Wholesale: Products & Services

Archived System CR SCR062905-02RG Detail

Title: Addition to Products Currently in the Stand Alone Test Environment (SATE)
CR Number Current Status
Level of
Release No.

SCR062905-02RG Completed
850 - 1700   20/19 PLT, DS1, DS3, Resale PRI Trunk & Facility
Originator: Depew, Chris
Originator Company Name: Qwest Communications Corp (QCC)
Owner: Winston, Connie
CR PM: Esquibel-Reed, Peggy
Description Of Change
October 10, 2005 CR Revision for additional information of: ACC Impass Resolution Document, Section VI, Items (b) and C pages 12 & 13:

b.) SATE Impasse

Qwest believes that a volume-based approach can also resolve the impasse issue regarding the addition to SATE of those products that currently exist in production but are not currently included in SATE. Similar to its PO-19B compromise proposal, Qwest proposes that those products can be implemented into SATE after the volume of CLEC use for each of the relevant product(s) reaches 100 transactions during the prior twelve (12) month period. Under this proposal, Qwest will run a production query -- like the one it proposes to determine what product/activity combinations should be in the upcoming execution of PO-19B -- to determine whether any of the products not currently in SATE reflect EDI volume activity of 100 transactions or more in production. The implementation of those products into SATE will then be scheduled for the upcoming major SATE release if feasible; or if not feasible, then no later than the next major SATE release. This approach ensures that there are volume-based and market demand reasons for including the products into SATE that the CLECs argue should be arbitrarily included.

c.) AT&T Reply

On September 30,2002, AT&T sent an email with the following response:

After additional review, AT&T is in agreement with the proposal that Qwest made in the September 16, 2002 Qwest's Response to AT&T's Comments on Hewlett Packard's Recommendations on PO-19B Impasse Issue and Recommendation Regarding SATE Products Impasse Issue (p. 3) for adding product and activity combinations to the services examined as part of the PO-19B measure. AT&T is also in agreement with Qwest's proposal for adding products that are currently being ordered in production to the SATE environment. (id. pp 3 - 4).


09/13/2005 CR Revised to Include Docket #:



08/22/2005 Revised Description of Change:

This Change Request is a Regulatory Change Request based on the Arizona impasse. The volume for the specified products has reached the volume threshold of 100. The requested implementation date is March 2006.


Original CR Description 06/29/05:

The change is to include additional products in SATE. The additional products to be included are listed below in the 'Products Impacted' section. These products are available in the production version of IMA but not the test environment. No impacts to IMA or other pre-order and/or ordering systems.

Expected Deliverable:

To have the products requested to be included into SATE as soon as possible, but no later than August 8, 2005.

Status History

Date Action Description
6/29/2005 CR Submitted  
6/30/2005 CR Acknowledged  
7/5/2005 Clarification Meeting Scheduled Clarification Scheduled for July 6, 2005 
7/6/2005 Clarification Meeting Scheduled At Customer Request, Clarification Rescheduled to July 11, 2005 
7/11/2005 Clarification Meeting Held  
7/20/2005 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the July Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the July Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment B 
8/17/2005 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the August Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the August Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment I 
9/1/2005 Communicator Issued CMPR.09.01.05.F.03237.RegulatoryChangeRequest 
9/21/2005 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the September Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the September Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment D 
10/11/2005 Communicator Issued CMPR.10.11.05.F.03373.RegulatoryVote Rescheduled 
10/18/2005 General Meeting Held Regulatory Vote Meeting Held 
10/19/2005 Communicator Issued CMPR.10.19.05.F.03403.RegulatoryVoteRescheduled 
10/21/2005 General Meeting Held Regulatory Vote Meeting Held 
11/11/2005 Status Changed Status Changed to Packaged Due To SATE 19.0 Packaging 
11/16/2005 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the November Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the November Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment M 
1/18/2006 Status Changed Status Changed from Packaged to Development, due to 19.0 Commitment 
1/18/2006 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the January Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the January Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment M 
1/27/2006 Communicator Issued SYST.01.27.06.F.03647.IMA_EDI_19.0DrftTechSpecs 
2/15/2006 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the February Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the February Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment K 
2/24/2006 Communicator Issued SYST.02.24.06.F.03703.IMAEDI19.0SuppDocuments 
2/24/2006 Communicator Issued SYST.02.24.06.F.03704.IMAEDI19.0FinalTechSpecs 
3/10/2006 Status Changed Status Changed to CLEC Test Due to Deployment on March 10, 2006 
3/15/2006 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the March Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see the March Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment G 

