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Archived System CR SCR081204-02 Detail

Title: QORA: Allow Supplements on ASRs in Submitted Status
CR Number Current Status
Level of
Release No.

SCR081204-02 Denied
-   24/ All Products ordered via the QORA GUI
Originator: Isaacs, Kim
Originator Company Name: Eschelon
Owner: Winston, Connie
CR PM: Stecklein, Lynn
Description Of Change
Eschelon request the ability to submit supplements in QORA on ASRs in a Submitted status. Currently QORA requires that an ASR be in an Accepted (Acknowledged) status or Confirmed status before a supplement can be submitted. This requirement can unnecessarily delay the order process. Eschelon has experienced cases where the QORA user has known that a supplement was required but had to wait up to five hours for the ASR to move from a Submitted status to Acknowledged or Rejected status before being able to supplement the order. This type of delay can impact the due date of the order. The ability to submit supplements on ASR in a Submitted status will benefit Qwest by decreasing the work Qwest does to determine the order should be rejected when Eschelon is already aware that there is an error on the order, which requires a supplement. Therefore Eschelon requests the ability to submit supplements in QORA on ASRs in a Submitted status.

Status History

Date Action Description
8/12/2004 CR Submitted  
8/12/2004 CR Acknowledged  
8/25/2004 Clarification Meeting Held  
8/27/2004 Status Changed Status changed to clarification 
9/16/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the September CMP Meeting - See attachment B in Distribution Package 
9/17/2004 Status Changed Status changed to presented 
10/12/2004 Status Changed Status changed to denied 
10/20/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the October CMP Systems Meeting - See attachment G in Distribution Package 

Project Meetings

10/20/04 CMP Systems Meeting

Cassandra Hunt/Qwest stated that the example provided by Eschelon where they had to wait 5 hours for the ASR to move from a submitted status to acknowledge was the exception not the rule. She said that Qwest sends a batch to the backend system every 15 minutes and sometimes less than 15 minutes. Cassandra also stated that the Industry Standard supports waiting for the acknowledged status. Liz Balvin/Covad asked if the process that states that the ASR has to be in an acknowledged status was documented. Cassandra Hunt/Qwest stated that she will check. She also said that the ASR pertains to GUI ASRs and is not a reject. She said that an ASR can’t be supplemented until it is in acknowledged status.

9/16/04 CMP Systems Meeting

Kim Isaacs/Eschelon reviewed the description of the change request. Kim stated that Eschelon is requesting the ability to submit supplements in QORA on ASRs in a submitted status. Stephanie stated that currently QORA requires that an ASR be in an accepted status before a supplement can be submitted. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that this CR will move to a Presented status.

8/25/04 Clarification Meeting

Attendees: Kim Isaacs - Eschelon, Steve Edwards - Qwest, Cassandra Hunt - Qwest, Bob Hercher - Qwest, Jim Recker - Qwest, Lynn Stecklein

Reviewed Description of Change Kim Isaacs - Eschelon reviewed the description of the change request.

Eschelon request the ability to submit supplements in QORA on ASRs in a Submitted status. Currently QORA requires that an ASR be in an Accepted (Acknowledged) status or Confirmed status before a supplement can be submitted. This requirement can unnecessarily delay the order process. Eschelon has experienced cases where the QORA user has known that a supplement was required but had to wait up to five hours for the ASR to move from a Submitted status to Acknowledged or Rejected status before being able to supplement the order. This type of delay can impact the due date of the order. The ability to submit supplements on ASR in a Submitted status will benefit Qwest by decreasing the work Qwest does to determine the order should be rejected when Eschelon is already aware that there is an error on the order, which requires a supplement. Therefore Eschelon requests the ability to submit supplements in QORA on ASRs in a Submitted status.

Discussion: Steve Edwards - Qwest asked Eschelon if the five hour example they cited in the description of change was an exception. Steve said that the normal timeframe between submitted and acknowledged is no more than 15 minute window. Kim Isaacs - Eschelon said that this example was an exception. Steve Edwards - Qwest asked if Eschelon, based on knowing that the normal window is no more than 15 minutes, did they still want to pursue this request. Kim Isaacs - Eschelon stated that she would like Qwest to provide the scope of reducing the window from 15 minutes to 5 minutes. Steve Edwards - Qwest clarified that Eschelon wanted the window between the submitted and acknowleged timeframe minimized. Kim Isaacs - Eschelon said yes. There were no other questions or comments

Confirm Areas & Products Impacted Kim Isaacs - Eschelon stated that this request impacts the QORA GUI and all products ordered via this GUI.

Establish Action Plan Lynn Stecklein - Qwest stated that this CR will be presented in the September 16, 2004 meeting

CenturyLink Response

October 12, 2004

Kim Isaacs Eschelon

This letter is in response to CLEC Change Request number SCR081204-02, dated 8/12/2004, and titled: Allow Supplements on ASRs in Submitted Status.

CR Description: Currently, an ASR must be in Accepted or Confirmed status in QORA before a supplement to that ASR can be submitted to Qwest. Eschelon asserts that this can delay the order process. In certain instances, Eschelon personnel have been aware of the need for a supplement, but unable to submit the supplement because the initial ASR has not yet been acknowledged by Qwest. Eschelon is requesting that Qwest implement the capability in QORA to accept a supplemental ASR prior to the initial ASR being accepted by Qwest. History: A clarification meeting was held on August 25, 2004, with Eschelon and Qwest representation. At this meeting, it was determined that in general the interval between Eschelon’s submission of an ASR and Qwest’s acknowledgment is not excessive, and that intervals of up to five hours were exceptions and not the norm. In fact, the maximum normal time frame between when an ASR is submitted to Qwest and acknowledged is fifteen minutes. This amount of time allows customers to submit supplements quickly, in a timely manner, without affecting the due date of the initial ASR.

Qwest Response: Qwest has completed an analysis for SCR081204-02, Allow Supplements on ASRs in Submitted Status, and has determined that this change does not provide measurable business value for the cost involved to implement the change.

In the vast majority of cases, Qwest acknowledges an ASR within a 15-minute timeframe. This amount of time does not impose any limitations on customers in terms of affecting due dates or other critical dates on the ASR. Additionally, the industry standard implies that supplemental ASRs should not be submitted until the initial ASR is acknowledged by the provider of service.

After an analysis of the effort involved to allow QORA to accept and correctly process supplemental ASRs prior to acknowledging the initial ASR, Qwest has determined that the system cost would exceed $75K. The minimal business value to be derived from allowing supplemental ASRs an extra fifteen minute-interval at the start of the overall ASR process flow is not commensurate with this cost.

Consequently, Qwest is denying your request for SCR081204-02, Allow Supplements on ASRs in Submitted Status, as the request does not provide reasonable, demonstrable business benefit over current process for the cost of the solution.



Information Current as of 1/11/2021