal Communications Commission) The federal agency responsible for establishing rules, laws and mandates which must be followed by regulated telecommunications companies. |
FG-A | Feature Group A |
FG-B | Feature Group B |
FG-D | Feature Group D |
FID Find | (Field Identifier) Used to identify a variety of service order components necessary for orders to flow through various systems and be worked correctly. |
File Server | A computer running processes to provide files for remote user systems. |
Flex ANI | The software used to deploy & transmit PSDs. |
FOC | (Firm Order Confirmation) The date confirmation of the Interexchange Carrier’s firm order request is provided to the customer. It provides the schedule of dates committed to by CenturyLink for the provisioning of the service requested. The FOC interval starts on the date when a complete and accurate Access Service Request (ASR) is received. |
Foreign Exchange Service | Refers to telephone exchange service furnished to a customer through a Central Office of an exchange other than the exchange in which the customer is physically located. |
FOT | (Fiber Optic Terminal) Connects optical fiber to copper wire. |
FRS | Frame Relay Service |
Full Duplex | Simultaneous two-way communication path. |
FX | (Foreign Exchange) A telephone service that operates as though it is a local switched line rather than one provided by a distant central office. |
G | |
GTT | (Global Title Translation) is a process that allows dialed digits to be translated into a network node address and an application address. The process is performed in the SS7 network by the STP. |
Gopher | Internet browsing and searching database available to the public. |
H | |
Hz | (Hertz) A measurement of electromagnetic waveform energy. The number of cycles, or complete waves, that pass a reference point per second, where one hertz equals one cycle per second. |
HICAP | (High-Capacity Service) CenturyLink's dedicated transport service designed to send large volumes of voice and/or data at 1.544 megabits per second or higher. |
Home Page | The first screen page a user sees when visiting a World Wide Web site. |
Host | A computer connected directly to the Internet; a service provider's computer |
Hub | A designated Wire Center at which bridging, multiplexing or connections to other services are performed. |
Hyperlink | Internet term for a word, group of words or graphic that a user clicks a mouse button on. The user is taken to a related piece of information on the network. |
Hypertext | A system in which documents contain links that allow readers to move between areas of documents, following subjects in a variety of paths. |
I | |
IAC | (Infrastructure Availability Center) The entrance point into the network infrastructure provisioning process for Wholesale Account Management for all Bona Fide Requests (BFRs). |
ICAL | (Interexchange Carrier Access Line) is a PAL used primarily by IXCs to connect their coinless phones to the LEC network. |
ICS | (InterCompany Settlement) using CMDS transmission and CATS (Calling Card and Third Number) Settlement. |
IDDD | (International Direct Distance Dialing) Refers to dial-up calls placed to locations outside the United States. |
IFE | (Integrated Front End) A service order input system used in the three CenturyLink regions. IFE downloads orders into the various service order processors such as SOLAR, CORD and SOPAD. |
ILEC(s) | (Independent Local Exchange Carriers(s)) Local telephone businesses. These companies are the historical "Independents" who operate a local telephone business in non-CenturyLink territory. We interface with approximately 500 ILECs, who range in size from very small (less than 10 access lines) to very large (larger than CenturyLink). |
Inside Wiring | Wiring within a customer's premises that is used for internal communications or to connect CPE to the network interface. |
Interexchange | Communication between two different LATAs. |
InterLATA | Communication between two different LATAs. |
Internet | Worldwide, interconnected networks. Through the use of gateways that convert formats and protocols between networks, the internet appears as a single network, with hosts and interconnected networks appearing as interconnected hosts. |
IntraLATA | Communication within a Local Access Transport Area (LATA). |
IP | (Internet Protocol) Defines the unit of information passed between systems that provides a basis packet delivery service. |
IP Address | A 32-bit address assigned to a host. The IP address has a host component and network component. IP format may look like this: 148.123. 45.201. |
IPP | (Independent Payphone Provider) A provider of CPE coin telephones and services. These companies may use CenturyLink public access lines or they may purchase local access from another provider. |
IRRG | (Interconnect and Resale Resource Guide) explains the steps you need to take in order to do business with CenturyLink. The types of business explained in the guide are as a Facility-Based Provider, also known as a Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC), and a Reseller. The IRRG is located here: |
ISC | (Interconnect Services Center) Part of the Carrier Division, this department manages service non-complex order requests for CLECs. |
ISCP | Integrated Services Control Panel |
