Wholesale: Products & Services

Archived System CR SCR012103-01 Detail

Title: CABS/BOS IABS Updates: Process Bill Data and CSRs on the same day.
CR Number Current Status
Level of
Release No.

SCR012103-01 Completed
2500 - 3500   11/ Billing UBL, UNE Switching, UNE Transport including EUDIT, UNE Loop, UNE-P
Originator: Pardee, Carla
Originator Company Name: AT&T
Owner: Notarianni, Lynn
CR PM: Esquibel-Reed, Peggy
Description Of Change
Qwest has filed for several exceptions from compliance with OBF standards for CABS/IABS. AT&T requests that Qwest implement the change to process bill data and CSRs on the same day so that Qwest will become compliant with the current OBF standard and allow AT&T to validate several charges currently appearing on Qwest’s wholesale bills. In this respect, AT&T requests that Qwest process bill data and CSRs on the same day for CABS/IABs formatted bills.

Expected Deliverable:

April 2003.

Status History

Date Action Description
1/21/2003 CR Submitted  
1/21/2003 CR Acknowledged  
1/21/2003 Info Requested from CLEC Requested Carla's availabilty for Clarification Meeting. 
1/24/2003 CLEC Provided Information Received AT&Ts Availability for Clarification Call. 
1/27/2003 Clarification Meeting Scheduled Clarification Meeting Scheduled for February 4, 2003. 
2/4/2003 Clarification Meeting Held See Project Meetings Section for Meeting Notes. 
2/20/2003 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting SCR012103-01 discussed at February Systems CMP Monthly meeting; please see Systems CMP Distribution Package February CMP - Attachment B. 
2/25/2003 Info Requested from CLEC Sent email to AT&T requesting meeting availability. 
2/26/2003 Info Requested from CLEC Email sent to AT&T with clarification question 
2/27/2003 Info Received From CLEC Received email from AT&T with meeting availability and answer to clarification question 
3/3/2003 Record Update Meeting scheduled with AT&T to be held March 4, 2003 
3/4/2003 CLEC Call Conference call with AT&T with recommendation on how to split SCR012103-01 
3/20/2003 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting SCR012103-01 discussed at March Systems CMP Monthly meeting; please see Systems CMP Distribution Package March CMP. 
4/3/2003 Record Update Please see Project Meetings Section for Details on phased approach. 
4/4/2003 Communicator Issued SYST.04.04.03.F.04286.IABS/CABSbillupdate 
4/17/2003 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting SCR012103-01 discussed at April Systems CMP Monthly meeting; please see April Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachments I and K. 
5/22/2003 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the May Systems CMP Monthly meeting; please see May Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment I 
6/20/2003 Communicator Issued SYST.06.20.03.D.04334.IABSPntRel 
7/17/2003 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at July Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see July Systems CMP Distribution Package -- Attachment L 
7/22/2003 Status Changed Status Changed to CLEC Test due to 7/21/03 Deployment 
8/21/2003 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the August Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see August Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment G 
9/10/2003 Info Requested from CLEC Email Sent to Carla Pardee/AT&T 
9/15/2003 Info Received From CLEC Received Email Response From Carla Pardee/AT&T 
9/18/2003 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the September Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see September Systems CMP Distribution Package, Attachment G. 

Project Meetings

September 18, 2003 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Carla Pardee/AT&T stated that this CR is okay to close.

- September 15, 2003 Email Received From Carla Pardee/AT&T: Peggy - sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I have been on vacation. I talked with our internal client, and they have not experienced any problems with these CABS changes. Consequently, AT&T is willing to close these two CRs. Thanks. See you Thursday. Carla

-- September 10, 2003 Email Sent to Carla Pardee/AT&T: Hi Carla -- This email is in regard to 2 of your CMP CR's: SCR012103-01 CABS/BOS IABS Updates: Process Bill Data and CSRs on the same day SCR012103-02 CABS/BOS IABS Updates: Perform all standard CABS BOS edits on the UNE bills These 2 CR's were deployed on July 21, 2003. Would you please let me know if they are ready for closure, at the September Systems CMP Meeting or if there are issues that will prevent closure. If there are issues, please advise me of what they are so that we can research prior to the meeting. We will then be able to provide you with a status of the research, if any is needed. I appreciate any information that you can provide in advance of the CMP Meeting. Thanks, Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest CRPM -- Systems

- August 21, 2003 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that this CR was deployed on July 21, 2003. Carla Pardee/AT&T stated that she would like to leave this CR open for validation. There were no additional comments or questions.

- July 17, 2003 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Connie Winston/Qwest stated that the implementation date for this billing CR is July 21, 2003.

