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Archived System CR SCR112003-04 Detail

Title: Bill all UNEs
CR Number Current Status
Level of
Release No.

SCR112003-04 Denied
-   11/ EEL (UNE-C), Loop MUX Combo
Originator Company Name: Cbeyond Communications
Owner: Winston, Connie
CR PM: Stecklein, Lynn
Description Of Change
UNE combinations inappropriately billed in CRIS

Expected Deliverables

Move UNE Combo billing from CRIS to IABS with CSR data populated

Status History

Date Action Description
11/20/2003 CR Submitted  
11/21/2003 CR Acknowledged  
11/24/2003 Clarification Meeting Scheduled  
12/4/2003 Clarification Meeting Held  
12/5/2003 Status Changed Status changed to clarification 
12/11/2003 Draft Response Issued  
12/11/2003 Status Changed Status changed to evaluation 
12/17/2003 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the December Monthly CMP Meeting - See attachment B 
1/15/2004 Status Changed Status changed to denied 
1/23/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the December CMP Systems Meeting - See attachment G 
3/4/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the February CMP Systems Meeting - See attachment G 
4/12/2004 Qwest Response Issued High Level LOE provided in revised denial response 
4/22/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the April CMP Systems Meeting - See attachment G 
5/20/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the Systems CMP Meeting - See May Systems Distribution Package, Attachment G 
6/17/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the June Systems CMP Meeting - See June Systems Distribution Package, Attachment G 

Project Meetings

July 15, 2004 No dissent to close received, CR Closed in Denied Status.

-- July 9, 2004 Email Sent to Cbeyond: Tom and Morgan, This email is a follow-up to the email that was sent to you on June 23, 2004. To date, Qwest still has not received any additional questions or comments from Cbeyond regarding the Denial of the 2 Systems CMP CRs specified in the June 23rd email. This leads Qwest to believe that Cbeyond is in agreement to close the 2 CRs. Please advise me no later than July 13, 2004 if you disagree and the CRs should not yet close. If you feel that there open issues, please forward them to me for resolution. If I do not receive your dissent to close, the 2 CRs will be closed on July 14, 2004. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest CMP CRPM - Systems

-- June 23, 2004 Email Sent to Cbeyond: Tom and Morgan, This email is in reference to 2 Systems CMP CRs listed below: SCR112003-01 Correct Circuit ID Field on CRIS Bills SCR112003-04 Bill all UNEs These CRs were being addressed by Stephan Calhoun, whom I understand has left Cbeyond’s employment. These CRs were denied by Qwest in January 2004. Since that time Stephan had asked Qwest for some additional information, which was provided to him. During the April Systems CMP Meeting Stephan stated that he had additional questions for Qwest and would forward them to me for response. Qwest contacted Stephan numerous times in order to obtain his list of questions, with no response from him. At this time, Qwest would like to ask both of you if Cbeyond has additional questions regarding either of these denials. If you do, please forward them to me and we will be happy to address them. If Cbeyond has no additional questions, please advise if you agree that the CRs can be closed. A copy of the CRs are attached for your review. I appreciate your prompt response. Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest CMP CRPM - Systems

6/17/04 Systems CMP Meeting

Connie Winston/Qwest stated that Qwest has attempted to contact Cbeyond to discuss this CR and have not been successful. Susie Bliss/Qwest stated that Qwest has escalated to Cbeyond’s Service Management Team.

5/20/04 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Connie Winston/Qwest stated that we are still trying to contact Cbeyond to get their list of questions.