ISDN | Integrated Switched Digital Network |
ISP | (Internet Service Provider) is a company which provides internet services |
IXC | (Interexchange Carrier) Any individual, partnership, association, joint-stock company, trust, governmental entity or corporation engaged for hire in interstate or foreign communication by wire or radio between two or more exchanges. |
J | |
Jeopardy | A condition that endangers the completion of scheduled provisioning processes, e.g., no facilities available. |
K | |
K | One thousand. See kilobit. |
Kbpst | (KKilobit) A measurement for data transmission. One kilobit is 1,000 bits per second. |
kHz | (kHzKilohertz) Equals 1,000 hertz (1,000 cycles per second.) |
L | |
LAN | (Local Area Network) A group of computers connected for the purpose of sharing resources. |
LATA | (Local Access and Transport Area) Denotes a geographical area established for the provision and administration of communications service. It encompasses one or more designated exchanges, which are grouped to serve common social, economic, and other purposes. |
LCA | (Local Calling Area) Defines the area(s) a customer can call without toll charges being incurred. |
LERG | (Local Exchange Routing Guide) Telcordia Technology's document that identifies ends offices and their relationship to Tandem offices. |
LFACS | (Loop Facilities Assignment and Control Center) System which assigns outside plant facilities, based on the type of service (design vs. non-design) requested and the serving central office and its wire center. |
LIDB | (Line Identification Database) The Common Channel signaling system process of validating queries to determine the existence of data. Services include validation of the CenturyLink calling card; determination of billed lines that automatically reject or accept verification of certain calls billed as collect or bill-to-third party; determination of whether the billed line is a CenturyLink public or semi-public pay telephone; and, determination of the status of Central Office codes as active or vacant. |
Line-Side Connection | A connection of transmission path to the line-side of a local exchange switching system. |
LNP | Local Number Portability |
LNPAs | Local Number Portability Administrators |
LOA (Exclusive) | (Letter of Agency) Written by a customer authorizing a specific inter-connector to act exclusively on behalf of the customer when requesting CPNI or service order activity. The letter may have a set time frame or may be open ended. |
LOA (Individual) | (Letter of Agency) The customers written or recorded authorization for an interconnector to act on behalf of the customer when requesting CPNI or service order activity. A customer may have Individual Letters of Agency signed with various providers. |
Local Loop | The circuit between an end user's phone or terminal and the equipment at the local serving Central Office. Also called local access. |
LONAL | (Local Off Network Access Line) Similar to Foreign Exchange Service, this line terminates local calls from an end user's private network. |
LRAC | (Local Resource Administration Center) Builds technician logs, monitors the work order to a technician. |
LSR | 1. (Local Service Request) a form requesting transfer
of or change to existing service. 2. (Leaf Setup Request) refers to a new multi-point connection in ATM |
M | |
M | One million. |
MAN | (Metropolitan Area Network) LANs interconnected within approxi-mately a 50 mile radius. |
Mbps | (Megabits) A measurement of data transmission. One megabit equals 1 million bits per second. |
MF | (Multifrequency) Having more than one frequency. |
MOP | Method of Procedure |
MOU | (Minutes of Use) The conversation time or the period of time from return of answer supervision to receipt of disconnect supervision, over Switched Access Service. |
MPOP | (Minimum Point of Presence) The point at which the line enters the facility. The Demarc is located next to the MPOP. |
MPTS | (Multiple POP Tandem Sectorization) A tandem routing option on originating Feature Group C and D service that allows customers to balance call volumes. |
MSAs | Metropolitan Statistical Areas |
MTSO | Mobile Telephone Switching Office |
Multimedia | Computer systems providing audio, video and data. |
MUX | (Multiplexer) Devise combining two or more signals into a single composite data stream for transmission on a single channel. |
MUXing | Multiplexing, to transmit more than one signal over a single channel. |
N | |
Narrowband | Transmission speeds less than 1.544 Mbps. |
NANC | North American Numbering Council |
NANP | North American Numbering Plan |
NANPA | North American Numbering Plan Administration |
NASC | Number Administration Service Center (800/888/887 database) |
NCTE | (Network Channel Terminating Equipment) Customer Premises Equipment used with CenturyLinks Switched Digital Service. |
NDM | (Network Data Mover) File transmission protocol software. |
Network | The set of switches, circuits, trunks and software that make up a telecommunications facility. |
Node | An entity that accesses a network. |
NPA | (Numbering Plan Area) North American area codes, three digits. |
NPAC | Number Portability Administration Center |
NR1 | A charge code that permits a specified non-recurring charge to be billed which is different from the tariff rate. |
