Archived System CR SCR070816-1X Detail |
Title: Add reporting functionality to the CLEC Badge Access Request Web site (CR crossed over to a Product Process CR see PC070816 1X) | |||||
CR Number |
Current Status Date |
Level of Effort |
Interface/ Release No. |
Area Impacted |
Products Impacted |
SCR070816-1X |
Crossover 8/10/2016 |
- | 19/ | Collocation Access premise process | Collocation |
Originator: Roberson, Laurie |
Originator Company Name: Integra |
Owner: Cederberg , Annmarie |
Director: |
CR PM: Lorence, Susan |
Description Of Change |
Integra requests CenturyLink add Report functionality to the CLEC Badge Access Request website. The reporting function would allow CLECs to generate reports that provide the CLEC with the ability to view badge holders access level by CenturyLink central office or card reader. Currently, CLECs request this report from their service manager. Based on the amount of time it takes CenturyLink to fulfill a report request, Integra believes it would be more efficient if CLECs have the ability to generate their own reports. Providing the CLECs the ability to efficiently inventory their access badges may lower the number of duplicate badge requests and issues surrounding badge access which should result in efficiency gains for both CenturyLink and the CLECs.
Expected Deliverables/Proposed Implementation Date (if applicable): The ability to generate ad hoc reports that would show an inventory of badge holders current access by central office or card reader.
Status History |
Date | Action | Description |
7/8/2016 | CR Submitted | CR Submitted. |
7/12/2016 | Clarification Meeting Scheduled | Clarification call scheduled for 7-18-16 based on available times submitted on CR by Originator. |
7/12/2016 | CR Acknowledged | CR acknowledged. |
7/18/2016 | Clarification Meeting Held | Clarification meeting conducted. Meeting minutes posted. |
7/20/2016 | Status Changed | Status changed to Presented. |
7/20/2016 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed in the July System CMP Meeting - See Attachment F in the Distribution Package. |
8/10/2016 | Status Changed | Status changed to Crossover. This CR is being crossed over to a Product Process CR - see CR PC070816-1X. |
8/11/2016 | Draft Response Issued | Draft Response issued to Integra for review. |
8/12/2016 | Draft Response Issued | REVISED Draft Response issued to Integra for review. |
8/17/2016 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed in the August ProdProc CMP Meeting - See Attachment E in the Distribution Package. |
Project Meetings |
8/17/16 System CMP Meeting Mark Coyne – CenturyLink said this CR has the Status of Crossover for this month and then will be tracked as the Crossover CR. That CR was already reviewed in the Product Process package as PC070816-1X. 7/20/16 System CMP Meeting Kim Isaacs – Integra presented the first CR associated with the new CLEC Badge Access website. Kim said Integra is requesting CenturyLink add functionality to allow (7-29-16 Updates received from Integra in CAPS) CLECS [delete CUSTOMERS] to request a report that provides the badge id, first and last name, access level and card reader. Kim said a similar report is available today through their Service Manager. Integra is requesting that CenturyLink allow CLECS [delete CUSTOMERS] to pull the report themselves which would make the process more efficient. Kim said a clarification call was held on July 18, 2016 and the CenturyLink SME team relayed that only the CenturyLink Security team can access that Badge database. Kim said there was agreement to cross the CR over to a Product Process CR and the CenturyLink Security team was going to implement a process change to provide a direct email address for customers to request the report AND RETURN THE REPORT IN 3 DAYS. Susan Lorence – CenturyLink said that the cross over will occur with the CMP August package. Susan asked if there were any objection from those on the call to moving forward with the notification of this process change once the draft CR response was sent to Integra. She said that would be better than waiting until after the CR is crossed over in the CMP packages next month. There were no objections. 07-18-16 Clarification Call meeting minutes SCR070816-1 and SCR070816-2 Attendees: Kim Isaacs – Integra Erin Taylor – Integra Bob Mohr – CenturyLink AnnMarie Cederberg – CenturyLink Neil Leguillow – CenturyLink Mark Rice – CenturyLink Rita Urevig – CenturyLink Ashwin Lunkad – CenturyLink Steve Stapp – CenturyLink Bert Bailey – CenturyLink Mark Coyne – CenturyLink John Hansen – CenturyLink Susan Lorence – CenturyLink Susan Lorence – CenturyLink relayed the purpose of a Clarification call and reviewed a high level agenda for two Integra Change Requests. SCR070816-1 Add reporting functionality to the CLEC Badge Access Request Web site Kim Isaacs – Integra said the Change Request (CR) is requesting that CenturyLink add report functionality to the CLEC Badge Access Request process that would show the current access for a company by either central office or card reader. Kim said Integra requests this report today through their Service Manager. Kim said that she thought this capability would be beneficial to both Integra and CenturyLink and would reduce disputes over what is paid for access badging. This would also streamline the process since today the report request process can take up to several weeks. Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked if the report data would be the same as what is received today. Kim Isaacs – Integra said yes, the data on the report should be the same and would include badge id, first and last name, company, access level and card reader. Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked if this was for the fourteen state region on the same report. Kim Isaacs – Integra said yes, but if that size of the report needed to be prepared on a smaller scale, e.g., state level, that could be discussed. Mark Rice – CenturyLink said his Corporate Security team prepares the reports that are provided to Service Manager Rita Urevig – CenturyLink for Integra. He said the reports are generated from the access control system and system access is not available externally and is very limited internally. Mark said his team can continue to provide the reports and said normally it does not take long to generate them but there was a recent situation where it took longer. Mark said normally he can provide the report within a 24 hour window. Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if access could not be provided due to security reasons. Mark Rice – CenturyLink said correct. Kim Isaacs – Integra asked if there was a more efficient way to request the report, e.g., providing an email address to request the report directly. Mark Rice – CenturyLink said that he thought bypassing the Service Manager request process and providing a direct group mailbox was a good approach. He requested confirmation that the report data that is provided today is sufficient. Kim Isaacs – Integra said yes. Susan Lorence – CenturyLink said it sounded like the process of proving an email address for Mark’s Security access team was a good alternative and asked whether a 2-3 day window to provide the report would be workable. Erin Taylor – Integra said that timeline would work. Mark Rice – CenturyLink said a 72 hour lead time would work for him also. There was some discussion about what 72 hours meant. Susan Lorence – CenturyLink proposed a window of 3 business days of when the request is made to produce the report. All agreed that would work. Kim Isaacs – Integra wondered if this CR should be crossed over to Product Process. Susan Lorence – CenturyLink suggested that the CR remain a System CR until it was presented in the Monthly CMP meeting on July 20 and then it could be crossed over to a Product Process CR. NOTE: REFER TO SCR070816-2 FOR THOSE CLARIFICATION CALL MEETING MINUTES. Susan Lorence – CenturyLink asked if there were any questions from the CenturyLink SME team on this CR or the previous one. There were none. Susan reviewed the next steps for these CRs which was to have Integra present both CRs in the Systems monthly meeting on Wednesday, July 20. It would be relayed that a Clarification call had already been held for both CRs and that the CRs are under evaluation by the CenturyLink SME team. Susan thanked everyone for attending. The Clarification call ended at 11:50 AM MT.
CenturyLink Response |
August 12, 2016 Kim Isaacs, Integra Laurie Roberson, Integra SUBJECT: Integra System Change Request SCR070816-1X, CenturyLink Response for Review REVISED This letter is in response to Integra System Change Request SCR070816-1, entitled “Add reporting functionality to the CLEC Badge Access Request Web site”. CR Description: Integra requests CenturyLink add Report functionality to the CLEC Badge Access Request website. The reporting function would allow CLECs to generate reports that provide the CLEC with the ability to view badge holders access level by CenturyLink central office or card reader. Currently, CLECs request this report from their service manager. Based on the amount of time it takes CenturyLink to fulfill a report request, Integra believes it would be more efficient if CLECs have the ability to generate their own reports. Providing the CLECs the ability to efficiently inventory their access badges may lower the number of duplicate badge requests and issues surrounding badge access which should result in efficiency gains for both CenturyLink and the CLECs. History and CenturyLink Response: This System CR was received on July 8, 2016 and was presented as a walk-on in the July 2016 Monthly Systems CMP meeting. A Clarification call was held on July 18, 2106 with Integra and CenturyLink representatives present. During the Clarification call, there was agreement to cross the CR over to a Product Process CR, PC070816-1X, to implement a process change. The CenturyLink Security team will provide a direct email address for customers to request the report versus continuing to request the report through their Service Manager. The report will be returned to customers within three business days. The data on the report will include badge id, first and last name, company, access level and card reader as it does currently. This CR will be reviewed as a Crossover CR during the August 2016 Product Process CMP meeting. Following further discussion on August 12, 2016 with the CenturyLink SME team, additional time is needed to consider the broader revisions to the current process. CenturyLink will continue to evaluate this CR and does not yet have a proposed effective date. Sincerely, Susan Lorence CenturyLink Wholesale CR Project Manager ** August 11, 2016 Kim Isaacs, Integra Laurie Roberson, Integra SUBJECT: Integra System Change Request SCR070816-1X, CenturyLink Response for Review This letter is in response to Integra System Change Request SCR070816-1, entitled “Add reporting functionality to the CLEC Badge Access Request Web site”. CR Description: Integra requests CenturyLink add Report functionality to the CLEC Badge Access Request website. The reporting function would allow CLECs to generate reports that provide the CLEC with the ability to view badge holders access level by CenturyLink central office or card reader. Currently, CLECs request this report from their service manager. Based on the amount of time it takes CenturyLink to fulfill a report request, Integra believes it would be more efficient if CLECs have the ability to generate their own reports. Providing the CLECs the ability to efficiently inventory their access badges may lower the number of duplicate badge requests and issues surrounding badge access which should result in efficiency gains for both CenturyLink and the CLECs. History and CenturyLink Response: This System CR was received on July 8, 2016 and was presented as a walk-on in the July 2016 Monthly Systems CMP meeting. A Clarification call was held on July 18, 2106 with Integra and CenturyLink representatives present. During the Clarification call, there was agreement to cross the CR over to a Product Process CR, PC070816-1X, to implement a process change. The CenturyLink Security team will provide a direct email address for customers to request the report versus continuing to request the report through their Service Manager. The report will be returned to customers within three business days. The data on the report will include badge id, first and last name, company, access level and card reader as it does currently. This CR will be reviewed as a Crossover CR during the August 2016 Product Process CMP meeting. CenturyLink is moving forward with a level 4 notification to update the Collocation -Premises Access Overview PCAT. At this time, the proposed effective date will be September 27, 2016.
Sincerely, Susan Lorence CenturyLink Wholesale CR Project Manager
Information Current as of 1/11/2021