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Archived System CR SCR120303-01 Detail

Title: Conversions with Number Portability with Flow Through
CR Number Current Status
Level of
Release No.

SCR120303-01 Completed
5500 - 7000   3/16 Pre-Ordering, Order See CR Description for Product List
Originator: Soderlund, Crystal
Originator Company Name: Qwest Corporation
Owner: Winston, Connie
CR PM: Esquibel-Reed, Peggy
Description Of Change
REVISED 12-10-03:

Conversions for this candidate are allowed on all products with or without Number Portability requests.

Products include: Line Splitting UNE-P POTS, Line Splitting-UNE-P PBX Designed Trunks, Line Splitting UNE-P Centrex 21, Line Splitting UNE-STAR, Line Splitting UNE-STAR Centrex 21, Loop Splitting - UBL.. Conversion Activity will be allowed to and from listed products including Conversion from Retail to New UNE-P with Line Splitting with or without Number Port, Line Splitting to new UBL with Loop Splitting with or without Number Port, and Unbundled Analog Loop (LX--) to Unbundled Non-Loaded Loop (LX-N) with Loop Splitting.


Allow Conversion activity (ACT = V, or Z) for Line and Loop Splitting Conversions with Number Portability on 1 LSR and allow system flow through

Expected Deliverable:

IMA 16.0

Status History

Date Action Description
12/3/2003 CR Submitted  
12/4/2003 CR Acknowledged  
12/10/2003 Clarification Meeting Held  
12/10/2003 Additional Information Received Revision to CR Description and Impacted Products. 
12/17/2003 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the December Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see December Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment C. 
1/22/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the January Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see January Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment P 
2/4/2004 Release Ranking 16.0 Prioritization- Ranked #2 out of 50 
2/19/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the February Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the February Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachments H & J 
7/22/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the July Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see July Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment M 
8/19/2004 Qwest CR Review Meeting IMA EDI 16.0 Walk Through Held 
9/16/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the September Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the September Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment K 
9/17/2004 Communicator Issued PROS.09.17.04.F.02054.LSOG_SIG_PCAT_Updates 
10/18/2004 Status Changed Status Changed to CLEC Test Due to Deployment of the 16.0 IMA Release 
10/20/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the October Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the October Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment G 
11/17/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the November Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the November Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment G 
12/15/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the December Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the December Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment G 
1/19/2005 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the January Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the January Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment G 

Project Meetings

January 19, 2005 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: John Berard/Covad stated that CR could be closed.

December 15, 2004 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Jill Martain/Qwest stated that a question was received asking if orders have gone successfully thru flow thru. Jill stated that they have in test and noted that there have been no live orders as of yet. (Changes to meeting minutes from Covad 12/28/04) Liz Balvin/Covad asked that whether the CR should be deferred until actual production orders have gone been processed successfully. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that Qwest is okay to close the CR and if problems occur, a trouble ticket can be opened. Jill stated that the CR could also remain in CLEC Test. Liz Balvin/Covad asked that the CR remain in CLEC Test.

- December 6, 2004 Email Received from Liz Balvin, Covad: Peggy, Covad is not able to test this functionality because it does not yet submit number port orders. Can Qwest advise as to whether any orders that meet this criteria have been met and successfully flowed through? Thanks, Liz Balvin Covad Communications

- November 29, 2004 Email Sent to Liz Balvin, Covad: Hi Liz, This email is a follow-up to the November Systems CMP Meeting discussion regarding the Qwest originated CMP CR of SCR120303-01 Conversions with Number Portability with Flow Through. At the November CMP Meeting you stated that Covad just migrated to 16.0 and would like to close the CR offline. Have you had the opportunity to determine if this CR can be closed? I am not aware of any problems associated to this deployment. Please let me know if Covad is ready for the CR to close. I appreciate your time. Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest CMP CRPM

November 17, 2004 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Liz Balvin/Covad said that this CR handles migration flow through and that they just migrated this weekend. Liz said that she will advise if this CR can be closed offline.

October 20, 2004 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Connie Winston/Qwest stated that this CR was deployed with the IMA 16.0 Release and will remain in CLEC Test for validation. Liz Balvin/Covad stated that she would also check with John Berard to see if there are issues for this CR.

-- September 16, 2004 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Jill Martain/Qwest stated that this CR will deploy prior to the next monthly CMP Meeting.