NXX | The first three characters of a seven digit telephone number. |
O | |
OBF | Ordering and Billing Forum |
OC&C | (Other Charges and Credits) The portion of a customer telephone bill that itemizes work done charges for that billing period. |
OCN | Operating Company Number |
(Online Dispute Management) Is a common Web portal accessed via the Remote Control ordering system that allows CenturyLink Wholesale national customers to enter, submit, view, update, and cancel billing disputes. |
ONA | (Open Network Architecture) A reconfiguration of CenturyLink's network whereby the Basic Service Elements of the switched network would be offered, for a price, to providers of Enhanced Services. |
ONAL | (Off-Network Access Line) Similar to Foreign Exchange Service, this line terminates LATA-wide calls from an end user's private network. |
ONI | Operator Number Identification. |
Outside Plant | The connection from a customer's premises to CenturyLink's Central Office. Outside plant can be several different technologies, including cable, copper wire or fiber, depending on the type of service at the customer's location. |
P | |
PAL | Public Access Line |
PBX | Private Branch Exchange |
PC | (Personal Computer) A computer system used primarily by one person. |
PCS | Personal Communications Service |
PMC | Public Mobile Carrier |
POA | (Proof of Agency) A form signed by both a customer and a reseller that provides written authority for the reseller to act on behalf of the customer when ordering wholesale resale services. |
Point-to-Point | A type of connection that links two, and only two, logical entities directly, with no intermediate processing nodes or computers. |
POP | (Point-of-Presence) A physical location which is usually a building where the Interexchange Carrier system is interconnected with the Local Exchange Carrier Network. |
POT | (Point-of-Termination) A designated point at or near a customer-designated premise at which the telephone company's responsibility for the provision of access service ends. Also called POP (Point-of-Presence.) |
POTS | (Plain Old Telephone Service) |
Primary Path | The preferred route from one switched node to another. |
Product Pricer | A web-based management tool that allows customers to obtain and save a price quote for unregulated leased local access, unregulated private line services, unregulated CenturyLink local broadband services, customer provided access (CPA) and regulated private line services. |
Product Overview | A brief definition of a product and/or service used in written methods and procedures. |
Protocol | Formal set of rules for the format, sequencing, error control and timing of information sent on a data network. |
PSC | Public Services Commission (Same as PUC) |
PSD | (Payphone Specific Digit) As mandated by the FCC, a is
transmitted on PAL lines to IXCs for purposes of Dial Around
Compensation. Flex ANI technology allows
CenturyLink central office switches to transmit the "29" (Inmate Phone) or "70" (Public Phone) digits on Basic PALs. |
PSP | A Payphone Service Provider or 'vendor'. |
PSTN | Public Switched Telephone Network |
PTN | Public telephone network. |
PUC | Public Utilities Commission |
Q | |
QPF | (Quotation Preparation Fee) Denotes the fee for the work activities performed by CenturyLink to provide to a Carrier a quotation for Virtual Expanded Interconnection/ Collocation. |
R | |
RA Date | On treatable bills, the date the CenturyLink billing system formats a reminder notice which is mailed to a customer advising of an over due bill. A "pay by" date is indicated on the notice. |
RAM | (Random Access Memory) The part of a computer's memory that stores information temporarily while the information is being used. |
Rate Center | Specified geographical coordinate location used for determining mileage. |
RB Date | On treatable bills, the date the CenturyLink billing system notifies the collection office to contact the customer by telephone regarding an over due bill. |
RBOC | (Regional Bell Operating Company) One of the seven "Baby Bell" companies established by the 1982 Modified Final Judgement that specified the terms for AT&T divestiture, e.g., CenturyLink, Ameritech, Nynex. |
RDBS | Routing Data Base System |
RFS | Ready For Service |
RHS | Regional Holding Company |
Resellers | These companies resell CenturyLink services to both residence and business customers. The type of products that are resold go from simple 1FR/1FBs to very complex Centrex systems and Frame Relay. Most of these customers have interconnection agreements with CenturyLink that allow them a wholesale discount on services the purchase from CenturyLink to resell to their end-user. |
R/O | (Read Only) Data that cannot be modified by the reader. |
ROM | (Read Only Memory) Memory whose contents may be read but not changed. Used for storing firmware and remains even when the computer's power is off. |
Router | System that controls message distribution between multiple optional paths. Routing protocols are used to gain information about the network and select the best path. |
ROW | Rights of Way |
RSA | Repair Service Attendant |
RSS | (Regional Subscription System) The system by which CenturyLink processes Equal Access information that allows end users to obtain service from their Interexchange Carrier of Choice. |