May 22, 2003 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that the targeted implementation date for this request is July 2003. Donna Osborne-Miller/AT&T asked that the Action Item remain open until she communicates the date to Carla (Pardee/AT&T)

April 17, 2003 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that this is one of the CABS/BOS CRs and at the last meeting we gave a targeted date in May. Lynn stated that we need to communicate new dates. Lynn stated that coding has begun for the Eastern Region and that we are targeting end of July for completion. Carla Pardee/AT&T asked if this was currently available in the Central and Western Regions. Beth Foster/Qwest stated yes. Lynn Notarianni/Qwest asked if this action item could be closed. Carla Pardee/AT&T responded yes.

April 3, 2003 Record Update: Qwest has determined that a phased implementation of SCR012103-01, will allow CLECs to begin to receive CABS formatted bills for the Eastern Region for processing bill data and CSRs on the same day. This functionality is currently available for the Central and Western Regions. The phased implementation for the Eastern Region began on April 1, 2003 and is targeted for completion on July 21, 2003.

March 20, 2003 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that the LOE for this request is 2500 to 3500 hours and the targeted implementation date is May 5, 2003.

March 4, 2003 Email from Carla Pardee/AT&T to cmpcr@qwest.com with a cc to Peggy Esquibel-Reed: Peggy: Per our meeting this morning, I am resubmitting the CRs we discussed. I decided it would be best to leave the initial CR, and I am resubmitting 8 separate CRs. I assume you will assign new numbers? Also, for date submitted, I left the 1/22/03 as the initial submission date, and a resubmitted date of 3/4/03. Please feel free to call me if you have any questins in this regard. Thanks.

-- March 4, 2003 Email from AT&T: I definitely agree. Thanks for looking, I am not sure how I missed this, but I did! Thanks. This will be very helpful to us. --Original Message-- From: Peggy Esquibel-Reed [mailto:pesquib@qwest.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 12:28 PM To: Pardee, Carla D, CSLSM Subject: SCR012103-01 ITEMs 4 & 5

-- March 4, 2003 Email to AT&T: Carla -- In regard to items 4 & 5 on SCR012103-01, I have verified that they are in fact the same as what is to be delivered with the existing CMP CR of SCR110802-02IG. I have verified that SCR110802-02IG is not a BillMate specific effort. Based on that information, I do not believe that a new CR needs to be submitted for these 2 items. Item 4 is Populate adjustment thru date with the date through which the adjustment applies. Item 5 is Populate adjustment from date with the date from which the adjustment applies.

I have attached a copy of SCR110802-02IG for your review. Please let me know if you have additional questions or concerns. Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest CRPM -- Systems pesquib@qwest.com 303.896.6332

-- March 4, 2003 Meeting with AT&T with recommendation on how best to split CR into smaller efforts: Attendees - Carla Pardee/AT&T, Mer Thompson/AT&T, Bob Hayes,/AT&T, Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest, Dean Buhler/Qwest, Mark Heline/Qwest, Shelley Mason/Qwest, Kerri Waldner/Qwest Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest stated the purpose of the call was to recommend to AT&T how it would be nest to split the original CR containing 10 items into smaller efforts. Peggy stated that the split recommendation is based on Qwest analyzing each piece of work and stated that splitting of the CR may also help when scheduling the CR's for deployment. Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest stated the recommendation as follows and AT&Ts agreement is also stated:

ITEM 1: Process bill data and CSRs on the same day. AT&T agreed to modify the original AT&T CR, SCR012103-01, to include this item only.

ITEM 2: Perform all standard CABS BOS edits on the UNE bills. AT&T agreed to submit a separate CR for this item.

ITEM 3: Populate activity date with the date of the activity associated with the charges. AT&T agreed to submit a separate CR for this item.

ITEM 4: Populate adjustment thru date with the date through which the adjustment applies. ITEM 5: Populate adjustment from date with the date from which the adjustment applies. There is an existing Systems CMP CR, SCR110802-02IG, for items 4 and 5 on the original CR. Carla Pardee/AT&T asked if SCR110802-02IG was a BIllMate CR. Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest stated that it was not. Shelley Mason/Qwest confirmed. Peggy agreed to revalidate.

ITEM 6: Populate audit number with the reference number provided by AT&T (if provided). AT&T agreed to submit a separate CR for this item.

ITEM 7: Populate recurring/non-recurring charge indicator with a value of "1" for monthly recurring access charges and a value of "2" for non-recurring charges. AT&T will send a separate CR for this item. Qwest believes that this was delivered in an October Release. AT&T has stated that they may, in time, withdraw the CR if they find this to be true.

ITEM 8: Populate service established dates with the date on which service was established. AT&T agreed to submit a separate CR for this item.

ITEM 9: Separate taxes and surcharges and populate on the appropriate records per the CABS guidelines. AT&T agreed to submit a separate CR for this item.

ITEM 10: Establish and use more descriptive local use phrase codes for UNE charges and adjustments. AT&T agreed to submit a separate CR for this item.