Project Meetings

April 12, 2006 Email Received From QCC: Approved. Thanks.

April 12, 2006 Email Sent to QCC: Chris -- There were no issues with the testing of this candidate and no known issues with the implementation of the requested products in SATE. Please confirm that you approve closure of this CR. Thanks much, Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest Corporation Wholesale CMP

-- April 12, 2006 Email Received From QCC: Peggy, Did QC do testing when the additional products were implemented? Thanks, Chris

April 7, 2006 Email Received From QCC: Peggy, I have followed up on this and I am waiting on confirmation. I will have an update to you by early next week. Thanks, Chris

- April 7, 2006 Email Sent to QCC: Good Morning Chris -- This email is a follow-up to the email below. Can we close the SATE CR? Thank you, Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest Wholesale CMP

March 31, 2006 Email Sent to QCC: Hi Chris, This email is just a follow-up to see if you have had the opportunity to validate the changes made as a result of the Systems CMP CR SCR062905-02RG Addition to Products Included in SATE. The effort was implemented on March 11th. Please let me know if you are ready to close the CR or if you did find an issue with the deployment, please let me know what the issue is and I can assist in getting the issue resolved. Thank you, Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest Wholesale CMP

- March 15, 2006 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Jill Martain-Qwest stated that this CR deployed on March 11th and asked if the CR was ready to close. Chris Depew-QCC asked that the CR remain open for validation. Jill Martain-Qwest stated that QCC could close the CR off-line, if they were ready, prior to the April CMP Meeting.

- February 15, 2006 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Jill Martain-Qwest stated that this CR is targeted for deployment on March 10, 2006. There were no questions or comments.

- January 18, 2006 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Jill Martain-Qwest stated that the IMA and SATE 19.0 Commitment are in Attachment M and there are no changes from Packaging.

November 16, 2005 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Jill Martain/Qwest stated that Attachment M lists the IMA and SATE candidates.

- October 21, 2005 Regulatory Vote Meeting Minutes Purpose The purpose of the vote is to determine the classification of the QCC submitted CMP CR (SCR062905-02RG Addition to Products Currently in (SATE). The CR is to be classified as Regulatory or Non-Regulatory. Attendees Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest, Woldey Assefa-Qwest, Stephanie Prull-Eschelon, Kim Isaacs-Eschelon, Chris DePew-QCC Meeting Minutes Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest stated that the meeting was to conduct the vote in order to determine the classification for SCR062905-02 which is requesting that additional products be added to SATE. The vote was originally scheduled to take place last Tuesday but quorum was not achieved so the vote was rescheduled for today. According to the CMP document quorum is not applicable for today’s vote so we will vote with those participating today. Information is included in the CR to justify the Regulatory classification: ACC Impass Resolution Document, Section VI, Items b & C, pages 12 & 13, and Docket # T-00000A-97.0238. Peggy then asked if there were any questions. There were none. Peggy then explained the yes and no votes: - A vote of Yes will allow SCR062905-02 to be classified as a Regulatory CR - A vote of No will not allow the Regulatory classification and the CR is then classified as a non-regulatory CR. Peggy noted that a unanimous decision is required. Peggy then conducted the vote: Eschelon voted Yes by phone QCC voted Yes via email Qwest Corp. voted Yes via email RockyNet Abstained via email AT&T voted Yes via email McLeod submitted an emailed vote of no and then re-submitted their vote and changed it to Yes via email. Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest stated that the outcome of the vote was that SCR062905-02RG would not be classified as a Regulatory CR. The McLeod re-vote was then received. With McLeod’s vote the resulting decision is that SCR062905-02RG was unanimously declared to be Regulatory by a vote of 5 Yes votes and 1 Abstain vote. Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest thanked the call participants and the call concluded.

