If you are interested in doing business with CenturyLink™ as a Facility-Based Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC), click here.
If you are interested in doing business with CenturyLink™ as a Resale - Non-Facility Based Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC), click here.
If neither of these options fit your business needs, we ask that you carefully review all four business segments at www.centurylink.com to determine which channel best supports your needs. Click on one of the following links to determine which business channel to contact: CenturyLink Retail Business, CenturyLink Residential, or the CenturyLink Business Partner Program.
Minimum revenue commitments may be required to maintain support from CenturyLink Wholesale. A non-disclosure agreement ("NDA"), credit check, and references will be required prior to any service agreements, or prior to pricing being shared with the customer.
If you are an existing customer and need account assistance, visit the CenturyLink - Wholesale Team Tool (CWTT).