Combined Overview and IMA EDI Disclosure Documentation Walkthrough for IMA EDI Release 16.0 August 19, 2004

Attendees List* Anne Robberson - Qwest Crystal Soderlund - Qwest Dave Schleicher - Qwest Dianne Friend - Time Warner Ella Diamond - MCI Ellen McArthur - Qwest Emily Bayard - Cox James McCluskey - Accenture Jen Arnold - TDSMetrocom John Hansen - Qwest Judy DeRosier - Qwest Kim Isaacs - Eschelon Kyle Kirves - Qwest Linda Miles - Qwest Lori Langston - Qwest Maria Aceno - AT&T Mark Coyne - Qwest Michael Lopez - Qwest Pat Bratetic - Qwest Phyllis Burt - AT&T Qiana Davis - Qwest Rachel Law - Fibercom Randy Owen - Qwest Shon Higer - Qwest Peggy Esquibel-Reed - Qwest Stephanie Prull - Eschelon Vicki Dryden - Qwest *List is incomplete.

1. Introductions Kyle Kirves began the meeting by taking attendance and announcing the meeting purpose. Kyle handed out agendas and copies of the candidate overview document that were distributed with the notification announcing the walkthrough (copies attached). Kyle explained that the walkthrough would cover the candidates, the candidate impacts to the associated documentation, and the IMA EDI Disclosure Documentation overview.

2. Reviews SCR 120303-01 Line and Loop Splitting Conversions with Number Portability with FTS Crystal Soderlund reviewed the information provided in the candidate overview document circulated with the meeting agenda and the meeting notification announcement. Kyle opened the floor to Questions. There were no questions. Kyle asked about PCAT updates. Vicki Dryden stated that the PCATs would include updates to products, adding options for line splitting and unbundled split. The PCATs will also add details around POTS split, star, etc. Kyle asked about GUI documentation updates. Dave Schleicher stated that the GUI document update would include notations in the release notes summarizing the changes made by the CR. There will be corresponding changes to the user guide for order and pre-order (screen captures, etc.) as necessary. There will be updates to the forms affected by implementation/rollout of the candidate.

3. IMA EDI Disclosure Documentation Review Kyle conducted the review of the IMA EDI Disclosure Documentation. The commentary and questions around this segment are captured in a separate document with the Qwest responses to CLEC comments submitted through the CMP site for the convenience of having it in one spot. Please refer to Systems Notification number SYST.09.03.04.F.02009.IMAEDI16.0FinalTech Specs for details on the location of that document.

- July 22, 2004 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Jill Martain/Qwest stated that the 16.0 Commitment List is included, in Attachment M of the July Systems CMP Distribution Package. There were no comments or questions.

-- February 19, 2004 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion Excerpt (Attachments H & J): Judy Schultz/Qwest stated that she wanted to provide an update to the funding approval process that was discussed in the January CMP Systems Meeting. Judy referred everyone to Attachment J in the Distribution Package. She stated that all CRs are being re-evaluated and must be approved. Judy said that CRs could not be scheduled without approval. Judy stated that the CRs with an impact to the IMA interface would follow the existing prioritization process. Judy noted that the funding for IMA 15.0 and IMA 16.0 has been approved, as well as funding to begin work on IMA 17.0.

January Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that this CR was a high priority for Qwest. John Berard/Covad stated that this CR was a high priority for Covad. Liz Balvin/MCI asked to confirm that with the 13.0 and 15.0 efforts, Qwest is accommodating all other activity types for the submission of a single LSR. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest responded yes. Liz Balvin/MCI asked if this Qwest CR would then cover the activities of V and Z. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest responded yes. John Berard/Covad stated that the migration document (PCAT) does not include Line Sharing with Loop Splitting. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that she has made those changes and noted that the changes would be out the following week. John Berard/Covad asked to confirm that if this CR were voted into 16.0, all migration scenarios would be covered. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest responded yes. John Berard/Covad stated that the document that Qwest has created is a great document. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that this CR would allow combining LSR types; a new header would be developed in IMA.

December 17, 2003 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Connie Winston/Qwest stated that this CR was the CR that Liz Balvin (MCI) was referring to, in conjunction with her MCI CR of SCR120303-02. This CR is currently in Evaluation status.

-- CLARIFICATION MEETING - December 10, 2003 SCR120303-02 Allow single LSR to convert Analog Loop to NonLoaded (2 or 4 wire) or ADSL UBL (Unbundled loop) with Loop Splitting / Submitted by MCI SCR120303-01 Line and Loop Splitting Conversions with Number Portability with Flow Through / Submitted by Qwest

ATTENDEES: Liz Balvin/MCI, Chad Warner/MCI, Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest, Conrad Evans/Qwest, Crystal Soderlund/Qwest, Robert Hercher/Qwest, Sandy Heimann/Qwest, Jim Recker/Qwest, Heidi Moreland

PURPOSE: Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest stated that the call was for clarification of 2 CMP CRs and to determine if Qwest’s SCR120303-01 would meet MCIs SCR120303-02 request.

