Archived System CR SCR091214-2 Detail |
Title: IMA – Duplicate Port Request Edit | |||||
CR Number |
Current Status Date |
Level of Effort |
Interface/ Release No. |
Area Impacted |
Products Impacted |
SCR091214-2 |
Closed 8/19/2015 |
2300 - 2700 | 3/38 | Ordering | LNP |
Originator: Martinez, Denise |
Originator Company Name: CenturyLink |
Owner: Martinez, Denise |
Director: |
CR PM: Lorence, Susan |
Description Of Change |
Implement an IMA edit that recognizes duplicate port requests immediately. This functionality will eliminate the sending of invalid FOCs to the CLECs and the subsequent Jeopardy notices and Reject notices once the duplication is identified.
Status History |
Date | Action | Description |
9/12/2014 | CR Acknowledged | CR acknowledged. |
9/12/2014 | CR Submitted | CR submitted. |
9/17/2014 | Status Changed | Status changed to Presented. |
9/17/2014 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at the September Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment F in the Distribution Package. |
10/1/2014 | Status Changed | Status changed to Evaluation. |
10/10/2014 | LOE Issued | High Level LOE available - 2300-2700 Hours |
10/15/2014 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at the October Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. |
11/14/2014 | Status Changed | Status changed to Packaged. |
1/21/2015 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at the January Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment I in the Distribution Package. |
2/6/2015 | Status Changed | Status changed to Development. |
2/18/2015 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at the February Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment J in the Distribution Package. |
3/18/2015 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at the March Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment J in the Distribution Package. |
4/15/2015 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at the April Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment K in the Distribution Package. |
4/20/2015 | Status Changed | Status changed to CLEC Test. |
5/20/2015 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at the May Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment G in the Distribution Package. |
6/17/2015 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at the June Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment G in the Distribution Package. |
7/15/2015 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed in the July Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment G in the Distribution Package. |
8/19/2015 | Status Changed | Status changed to Closed |
8/19/2015 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed in the August System CMP Meeting - See Attachment G in the Distribution Package. |
Project Meetings |
08/19/15 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting SCR091214-1 IMA LNP Data TN edit SCR091214-2 IMA – Duplicate Port Request Edit SCR100914-1 IMA – TN Range Edit Susan Lorence – CenturyLink said these CRs are in CLEC Test associated with the IMA Release 38.0 that was implemented April 20, 2015. Susan said in the July meeting, it was relayed that a CLEC migration was scheduled for July 18, 2015 but right after the CMP meeting, an issue arose that caused the first migration to be moved to August 15, 2015. That migration occurred this last weekend as planned. Susan said the next migration is scheduled for September 12, 2015. Susan said we would hold on moving these CRs to Completed until we discuss the Walk-on under Attachment M. Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if the cause for the CLEC migration delay was due to an issue with the XML release or was it related to the GUI. Denise Martinez – CenturyLink stated that it was not an issue with the GUI or XML IMA release but rather with the CLEC conversion activities for that weekend. Kim Isaacs – Integra confirmed the problem was with the conversion activities and not with the IMA Release itself. Kim said there had been questions in Integra with why there was a delay. Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked if it was appropriate to talk to the Walk-on at this time. She asked Kim Isaacs – Integra to present the Walk-on that was submitted on August 12, 2015 that was included on Page 79 of the July 2015 System package. Kim Isaacs –Integra recapped the Walk-on request. After the July mid cycle conversion was rescheduled, Integra received an email from the EIS team that set off a “tempest in a teapot” trying to understand the purpose. Kim said some concerns with the email were: why was the request sent to a broad distribution, why not use Integra IMA XML contacts as listed in the CLEC Questionnaire, why was certain information requested again that CenturyLink already has access to, requesting a one day turn around for the Integra response was not acceptable, and that including a Subject is a business courtesy. Denise Martinez – CenturyLink said that she thought there may be some misunderstanding about who the EIS team email was sent to. She explained that this was not sent to a broad distribution but rather was sent as a follow-up to confirm details to only a limited list of contacts that were impacted by the delay of the Mid cycle migration and who had already been certified. Denise said it only went to those contacts who had previously been contacted by Denise by phone as a courtesy received the email. Kim Isaacs – Integra stated that it seemed that the Integra email recipients were not those that would have been involved with the migration. Denise Martinez – CenturyLink stated that Kim and Stephanie Prull – Integra were identified for the email and no one else from Integra should have received it. Denise explained that, regarding the Questionnaire, the customers contacted were the ones that had initially sent in details for the Mid cycle conversion. Denise said this was not intended to be