- October 18, 2005 Regulatory Vote Meeting ATTENDEES: Kim Isaacs-Eschelon, Sharon Van Meter-AT&T, Chris DePew-QCC, Stephanie Prull-Eschelon, Rosalin Davis-MCI, Amanda Silva-VCI, Jen Arnold-TDS, Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest, Woldey Assefa-Qwest

Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest stated that the meeting was for a vote to determine the classification for this CR as Regulatory or Non-Regulatory. Peggy stated that the volumes do indicate that this should be a Regulatoy CR, the Regulatory notice was sent, and an objection was received. Peggy stated that additional information was added to the CR and the vote was scheduled to take place during the September CMP Meeting. During the September CMP Meeting, the CLECs requested that the vote be rescheduled so they could read the associated documents (Docket and ACC Impass Document). Peggy stated that a quorum of 9 was needed in order to conduct the vote. Quorum was not achieced and Peggy stated that the vote would be rescheduled to take place on Friday, October 21, 2005.

-- September 21, 2005 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Jill Martain/Qwest stated that based on previous discussions at CMP and the addition of the Docket Number to the CR, with the approval of the CR originator, Qwest will now conduct the vote to determine the Regulatory or Non-Regulatory classification. Sharon Van Meter/AT&T stated that she does not object to the addition of the products, she is objecting because she wants specific information on the CR as to where this is coming from. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that this was requested by QCC and that we helped them find the Docket number and added it to the CR with their permission. Liz Balvin/Covad asked if this really impacted the CLECs and stated that the order states that once the threshold is met, the products would automatically be added. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that they are not automatically added, that they are implemented when practicable. Liz Balvin/Covad asked how this impacts SATE. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that it would be added functionality for SATE. Liz Balvin/Covad stated that she needs to read the document. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that Qwest would schedule another meeting for the vote. There were no additional questions or comments.

- September 6, 2005 Email Sent to Chris DePew, QCC: The objection was received from AT&T.

September 6, 2005 Email Received from Chris DePew: Peggy, Can you provide who objected to this classification? Thanks, Chris

-- September 6, 2005 Email Sent to Chris DePew, QCC: Good Morning Chris, This email is to inform you that an objection to the Regulatory Classification, for your submitted CMP CR, has been received. What this means is that you will need to attend the September 21st CMP Meeting in order to provide input into the conversation that will take place regarding this CR being Regulatory. A vote will also be conducted at the September 21st CMP Meeting, and the outcome of that vote will determine if this CR is classified as Regulatory or as non-Regulatory. The September 21st CMP Meeting is scheduled to begin at 8:00 am MT. The call in number is 1-877-572-8687 passcode 3393947#. The Distribution Package will be available on the Wholesale Web Site after 12:00 pm MT, Friday, September 16th. A copy can be found at http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/teammeetings.html Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest Corporation Wholesale Change Management

- September 2, 2005 Email Received from AT&T (to CMPCR mailbox): AT&T objects to Qwest not following the Change Management Process for SCR062905-02 and, therefore, does not support this SCR being treated as a Regulatory CR. This objection is based on the Change Management Document, Section 5.1.1: "Qwest or any CLEC may submit Regulatory CRs. The party submitting a Regulatory CR must also include sufficient information to justify the CR being treated as a Regulatory CR in the Description of Change section of the CR Form. Such information must include specific references to regulatory or court orders or legislation as well as dates, docket or case numbers, page or paragraph numbers and the mandatory or recommended implementation dates, if any.