REVIEW CR DESCRIPTION: SCR120303-02 Allow single LSR to convert Analog Loop to NonLoaded (2 or 4 wire) or ADSL UBL (Unbundled loop) with Loop Splitting Qwest currently requires CLECs to submit two LSRs to provision an Unbundled Loop with Loop Splitting when the existing loop is analog. MCI requests Qwest provide the ability to submit a single LSR to convert an Analog Loop to Non-Loaded (2 or 4 wire) or ADSL qualified UBL and add Loop Splitting. Expected Deliverable is that CLECs accomplish converting end user’s with analog loops to unbundled loop with loop splitting on a single LSR.

SCR120303-01 Line and Loop Splitting Conversions with Number Portability with Flow Through requesting to allow Conversion activity (ACT = V, or Z) for Line and Loop Splitting Conversions with Number Portability on 1 LSR and allow system flow through. Expected Deliverable is IMA 16.0.


CONFIRMED PRODUCTS: SCR120303-02 (MCIs): UNE SCR120303-01 (Qwests): Line Splitting, Loop Splitting

ADDITIONAL DISCUSSION: Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest asked Liz/MCI and Crystal/Qwest if they had additional information to provide regarding their requests. Liz Balvin/MCI stated that she needs to be sure what Qwest views as an analog line. Liz stated that MCI sees UNE-P provisioned services as analog and UBL as analog. Liz stated that is regardless of what products are being converted from. Liz stated that she needs to be able to convert to UBL with Loop Splitting. Chad Warner/MCI stated that in the Loop Splitting PCAT it states that if the loop is analog, they need to convert to 2 or 4 wire or to ADSL and would need to add loop splitting. Chad stated that another issue is converting analog loop, UNE-P POTS (2 wire analog) needs to be covered. Chad stated that UNE-P POTS to Loop Splitting needs to be 1 LSR. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that she issued the Qwest CR because Qwest agreed to allow DSL if there is a quealified loop. Crystal stated that her CR is for the scenario of UNE-P to Loop Splitting via 1 LSR. Crystal noted would be able to do for only the ACTs of V or Z, and only if is a DSL qualified loop. Crystal stated that if not a qualified loop, would need to first be qualified via the conditioning process. Liz Balvin/MCI asked to clarify that DSL needs to be qualified. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that the facility would be reused because would know it to be qualified. Liz Balvin/MCI asked for an order for UBL with loop splitting and is existing UNE-P POTS with line splitting, the facilities would be used. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that that scenario would be more complex and stated that it would be covered in the training. Crystal noted that it would be considered a new product and would be covered in the training. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that this would enable UBL information on the loop service form and the adding of POTS splitter on 1 LSR. Liz Balvin/MCI stated that she thinks we are on the same page and stated that it looks to be a new way to place an order. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that IMA currently does not allow to add a new form. Crystal stated that training would cover this. Liz Balvin/MCI asked if this is a new product with pricing and Interconnection Agreement amendments.. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest responded no. Liz Balvin/MCI asked if this is just to be able to link forms in IMA. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest responded yes and stated that if have an UBL contract and a loop splitting contract, would be submitted as UBL split. Liz Balvin/MCI asked if she would need to certify for that. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that she would check into that and have that information as part of the training. Liz Balvin/MCI stated that if she looks at these 2 CRs, the difference is the Qwest CR is for Line & Loop Splitting and MCIs is for all UNEs. Liz asked that if UNE-P POTS is just that, with no DSL, the UNE could alresdy be conditioned. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest responded as long as the DSL is qualified, they can do that. Liz Balvin/MCI stated that if add UNE to the Qwest CR, MCI’s need would be met. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that she could revise her CR to include conversion of LX- - to LX-N. Crystal noted that PCAT changes would also need to be made. Crystal stated that with 16.0, if you take an existing analog loop and it is DSL capable, you would be able to submit via 1-LSR. Crystal stated that if is not DSL capable, the CLEC would first need to make it DSL capable. Liz Balvin/MCI asked if this is done via the Loop Qual query. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated yes. Liz Balvin/MCI asked that if she wants to determine prior to order submission, how would she know if 2/4 wire loaded or if loop qualified versus DSL qualified. Chad Warner/MCI stated that the Raw Loop Data Tool gives the loop makeup but he would not know if 2 or 4 wire. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that it does not matter if 2 or 4 wir. Liz Balvin/MCI stated that she believes the MCI CR to be different than the Qwest CR. Liz stated that it would be hard for the CLECs to identify if 2 or 4 wire. Liz Balvin/MCI stated that they can now submit UNE-P POTS on a single LSR but that the interval changes. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that the voice and data are provisioned to be the same but that the voice can be held-up. Liz Balvin/MCI stated that the analog loop definition makes her CR different than the Qwest CR. Liz stated that she is not sure if she is comfortable on how the CLECs would identify ahead of time if is DSL qualified. Jim Recker/Qwest stated that Qwest provides the loop make-up to the CLECs. Liz Balvin/MCI asked if the tool states if is qualified. Jim Recker/Qwest stated that the tool states why is not qualified. Chad Warner/MCI asked if UNE-P with Loop Splitting would be documented. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated yes, when talking conversion activities. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that the reason that DSL needs to be qualified is due to holding the voice in order to get data in. Liz Balvin/MCI stated that wants to make sure that her CR isn’t withdrawn if these CRs are different. Liz agreed that Line Splitting on UNE-P POTS is covered. Liz stated that she needs to determine if UBL is covered. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that if is not qualified, the CLEC would need to submit an LSR to qualify it. Liz Balvin/MCI asked Chad Warner/MCI if he would prefer to wait until documentation comes out before they withdraw their MCI CR. Chad Warner/MCI stated that did not know what the process was. Chad asked that for UNE-P to UNE-P with Line Splitting, the loop needs to be conditioned first with no extra charge and is a 1 LSR process. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest responded, correct, and noted that the voice would be in so it would not be held up. Chad Warner/MCI asked to clarify that if new or conversion, if existing UNE-P and wants to convert to loop splitting, they first need to make sure is conditioned/qualified and if it is, is 1 LSR. If not, is 2 LSRs. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest responded yes. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that if is not qualified, Qwest would jeop it back due to DSL not being qualified and 2 LSRs would be needed. Chad Warner/MCI asked if UNE-P and adding Line Splitting would be 1 LSR. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest responded yes because the voice is already in. Chad Warner/MCI asked if UNE-P to Loop Splitting. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that if DSL qualified it would be 1 LSR. If not qualified, it would need to be qualified 1st, then Loop Splitting could be added. Heidi Moreland/Qwest stated that the origination of the voice would change: for UNE-P, the voice would be from the Qwest switch. UNE-P with Line Splitting is just adding data. For Loop Splitting, the CLEC provides voice from the CLEC switch, not a Qwest switch. Chad Warner/MCI stated that he now understood. Liz Balvin/MCI asked if have conversion at the same time, a UNE-P POTS and Line Splitting, it would be 1 LSR. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that conversion of UNE-P POTS and adding Line Splitting is 1 LSR if DSL is qualified. Liz Balvin/MCI asked if it mattered if line or loop splitting, either has to be qualified. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest stated that if have UNE-P to UNE-P with line splitting, yes. If no UNE-P & need UNE-P with Line Splitting, needs to be DSL qualified. Liz Balvin/MCI stated that it sounds like Qwest would deny her CR any way due to the conditioning process. Crystal Soderlund/Qwest responded probably. There were no additional questions. Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest stated that she needed to clarify previous statements that the Qwest CR changes would take place in 16.0. Peggy stated that the timeframe for the changes is dependant on the 16.0 prioritization outcome and if the candidate gets ranked high eough to move forward. Liz Balvin/MCI asked if this was an SCRP CR. Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest responded no, not at this time. Liz Balvin/MCI stated that she would discuss these CRs with her internal team and advise if MCI would withdraw SCR120303-02. There were no additional comments or questions. ACTION PLAN: Both CRs are scheduled for presentation at the December Systems CMP Meeting, by the CR originators.