a broad System distribution so it was not sent as a CMP notification. Regarding the issue of requesting Trading Partner ID, etc. and other information previously available, Denise stated that Frank Dolinar had been introduced in CMP a month or so earlier as the new CenturyLink EIS team contact and this was his first attempt at contacting people. The short timeframe was due to the fact that this was not intended to be a CMP notice but just a way to confirm Frank had the correct information. As to the missing “Subject” line, Denise agreed and apologized. Kim Isaacs – Integra thanked Denise. Denise Martinez – CenturyLink stated in regard to the concerns with the Questionnaire, CenturyLink would continue to research and that it would be helpful if Integra could send specific examples. Kim Isaacs – Integra stated that there were ongoing issues with Questionnaire and the Subscription tool and that they would look for examples to provide. Susan Lorence – CenturyLink stated that we would take this as an Action Item and would investigate any examples that Integra provided. She then returned to the issue of closing the three IMA Release 38 CRs and asked if there were any objections to closing those – especially from those who had migrated. Kim Isaacs – Integra said they had some problems when they were coming back online after the migration but those seem to be resolved. Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked if there were any other objections. There were none. 07/15/15 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting SCR091214-1 IMA LNP Data TN edit SCR091214-2 IMA – Duplicate Port Request Edit SCR100914-1 IMA – TN Range Edit Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said these CRs are associated with the IMA Release 38.0 that was implemented April 20, 2015. He said we are holding the CRs open until the next CLEC migration to XML which is scheduled for July 18, 2015. We will review these in August to move them to Completed status. 6/17/2015 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting SCR091214-1 IMA LNP Data TN edit SCR091214-2 IMA – Duplicate Port Request Edit SCR100914-1 IMA – TN Range Edit Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said these CRs are associated with the IMA Release 38.0 that was implemented April 20, 2015. He said we are holding the CRs open until the next CLEC migration to XML which is July 18, 2015. 5/20/2015 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting SCR091214-1 IMA LNP Data TN edit SCR091214-2 IMA – Duplicate Port Request Edit SCR100914-1 IMA – TN Range Edit Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said these are the IMA Release 38.0 CRs that were implemented the weekend of April 20, 2015. He said that there was a CLEC migration weekend on May 16, 2015. We had two CLECs scheduled to migrate that weekend but they moved to the next migration weekend of July 18, 2015. Mark asked if it was OK to move these CRs to a Completed status. Kim Isaacs – Integra said that IMA CRs are normally left open until a CLEC migrates to XML and asked if the CRs could remain open until then. Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said we will hold these CRs open until after the July migration and revisit them in August. 4/15/2015 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting SCR091214-1 IMA LNP Data TN edit SCR091214-2 IMA – Duplicate Port Request Edit SCR100914-1 IMA – TN Range Edit Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said these three IMA Release 38.0 CRs will be implemented the coming weekend effective April 20, 2015. 3/18/2015 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting SCR091214-1 IMA LNP Data TN edit SCR091214-2 IMA – Duplicate Port Request Edit SCR100914-1 IMA – TN Range Edit Mark Coyne – CenturyLink provided status on these three IMA Release 38.0 CRs. He stated the Final XML Tech specs were sent March 6, 2015, the Draft GUI Release Notes are due March 23, 2015, the Final GUI Release Notes will be sent March 30, 2015, and that the IMA release is scheduled for implementation April 20, 2015. 2/18/2015 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said these are the three CRs associated with IMA Release 38.0. The Draft Technical Specification were sent February 6, 2015. The Technical walkthrough was held February 16, 2015. Final XML Tech specs are due March 6, 2015. The IMA Release 38.0 is scheduled for implementation April 20, 2015. 1/21/2015 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said these are the three CRs associated with IMA Release 38.0. The Draft Tech specs are to be sent February 6, 2015. The Technical walkthrough is scheduled for Monday, February 16, 2015 at 10 am MT. The IMA Release 38.0 is scheduled for implementation April 20, 2015. 10/15/2014 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said the CR was presented in September. The high level LOE for this CR is 2300-2700 hours and it is scheduled for IMA Release 38.0. 9/17/2014 Monthly Systems CMP Meeting Denise Martinez - CenturyLink presented the new CR to implement a new edit that does not allow duplicate port requests for the same CLEC for the same TN. Denise said there is some volume on this scenario and that sometimes the duplicate is not discovered for awhile. Denise said this edit to identify the scenario up front will improve productivity for both the CLEC and CenturyLink by eliminating a lot of unnecessary work and processing. Laurie Roberson – Integra asked if the edit will only eliminate the duplicate if it is from the same CLEC. Denise Martinez - CenturyLink said that is correct. The problem continues to increase so the edit is to identify the situation much sooner in the process. Laurie Roberson – Integra asked what happens if the same TN is requested by two different CLECs. Denise Martinez - CenturyLink said there is already an edit for that. Denise asked if there were any other questions. There were none.
CenturyLink Response |
Information Current as of 1/11/2021