4/22/04 CMP Systems Meeting Connie Winston/Qwest stated that the additional information for the denial is included in the CR. Connie stated that it is a high level roll-up of the cost, which is the reason for denial. Connie stated that additional text was also included in the denial letters. Stephan Calhoun/Cbeyond stated that they appreciate the additional detail. Liz Balvin/MCI stated that Qwest needs to make sure that when a denial takes place, that the CLECs understand how Qwest came up with economically infeasible. Stephan Calhoun/Cbeyond stated that Qwest’s justification for not needing to provide the circuit ID on EDI bills is that the circuit ID is already on the CSR. Stephan stated that the CSR is not in the EDI format. Stephan stated that Qwest cannot make the justification because it is not in the same format as the bill. Stephan stated that he can see the argument if receives the ASCII bill but the CSR is not available in EDI format. Liz Balvin/MCI stated that she does not understand the concern. Stephan Calhoun/Cbeyond stated that the request is for EDI format. Liz Balvin/MCI stated that CRIS does not have the circuit ID but noted that Qwest does house the information somewhere. Stephan Calhoun/Cbeyond stated that CRIS does have the circuit ID and he would get it if he received ASCII. Connie Winston/Qwest stated that Qwest was asked to provide additional information regarding the cost, which is what this discussion should be, and noted that the billing expert was not asked to join today’s call. Connie stated that a meeting would be scheduled to further discuss this. Liz Balvin/MCI stated that Qwest needs to look alternative solutions for EDI format to satisfy Cbeyonds business need. Stephan Calhoun/Cbeyond stated that this is an EDI format issue vs. an ASCII format issue. Stephan asked why the CSR is updated if it is not part of the bill, it is a separate document. Stephan also asked why the service order systems need changes. Stephan asked that if the circuit IDs are changed in the billing systems, how can Qwest allow the circuit IDs to not match in ordering and billing. Connie Winston/Qwest stated that the ordering system does link to the billing system. Kit Thomte/Qwest asked that Stephan Calhoun (Cbeyond) email his questions to Peggy Esquibel-Reed at Qwest. Stephan Calhoun/Cbeyond agreed to email the questions to Peggy and stated that during yesterday’s meeting, the CLECs were concerned that the Qwest billing systems do not reflect the ordering systems. Stephan stated that there could be a bigger problem that the other CR has uncovered, that the billing circuit ID is different than the circuit ID on the order. Stephan stated that the CLECs cannot audit for that. Connie Winston/Qwest stated that she would catch-up with what the discussion was in yesterday’s meeting. Connie Winston/Qwest stated that the next steps are that Cbeyond will email their questions to Peggy Esquibel-Reed at Qwest, and then a meeting will be scheduled with the Business and IT to discuss SCR112003-01 and SCR112003-04. There were no additional questions or comments. This CR remains open.

May 3, 2004 Email Sent to Cbeyond: Good Morning Stephan, This email is a follow-up to the discussion that took place at the April Systems CMP Meeting surrounding the CMP CRs listed below: SCR112003-01 Correct Circuit ID Field on CRIS Bills SCR112003-04 Bill all UNEs

During the discussion, you had additional questions regarding the denials for these CRs and it was asked if you could send those questions to me for investigation. I have not received those questions and want to make sure that you have my email address. The email address is Peggy.Esquibel-Reed@qwest.com Upon receipt of your questions; we will investigate and then would like to schedule a meeting with you to talk about these CRs.

Thank you, Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest CMP CRPM - Systems

April 12, 2004 (Original denial dated January 15, 2004)

Morgan Halliday Cbeyond Communications

This letter is in response to CLEC Change Request number SCR112003-04, dated 11/20/03, titled: Bill all UNEs.

CR Description: UNE combinations inappropriately billed in CRIS. Move UNE Combo billing from CRIS to IABS with CSR data populated.

History: A clarification meeting was held on December 4, 2003 with Cbeyond and Qwest representation. At this meeting the request was reviewed and no further questions were required.

Qwest Response: Qwest has completed an analysis for SCR112003-04, Bill all UNEs, and has determined that this change is economically not feasible. This change would require system re-architecture not only to the billing system but to Qwest’s front end systems as well. Through Qwest’s analysis it was determined that the estimate for the initial implementation of this change would be at least $17 million. Qwest believes that to implement such a change to Qwest systems would be cost prohibitive. However, Qwest currently provides billing of UNEs from CRIS and offers the IABS-BOS format of the bill and CSR. Qwest is denying your request for SCR112003-04, Bill all UNEs, due to economic infeasibility.

Requested Qwest Supplemental Information Below is a high level itemization of the $17,000,000.00 LOE for this request. The complexity and cost for this request spans the entire LSR system flow. IMA would need to be enhanced to retrieve, parse and display an IABS CSR. IMA and downstream OSS edits and business rules would need to be reviewed and modified as appropriate. The logic in the Service Order Processors would have to be revised to allow for distribution to the appropriate billing systems. The billing environments would have to be enhanced to allow for customers to migrate between resale (CRIS) and UNE (IABS). An extensive conversion process would have to be run to move the current UNE accounts from CRIS to IABS, as well as caring for the in flight service orders in the service order processors. This would also necessitate modification of the business procedures and documentation and the retraining of business personnel.

Summary of LOE Billing Systems Changes $9,646,911.00 Ordering Systems Changes $2,958,386.00 Architecture $836,066.00 Business Process Changes $1,800,755.00 Invoice System Changes $493,065.00 Message Distribution Changes $1,264,817.00 TOTAL $17,000,000.00



3/18/04 CMP Systems Meeting

Cbeyond Communications was not present on the conference bridge. Connie Winston/Qwest stated that Qwest is compiling the additional detail requested and would be providing a read-out to Cbeyond.