CenturyLink Response

Revised Draft Response

January 12, 2004

RE: SCR120303-01 Conversions with Number Portability with Flow Through

Qwest has further reviewed the information submitted as part of Change Request SCR120303-01. Based upon the scope of this CR, Qwest is able to provide an estimated Level of Effort (LOE) of 5500 to 7000 hours for this IMA Change Request. Impacts to SATE are 750 to 850 hours for this change request.

This Change Request is an eligible candidate for the IMA 16.0 prioritization vote.

Sincerely, Qwest

-- DRAFT RESPONSE December 10, 2003

RE: SCR120303-01 (Line and Loop Splitting Conversions with Number Portability with Flow Through)

Qwest has reviewed the information submitted as part of Change Request SCR120303-01. Based upon research that has been conducted following the Clarification Meeting (held December 10, 2003) Qwest is still examining the issue. Qwest will continue to research the problem and provide an updated response at the January Systems CMP Meeting.

At the December Monthly Systems CMP Meeting, CMP participants will be given the opportunity to comment on this Change Request and provide additional clarifications. Qwest is interested in the experiences of the CMP community as relates to this issue. Qwest will incorporate any feedback received at the next Monthly Systems CMP Meeting into further evaluation of this Change Request.

Sincerely, Qwest

Information Current as of 1/11/2021