Qwest has not followed the process of including "specific references to regulatory or court orders or legislation as well as dates, docket or case numbers, page or paragraph numbers and the mandatory or recommended implementation dates."

Sharon Van Meter AT&T Western Region GAM 303-699-6483 303-540-1637 (pager)

-- September 2, 2005 Email Received from Kathy Workman: Excellent. Thanks for the update.

- September 2, 2005 Email Sent to Kathy Wokrman & Chris DePew: Kathy, In the email sent awahile back, I outlined the necessary steps for Chris. CR. I received the response from Chris last Wednesday and have made the revisions to his CR in order to convert it into a Regulatiry CR request. The Regulatory Notification has been sent to the CLEC Community, dated September 1st. The CLECs now have until September 9th to object to the Regulatory Classification. Bottom line is that we need to wait to see if we get an objection, then that will determine the next step. It is, at this point too early to know when it can be implemented. Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest Wholesale CMP

-- September 2, 2005 Email Received from Kathy Workman: Any update on my question below? Thx.

-- September 1, 2005 Regulatory Notice Sent to the CLEC Community: CMPR.09.01.05.F.03237.RegulatoryChangeRequest

-- August 31, 2005 Email Sent to QCC: Chris, Thanks for the email. I have sent the Regulatory Notice for mailout tomorrow, September 1st.

-- August 31, 2005 Email Received from QCC: Peggy, Sorry for the delay. The revision to the original CR is fine. Thanks, Chris

August 22, 2005 Sent Revised CR to Chris DePew for Concurrence

-- August 17, 2005 Email Received from Chris DePew: Peggy, I was waiting to send the response when I had the QCC desired date. Since you stated that there is no difference between converting or withdrawing the existing CR, QCC will just convert the existing CR to a regulatory CR. Please advise of when this will be scheduled to take place. Thanks, Chris

-- August 17, 2005 Email Sent to Kathy Workman & Chris DePew: Kathy, The next step is to determine if Chris’ CR is to be converted to a Regulatory CR (pending response from Chris) or if he is withdrawing his CR and we (Qwest Corporation) would open the Regulatory CR. The impacted products did reach the 100 volume threshold, so a Regulatory CR is warranted and the Regulatory CR Process then needs to be followed. The Regulatory CR Process is outlined in the Qwest Wholesale Change Management Process Document which is located at http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/index.html. After the Regulatory classification is established, we will look at the effort and determine when it could be implemented. We have noted what your desired implementation timeframe is. Thank you, Wholesale CMP

- August 17, 2005 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Jill Martain-Qwest stated that this was discussed in July and stated that the volumes are over 100. Jill stated that we have gone back to the originating CLEC to see if they want to convert their CR to be Regulatory or if they want to withdraw it and have Qwest issue the Regulatory CR. Jill stated that this is pending a response from the originator, and then we can determine the next step. Liz Balvin-Covad asked to confirm that Qwest did determine that the volumes met 100. Jill Martain-Qwest said yes. Liz Balvin-Covad asked if this is a timing thing, the CR came in at the time that Qwest identified the 100 threshold. [Comment received from Eschelon: Liz said she thought when over 100 was a Regulatory requirement.] Jill Martain-Qwest stated that the volume is mostly disconnects but the volumes are there and a Regulatory CR is now needed. Jill stated we just need to determine who will issue the Regulatory CR and when we will have the capacity to do it in the future. Liz Balvin-Covad said okay. This CR is in Evaluation.

August 16, 2005 Email Received from Kathy Workman: Can we shoot for the March release or sooner in 2006?

-- August 16, 2005 Email Sent to Kathy Workman & Chris DePew: Kathy, It appears to be unlikely for this year; as we are unable to implement it with the 18.0 Release in October. Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest Wholesale CMP

- August 13, 2005 Email Received from Kathy Workman: We need the request to be fulfilled. Is it possible to do so by the end of the year?