2/19/04 CMP Systems Meeting John Gallegos/Qwest stated that Qwest is working on the additional detail requested in regard to the denial. John stated that the denial letter would be appended to include the additional information. John also stated that the BOSS output today does not include EEL, Loop MUX Combo products. John also requested that Stephan send examples of what they want to see with this request. Stephan Calhoun/Cbeyond stated that he would send examples. Stephan Calhoun/Cbeyond stated that he was looking for detail on the denial and asked when he would receive a response. John Gallegos/Qwest stated that a response would be sent by March 3, 2004.

1/22/04 CMP systems meeting Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that this CR is Denied based on economic infeasibility. Stephan Calhoun/Cbeyond stated that the title should say ‘in IABS’ and stated that he wants all information on 1 bill. Stephan stated that the IABS bill does include the CSR. Liz Balvin/MCI stated that UNE-P and UBL are in CABS BOS format but that it does no good if they are limited in pulling information from CRIS. Liz stated that they need all products in CABS BOS format. Stephan Calhoun/Cbeyond stated that he felt that the $17M LOE appears to be a little steep and would like to understand how Qwest arrived at this figure. Stephan stated that he believed that a new system could be implemented for that amount. Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that CABS was implemented for Access and in reality we are looking at hundreds of millions of dollars and not just the $17M. Lynn stated that the analysis done includes implementation, transition and maintenance costs. Lynn stated that UNE-P and UBL is work out of CRIS and not billed out of IABS. Liz Balvin/MCI stated that Qwest validates the bill prior to sending to the CLECs. Liz said that Qwest needs to be able to figure out what is billed is what was ordered and that the CLECs need visibility to that. Stephan Calhoun/Cbeyond stated that there is a distinction in the description of the CR and what Liz Balvin/MCI is saying. Steve said that if in the clarification call Cbeyond heard that there were two different paths, they might have taken a different direction. Stephan asked for clarification on whether the information from CRIS is separate. Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that if you are looking at producing a BOS format for Loop MUX combo, that is an option. Lynn stated that we need to understand what information Cbeyond needs besides the CSR Stephan Calhoun/Cbeyond said that they can work through the details but needs to be able to understand what information is coming through. Stephan stated that the EDI version of the CRIS bill does not reflect everything on the CRIS bill. Stephan said that he needs to understand how it would change and what they would see before he could answer that question. Judy Schultz/Qwest stated that we need to schedule another clarification call. Judy said that we need to understand the gaps between what you need and what you are receiving. Stephan Calhoun/Cbeyond asked if CRIS and the CSR are separate. Connie Winston/Qwest said that CRIS produces the CSR. Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that there might not be a one for one match on fields. Stephan Calhoun/Cbeyond asked if Cbeyond should wait for Qwest to schedule the clarification call and should he send examples. Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that any information they could provide prior to the call would be very helpful and that Lynn Stecklein (Qwest) would schedule the call. Liz Balvin/MCI stated that she will take this information back to MCI and will also look for UBL examples. Judy Schultz/Qwest said that if the CLECs could provide specific examples and information concerning what they are looking for it would be very helpful in the analysis. Connie Winston/Qwest stated that the clarification call will be scheduled with Cbeyond and that Cbeyond can invite the other CLECs.

January 16, 2004 Email Sent to Morgan Halliday, Cbeyond: Morgan, Attached is a copy of your CMP CRs, SCR112003-01 Correct Circuit ID Field on CRIS Bills and SCR112003-04 Bill all UNEs. Within each document is Qwest's Response. The response is located in the Qwest Response Section of each CR. These CRs will be included in the January 22, 2004 Systems CMP Meeting Distribution Package, Attachment G. If you have questions or comments in regard to these denial's, please send them to me in an email prior to next weeks meeting. This will allow us time to research your questions and provide you with a response, to your questions, at the January CMP Meeting. You can also bring questions or comments forward at that meeting. Thank You, Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest CMP CRPM -- Systems

- 12/17/03 CMP Systems Meeting

Tom Hyde/Cbeyond Communications presented this CR. Tom stated that this CR is requesting that Qwest move UNE combinations from CRIS to IABS with CSR data populated. Tom stated that if this CR were to be implemented, the 3 previous Cbeyond Communications CRs would not be necessary.

12/4/03 Clarification Meeting

Attendees: Morgan Halliday - Cbeyond Communications, Tom Hyde - Cbeyond Communications, Steve Calhoun - Cbeyond Communications, John Gallegos - Qwest, Carl Sear - Qwest, Fred Howard - Qwest, Carrie Stirman - Qwest, Brenda Kerr - Qwest, Jeff Jones - Qwest

Review Description of Change Cbeyond Communications is requesting that UNE Combo billing be moved from CRIS to IABS with CSR data populated.