S | |
SCID | (Sonet Carrier ID) Identifier that a CenturyLink Engineer assigns for TIRKS data. It identifies the carrier and location of the carriers equipment. |
SCP | (Service/Signal Control Point) A part of SS7. A SCP is usually a host computer with databases. |
SDC | (Service Delivery Coordinator) Also, formerly known as System Design Center. Now Custom Solutions & Implementation. |
SDS | (Switched Digital Service) A data transport service
offered by
CenturyLink that lets end users establish digital connections to multiple locations through the public switched network. |
Selective Carrier Denial | A service that restricts an end user from placing 1+, 0+, 00- and 10XXX calls from each restricted Feature Group D line. |
Server | A remote computer that provides information accessible across a network. |
Serving Wire Center | Denotes the CenturyLink office from which dial tone for local exchange service would normally be provided to the customer premises. |
Slam | Changing a customer's interexchange carrier without permission. |
SMDS | (Switched Multi- Megabit Data Service) Wide area, public packet data service encompassing high-performance information transport. |
SONET | (Synchronous Optical Network) Standards and supporting technologies allowing for optical interfaces at both ends of an optical fiber; also connects equipment from different suppliers. |
SOPS | (Service Order Process System) Generic term for the variety of service order distribution systems, e.g., SOPAD, SOLAR. |
SS7 | (Signaling System 7) Addressing protocol that speeds call processing by operating out of band. |
SSP | Service Switching Ports. |
STP | 1. Shielded Twisted Pair. 2. Switching Transfer Points or Single Transfer Points, part of SS7. STPs are packet switches. |
Shared Tenant Service; Synchronous Transport Signals; Serving Translation Scheme. |
SWC | Serving Wire Center |
Switch | A device, such as a PBX, that responds to originator signals and connects the caller to the desired communications destination. |
Switched DS1 | Public Switched asynchronous transmission service that allows customers to set up and take down 1.544 Mbps circuits between locations in less than 10 seconds. |
T | |
Tandems | Switches that consolidate traffic, reduce trunk group requirements, and switch interoffice traffic. They allow CenturyLink to manage the network more economically. Also referred to as "local" and "access" tandems. |
TCIF | Telecommunications Industry Forum |
Token Ring | An IBM LAN-based protocol that uses a ring shaped configuration. It has speeds of 4Mbps and 16Mbps. Data is transmitted from machine to machine with only one machine in control of the token is able to transmit. |
Traffic | The messages or calls that flow through the circuits or equipment on a communications network. The four Switched Access capacity traffic types are originating, terminating, voice data and SwitchNet 56. |
Trunk | A line which runs between two switches or swiching systems which are generally found in Central Offices and/or PBXs. |
Trunk Group | A group of circuits of a common type originating from the same location. |
Turn Up | Completion of an installation of a circuit and making it available for use by a customer. |
Twisted Pair | Two copper wires twisted to cancel their own radio frequency interference to reduce noise on the circuit. |
U | |
UDIT | Unbundled Dedicated Interoffice Transport |
UNEs | Unbundled Network Elements |
Upload | To transmit a file from one computer to another. |
User ID | A unique name or number or both associated with a user name on a computer server. |
USOC | (Universal Service Order Code) Standard code assigned to tele-communications service offerings, e.g., TFB, 9ZR. |
V | |
VCP | (Vendor Commission Plan) The CenturyLink Vendor Commission Plan allows PSP's to earn competitive commissions on local & IntraLATA 0+/0- calls routed through CenturyLink. |
V H | Vertical and horizontal grid points used to determine straight-line mileage between locations. The junction point is the called V and H coordinate. |
Voice Grade | The term applied to channels used primarily for speech transmission, generally with a frequency range of about 300 to 3,000 cycles per second (hertz.) Voice Grade channels may be used to send analog or digital data or facsimile. |
VPN | (Virtual Private Network) Permits a switched network to have special services such as abbreviated dialing. This allows an end user to call between two long distance locations without having to dial all numbers. |
W | |
WAN | (Wide Area Network) Remote computer system that allows file sharing among geographically distributed locations. Speeds are generally slower than those of LANs or MANs. |
WATS | (Wide Area Telephone Service) Normally an 800-telephone number that permits a caller to call toll free to the subscriber of the WATS service. |
Wideband | Transmission speeds between 1.544 and 155 Mbps. |
Wire Center | A building housing one or more end office and/or tandem switches. |
WSPs | Wireless Service Providers |
WWW | (World Wide Web) Internet system for hypertext linking of multimedia documents. Allows a user to travel through multiple related documents by following a chosen route by clicking on words or graphics. |