Wholesale: Products & Services

Archived System CR SCR060204-01X Detail

Title: Tone on Line (Crossover PC060204 1)
CR Number Current Status
Level of
Release No.

SCR060204-01X Completed
300 - 600   5/ UNE, Transport (EUDIT), Loop, UNE-P, EEL (UNE-C)
Originator: Rea, Ervin
Originator Company Name: AT&T
Owner: Winston, Connie
CR PM: Stecklein, Lynn
Description Of Change
AT&T requests the ability to request that the ability be given to request and receive "Tone on the Line" for maintenance issues in an effort to locate the correct pain in a Demarc

Expected Deliverable:

When AT&T, or it's designated vendor, is trying to locate the correct pair to connect a customer from the Demarc to CPE they would request that a tone be placed on the line. The expected result of this action will reduce the number of requested vendor meets, the number of trouble tickets being issued to request a "Tag and Locate". By having Tone on Line a customer's vendor can better isolate any troubles that may occur from the Demarc to CPE and or inside wire. The expected result will be a savings in resources and cost by both the CLEC and Qwest.

Status History

Date Action Description
6/2/2004 CR Submitted  
6/3/2004 CR Acknowledged  
6/7/2004 Info Requested from CLEC Contacted Ervin Rea - ATT on vacation until 6-14 - lwtc to set Clarification meeting for 6-15 
6/15/2004 Clarification Meeting Held  
8/18/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the August CMP Systems Meeting - See August Distribution Package - Attachment E 
8/18/2004 Additional Information Change Request Crossover (PC060204-1) 
8/19/2004 Status Changed Status changed to presented 
8/19/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the August Systems CMP Meeting - See Distribution Package - Attachment F 
10/20/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the October CMP Systems Meeting - See attachment G 
12/28/2004 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the December CMP Systems Meeting - See attachment J in Distribution Package 
6/15/2005 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the June CMP Systems Meeting - See attachment I in the June Distribution Package 
6/15/2005 Status Changed Status changed to Development 
7/7/2005 Additional Information QPP will benefit with the implementation of this CR 
9/9/2005 Communicator Issued SYST.09.09.05.F.03263.CEMROctRelDrftRelNotice 
9/19/2005 Communicator Issued SYST.09.19.05.F.03294.CEMROctRelFinRelNotice 
10/11/2005 Communicator Issued SYST.10.10.05.F.03365.CEMR_CMPRelDeploy101005 
10/11/2005 Status Changed Status Changed to CLEC Test Due to 10/10/05 Deployment 
10/19/2005 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the October Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment G in the Distribution Package 
11/18/2005 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the November Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment G in the Distribution Package 
11/18/2005 Status Changed Status changed to Completed 

Project Meetings

11/16/05 Systems CMP Meeting

Jill Martain/Qwest stated that this CR deployed on 10/10/05. Sharon Van Meter/AT&T said that this CR can be closed.

10/19/05 Systems CMP Meeting

This CR deployed on 10/10/05 and will remain in CLEC Tes

9/9/05 - Communicator Issued

SYST.09.09.05.F.03263.CEMROctRelDrftRelNotice Announcement Date: September 9, 2005 Effective Date: Immediately Notification Number: SYST.09.09.05.F.03262.CEMROctRelDrftRelNotice Notification Category: Systems Notification Target Audience: IXCs, Wireless Subject: CEMR System Change October 10, 2005 CEMR Release: Draft Release Announcement In conjunction with the CEMR system release targeted for implementation on October 10, 2005, Qwest is enhancing the application as outlined below. Summary of Changes: 1. Tone on Line: Qwest will provide the ability to request and receive "Tone on the Line" for maintenance issues in an effort to locate the correct pair at the Demarc. When a Wholesale customer is trying to locate the correct pair to connect an end user customer from the Demarc to CPE, they will request that a tone be placed on the line. By having Tone on Line, a customer's vendor can better isolate any troubles that may occur from the Demarc to CPE and or inside wire. This request is available only from CEMR. 2. Allow customers to bond a message in CEMR on a non-design ticket when the error message is received that indicates that the commit time has passed: Qwest will update CEMR to allow the ability to bond a message in CEMR on a non-design ticket when the initial commit time has passed. The customer needs the ability to electronically accept the next available commit time without an initial call to request one. Once the new commit time has been accepted by the customer, the customer then needs the functionality to bond a message. Once a customer has found the trouble report needed, they will be able to edit it, cancel it, change the appointment time, or request a new commitment time. A customer will be able to change commitment times only for which the original commitment time has expired and if the trouble report is still opened. The customer will be able to view closed trouble reports for a day after they’ve been closed, but won’t be able to change commitment times. Note: The above changes will be reflected in the final 2.08.00 CEMR Online Help October 10, 2005. The CEMR Online Help is available at http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/systems/cemrandrce.html. The 2.08.00 Online Help will also include information on process changes for cable verification. Details for cable verification can be found at http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/notices/cnla/ under process notification PROS.08.18.05.F.03198.CEMRCableVerify. Timeline: Release Announcement Available September 09, 2005 Final Release Announcement September 19, 2005 Targeted Production Date October 10, 2005 If you have any questions or would like to discuss this notice, you may submit questions to itcomm@qwest.com, or your Qwest Service Manager. Qwest appreciates your business and we look forward to our continued relationship.


Qwest Corporation

6/15/05 Systems CMP Meeting

Jill Martain - Qwest stated that the targeted implementation date for this CR is 10/10/05.

