Switched Access
Course Description
This self-directed, web-based course provides you with knowledge of the CenturyLink™ Switched Access Services.
Switched Access Services (SWA) is a group of products provided within the CenturyLink QC. SWA is sold to Interexchange Carriers that wish to provide various services to their end-user customers.
For information about creating and submitting a service request, please review the Wholesale ASR Switched Access training.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this training course, you will be able to:
- Describe Switched Access Services
- Name the three major SWA Feature Groups
- Describe the options features for each Feature Group
- Explain trunkside and lineside switching connections
- Describe the major SWA Feature Groups
- Describe the rate structure
- Basic Telephony course and/or equivalent industry experience
- Knowledge of Digital technologies
- Local CenturyLink 101 "Doing Business with CenturyLink"
- Digital Data Service
- DS1
- DS3
The target audience for the training is primarily CLECs and External Customers, but the training is available to anyone that would like an overview of the subject. We believe this training will assist you in gaining a better understanding of the product and processes, and will allow you to be more effective in working with the CenturyLink Sales and Service Team.Course Length
This course takes approximately 2.5 hours to complete.Course Registration