Effective 2/3/2008, CenturyLink implemented a change to the IMA GUI and XML that allows simplified LNP validations for an end user for porting purposes when a Simple Port is involved. A Simple Port Request has been defined by the FCC as; those Ports that involve a Single Line Account only.This change supports the FCC Mandate, LNP Order FCC 07-188.
Simple Port Requests have the following restrictions; the account cannot:
Include multiple services on the Loop such as CenturyLink Broadband, or other Data services
Include Complex Switch translations such as, Centrex, DID Numbers, or AIN features
Include a line that has been Resold (No RSID or ZCID on the CSR)
Include a Remote Call Forwarding Number (i.e. Market Expansion Line)
If the Simple Port Request form is submitted and the account number has any of the restrictions listed above, the following error message will be returned:
"Account does not qualify for Simple Port Request."
Additional text will specify which restriction caused the error.
For more information on the required forms and fields, access the
LNP PCAT and the LSOG, review the sections covering Simple Port Requests.