Discussion Carl Sear/Qwest said that UNE-P/UNE Loop are already in IABS. Tom Hyde/Cbeyond said that he would like to see the product line expanded. He also stated that if Qwest implements this CR, they would not need SCR112003-01, SCR112003-02, & SCR112003-03

Confirm Areas & Products impacted The products impacted are EEL-(UNE-C) and Loop MUX Combo

Identify CLECs Expectation Cbeyond Communications is requesting that UNE Combo billing be moved from CRIS to IABS with CSR data populated.

Establish Action Plan Cbeyond Communications will present this CR in the December Systems Meeting.

CenturyLink Response

April 12, 2004 (Original denial dated January 15, 2004)

Morgan Halliday Cbeyond Communications

This letter is in response to CLEC Change Request number SCR112003-04, dated 11/20/03, titled: Bill all UNEs.

CR Description: UNE combinations inappropriately billed in CRIS. Move UNE Combo billing from CRIS to IABS with CSR data populated.

History: A clarification meeting was held on December 4, 2003 with Cbeyond and Qwest representation. At this meeting the request was reviewed and no further questions were required.

Qwest Response: Qwest has completed an analysis for SCR112003-04, Bill all UNEs, and has determined that this change is economically not feasible. This change would require system re-architecture not only to the billing system but to Qwest’s front end systems as well. Through Qwest’s analysis it was determined that the estimate for the initial implementation of this change would be at least $17 million. Qwest believes that to implement such a change to Qwest systems would be cost prohibitive. However, Qwest currently provides billing of UNEs from CRIS and offers the IABS-BOS format of the bill and CSR. Qwest is denying your request for SCR112003-04, Bill all UNEs, due to economic infeasibility.

Requested Qwest Supplemental Information Below is a high level itemization of the $17,000,000.00 LOE for this request. The complexity and cost for this request spans the entire LSR system flow. IMA would need to be enhanced to retrieve, parse and display an IABS CSR. IMA and downstream OSS edits and business rules would need to be reviewed and modified as appropriate. The logic in the Service Order Processors would have to be revised to allow for distribution to the appropriate billing systems. The billing environments would have to be enhanced to allow for customers to migrate between resale (CRIS) and UNE (IABS). An extensive conversion process would have to be run to move the current UNE accounts from CRIS to IABS, as well as caring for the in flight service orders in the service order processors. This would also necessitate modification of the business procedures and documentation and the retraining of business personnel.

Summary of LOE Billing Systems Changes $9,646,911.00 Ordering Systems Changes $2,958,386.00 Architecture $836,066.00 Business Process Changes $1,800,755.00 Invoice System Changes $493,065.00 Message Distribution Changes $1,264,817.00 TOTAL $17,000,000.00



Revised Response January 5, 2004

Morgan Halliday Cbeyond Communications

CC: Connie Winston Lynn Notarianni Loretta Huff Beth Foster Kit Thomte Judy Schultz

This letter is in response to CLEC Change Request number SCR112003-04, dated 11/20/03, titled: Bill all UNEs.

CR Description: UNE combinations inappropriately billed in CRIS.

Expected Deliverables/Proposed Implementation Date (if applicable): Move UNE Combo billing from CRIS to IABS with CSR data populated.

History: A clarification meeting was held on December 4, 2003 with Cbeyond and Qwest representation. At this meeting the request was reviewed and no further questions were required.

Qwest Response: Qwest has completed an analysis for SCR112003-04 , Bill all UNEs, and has determined that this change is economically not feasible. This change would require system re-architecture not only to the billing system but to Qwest’s front end systems as well. Through Qwest’s analysis it was determined that the estimate for the initial implementation of this change would be at least $17 million. Qwest believes that to implement such a change to Qwest systems would be cost prohibitive. However, Qwest currently provides billing of UNEs from CRIS and offers the IABS-BOS format of the bill and CSR.

Qwest is denying your request for SCR112003-04, Bill all UNEs, due to economic infeasibility.



DRAFT RESPONSE December 11, 2003 RE: SCR112003-04

Qwest has reviewed the information submitted as part of Cbeyond Communication's Change Request SCR112003-04. Based upon research that has been conducted following the Clarification meeting (held December 4, 2003) Qwest is still examining the issue. Qwest will continue to research the problem and provide an updated response at the December Systems CMP Meeting.

At the December Systems CMP Meeting, CMP participants will be given the opportunity to comment on this Change Request and provide additional clarifications. Qwest is interested in the experiences of the CMP community as relates to this issue. Qwest will incorporate any feedback received into further evaluation of this Change Request.

Sincerely, Qwest

Information Current as of 1/11/2021