-- August 12, 2005 Email Sent to Chris DePew, QCC: Hi Chris, Would you also let me know if you want to convert your CR or if you would like to withdraw your CR and we would open a Regulatory CR, keeping your requested date in mind. Thanks for the status. Peggy Esquibel-Reed Wholesale CMP

August 12, 2005 Email Received from Chris DePew, QCC: Peggy, I received your vmail and I just wanted to let you know what we are following up on your question about what due date we would like to put on the regulatory CR for the SATE enhancements. I will send this information over to you as soon as possible. Thanks, Chris Depew

- August 11, 2005 Left Voicemail Message for Chris DePew advising of the 100 threshold being met and that this would mean a Regulatory CR. Asked Chris if he wanted to convert his CR to a Regulatory CR, or if he would prefer to withdraw his CR and have Qwest issue the Regulatory CR. Also asked what timeframe QCC was looking to get this implemented.

- July 20, 2005 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Chris Depew-QCC stated that they were looking to add PLT, DS1, DS3, Resale PRI Trunk & Facility into SATE for system testing. Bonnie Johnson-Eschelon asked if the PLT product was associated to the ASR. Jill Martain-Qwest stated that this would be Resale PLT. Liz Balvin-Covad asked if Qwest was taking into account the 100 volume threshold on the products being requested Woldey Assefa-Qwest said that Qwest is researching the volumes on the applicable products. He said that if the volumes are 100 or more, then Qwest would propose that a Regulatory CR be submitted. Laurie Fredrickson-Integra asked Qwest what time period Qwest was looking at to determine the 100 volume threshold. Woldey Assefa-Qwest stated that the time period was from June 29, 2004 to current. Jill Martain-Qwest stated that this CR will move to a Presented Status.

-- July 11, 2005 Clarification Meeting Minutes: Attendees: Chris Depew-QCC, Steph Prull-Eschelon, Jeff Nygren-Qwest, Shon Higer-Qwest, Woldey Assefa-Qwest, Sami Hooper-Qwest, Jim Recker-Qwest, Chris Viveros-Qwest, Bryan Money-Qwest

Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest stated that the purpose of this call is to clarify the request and to ask questions so that we fully understand this CR.

Review Description of Change: Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest stated that this change is to include additional products in SATE. She said that the additional products to be included are listed below in the 'Products Impacted' section. Peggy said that these products are available in the production version of IMA but not the test environment and that there are no impacts to IMA or other pre-order and/or ordering systems.

Discussion: Jim Recker-Qwest asked if the products listed were the only products being requested. Chris Depew-QCC said that the products listed are the only products being requested. Steph Prull-Eschelon asked if these products have reached the 100 volume threshold. Woldey Assefa-Qwest said that we do not know at this time. There were no additional questions or comments.

Confirm Area and Products impacted. Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest stated that the area impacted is SATE and the Products impacted are: PLT, DS1, DS3, Resale PRI Trunk and Facility.

Establish Action Plan Peggy Esquibel Reed-Qwest stated that QCC will present this CR in the July 20th CMP Systems Meeting and that the response will be provided by August 16th.

CenturyLink Response

August 16, 2005

RE: SCR062905-02 Addition to Products Currently in the Stand Alone Test Environment (SATE)

Qwest has reviewed the information submitted as part of Change Request (SCR062905-02). Based upon the scope of this CR as agreed to in the Clarification Meeting (held July 11, 2005) Qwest is still examining the issue. Qwest will continue to research the problem and provide an updated response at the next Systems CMP Meeting.

At the next Monthly Systems CMP Meeting, CMP participants will be given the opportunity to comment on this Change Request and provide additional clarifications. Qwest is interested in the experiences of the CMP community as relates to this issue. Qwest will incorporate any feedback received at the next Monthly Systems CMP Meeting into further evaluation of this Change Request.

Sincerely, Qwest

Information Current as of 1/11/2021