12/15/04 CMP Systems Meeting

Jill Martain/Qwest asked if there were any questions for Attachment J. Sharon Van Meter/AT&T asked for an updated status on #52, #57, #66 and #67. Sharon stated that these CRs are still in a Presented Status and asked if the status should be changed to something else. Jill Martain/Qwest said that these CRs are being worked on even though they are in a presented status and are part of the funding effort that is underway. Jill said that they remain in presented status until the CRs are scheduled and would then move to development status. There were no additional questions or comments.

10/20/04 CMP Systems Meeting

Jill Martain/Qwest stated that the level of effort for this CR is 300 to 600 hours and that this action item will be closed.

8/18/04 CMP Systems Meeting

Jill Martain/Qwest stated that this CR was crossed over from Product and Process to Systems. Jill stated that we will provide the LOE in the September Systems CMP Meeting.

July 21, 2004 CMP Monthly Meeting Notes: Denny Graham Qwest reviewed the response and advised that Qwest is looking at the process and products impacted. Qwest will move this CR to Evaluation status. We will provide an updated status in August.

June 16, 2004 CMP Monthly Meeting notes: Kit Thomte Qwest explained that we have had some difficulty with our conference bridge numbers. We have contacted our service provider and they are correcting the problem. Bonnie Johnson Eschelon advised she understands it was a problem with the bridge, and not that it was posted incorrectly on the calendar. Cindy Macy Qwest apologized for the confusion and explained that she contacted the originator of the CR to provide a different call in number, but did not think to contact any other CLECs. Bonnie advised that is okay as she understands the issue. Bonnie suggested in the future though, if CLECs are having trouble connecting to conference bridge numbers that they should page the Project Manager. The CLEC community agreed that would be a good solution.

Ervin Rea ATT presented the CR. Ervin explained that 10% of their trouble tickets are to tag and locate a loop at the DMARC or NID. This CR is asking for the ability to request when needed an identification tone be placed on the line. This would allow the CLEC to locate the line that they need to provision or repair without Qwest having to send a truck out to tag the line. This should apply to UNE Loop, UNE-P and EEL products. Bonnie Johnson Eschelon advised that she would like to include all UNE-P including Resale products as Eschelon experiences this issue a lot also. Bonnie advised that all POTS orders are dropping to manual handling asking for a tag. Eschelon’s statistics for this issue are similar to ATT. Ervin Rea ATT said he has forward SBCs ‘Tone on line’ process to Cindy Macy at Qwest. Ervin advised there is a system or center to contact to request the tone be placed on the line. We talked with Service Management and they advised that there is not a process available to the CLEC at this time. We know it is available to Qwest. John Berard Covad advised it would be best to mechanize this type of activity and not have to call a center. This CR will move to Presented Status.

Clarification Call - PC060204-1 Tone on Line June 15, 2004 1:30 2:30 p.m.

In attendance: Ervin Rea ATT Denny Graham Qwest Cindy Macy Qwest

Ervin Rea ATT reviewed the CR. Ervin explained that 10-12% of the trouble tickets that ATT issues to Qwest requests that a technician goes out to tag and locate the cable pair. This CR requests that an identification tone is placed on the line so the ATT technician can locate the line themselves. This eliminates the need to have Qwest dispatch a truck to locate the DMARC/NID. Ervin said this should reduce the trouble ticket volume by 10-12 % and save resources. Ervin advised he has talked with the other CLECs and they also support this CR. This will reduce the cost that CLECs pay to Qwest for a truck roll. Ervin advised that he understands that Qwest provides this ability to Qwest technicians. Ervin advised he is not sure of the process, but a Central Office technician could put the tone on the line.

Cindy Macy Qwest asked Ervin what products is he requesting this service on. Ervin advised it would be UNE P non design mostly, EEL could apply which may be designed.

Cindy Macy Qwest asked Ervin if they want this on all lines automatically or do they want to request it only when they are unable to locate the cable pair. Ervin advised this would only be requested if they could not locate it, not on all lines automatically. This would apply to both Provisioning and Repair.

Denny Graham Qwest advised he understands what Ervin is requesting. He will have to investigate the current process. Denny advised he is not sure how the CLEC would request this to be done, and what time frames would be required.

Ervin Rea ATT advised that Bell South has a process for Tone on Line. Ervin will send Cindy a copy of that process. Cindy will distribute to Denny to review.

Ervin Rea ATT advised they checked with Service Management first and were told that this is not available today.

The group discussed the current process that to tag and locate a line in the first 10 days, there is no charge and it is requested on the LSR. This is done as a supplement to the LSR. There is a charge to tag and locate after the 10th day and this is requested on a repair ticket.

Cindy Macy Qwest advised that we will review the request and provide a response at the July CMP meeting. Ervin will present the CR at the June CMP meeting.

CenturyLink Response

DRAFT Response

September 17, 2004

RE: SCR060204-01X Tone On Line

Qwest has reviewed the information submitted as part of Change Request (SCR06020401-01X). Based upon the scope of this CR as agreed to in the Clarification Meeting (held June 15, 2004) Qwest is able to provide an estimated Level of Effort (LOE) of 300 to 600 hours for this CEMR Change Request.

At the next Monthly Systems CMP Meeting, CMP participants will be given the opportunity to comment on this Change Request and provide additional clarifications. Any clarifications and/or modifications identified at that time will be incorporated into Qwest's further evaluation of this Change Request.

Sincerely, Qwest

Information Current as of 1/11/2021