Carla Pardee/AT&T asked for status if the ICA call was a standing call. Dean Buhler/Qwest stated that the calls take place each Tuesday and Thursday. Carla Pardee/AT&T asked if these 10 items would be included in the agreement. Dean Buhler/Qwest stated that internal discussions were still taking place and stated that the redlined changes have not yet been completed. Carla Pardee/AT&T stated that she is more than willing to split the original CR (SCR012103-01) and would send in the CR's today. Carla asked if Clarification calls would need to again take place. Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest stated that if AT&T and Qwest were comfortable that additional calls would not be needed, we would not have to hold them. Carla Pardee/AT&T stated that she is comfortable without additional clarification calls; she does not want to start over. Kerri Waldner/Qwest also stated that she was comfortable without additional clarification calls. There was no dissent from the call participants to not have additional clarification calls for the resubmitted CRs. Carla Pardee/AT&T asked when these would be scheduled. Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest stated that scheduling needs to be determined Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest stated that Qwest would provide a status for each affected CR at the March Systems CMP Meeting. There were no other questions or comments. The call was adjourned.

March 3, 2003 Email to AT&T: Hi Carla -- Thanks for your email and voicemail resonse. I have scheduled the meeting for SCR012103-01, based on your availability. Meeting logistics are: Date: Tuesday, March 4, 2003 Time: 9:00 a.m. Call in #: 1-877-564-8688 Passcode: 8571927 Talk to you then. Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest Communications CRPM -- Systems

- February 27, 2003 Email from AT&T: Peggy: Here is your response - also, it looks like the only time we are available is March 4 at 9am MST. Hope this still works. Thanks for your help. Mer and Bob - Please mark your calendar. --Original Message-- From: Thompson, Meri-Louise (Mer), CSLSM Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 6:58 AM To: Pardee, Carla D, CSLSM; Hayes, Robert W (Bob), CSLSM Subject: RE: SCR012103-01 CABS BOS IABS Updates

Carla, The Activity Date data element/field is only valid on the 40-15-05-00 and 40-15-10-00 records so our answer is Yes - we are referencing the 40-15-XX records. As to the conference call dates I am available from 11 AM to 12 Noon on March 4th. I am booked from 12 Noon until 3 PM on March 4th and all day March 5th. Thanks, Mer

--Original Message-- From: Pardee, Carla D, CSLSM Sent: February 26, 2003 7:10 PM To: Hayes, Robert W (Bob), CSLSM; Thompson, Meri-Louise (Mer), CSLSM Subject: FW: SCR012103-01 CABS BOS IABS Updates

Bob and Mer: Can you answer this questions for Qwest? Also, they want to have a follow-up call (this should be a "robust") discussion on either March 4 11am or 1pm EST, or March 5 at 11am or 2pm EST? Thanks.

- February 26, 2003 Email sent to Carla Pardee/AT&T: Good Afternoon Carla -- We are in the process of analyzing how it makes the most sense to split your CR in order to present you with the recommendation and need clarification on one of the items. For the third item on your CR, which is 'Populate activity date with the date of the activity associated with the charges', will you confirm that you are referencing a 40-15-XX record and not a billing record? If that is not correct, would you please provide additional information as to where exactly, you want to see the activity dates? I appreciate you help.

Here is an excerpt regarding item 3, from the Clarification Meeting Minutes, if it helps.: Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest asked if the reference activity date was the service order activity date. Carla Pardee/AT&T responded yes. Jami Larson/Qwest asked if AT&T was getting an error message. Jeri Lancaster/AT&T stated that an error message was not received but that AT&T could not correlate a charge to a service order. Jeri (AT&T) stated that AT&T cannot validate the service order date.

Thanks Much, Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest Communications CRPM -- Systems 303.896.6332

February 25, 2003 Email sent to Carla Pardee/AT&T: Hi Carla -- I would like to schedule a meeting with you to discuss the splitting of your CMP CR, SCR012103-01 CABS/BOS IABS Updates. Will any of the dates & times noted below work for you? Please let me know which ones will work and I will get the meeting scheduled. Tuesday, March 4, 2003 9:00 a.m. MT Tuesday, March 4, 2003 11:00 a.m. MT Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:00 a.m. MT Wednesday, March 5, 2003 12:00 p.m. MT Thanks, Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest Communications CRPM -- Systems pesquib@qwest.com 303.896.6332

February 20, 2003 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Carla Pardee/AT&T presented CR and asked what the next step was. Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that Qwest is currently analyzing how to best split the CR and will be scheduling a meeting with AT&T to discuss. Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest stated that she would schedule the meeting. Carla Pardee/AT&T stated okay. There were no other questions or comments.

- Clarification Meeting - February 4, 2003 Introduction of Attendees: Carla Pardee/AT&T, Jeri Lancaster/AT&T, Mer Thompson/AT&T, Scott Carne/Qwest, Shelley Mason/Qwest, Kerri Waldner/Qwest, Deb Walker/Qwest, Lynn Notarianni/Qwest, Jami Larson/Qwest, Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest

CR Description Review: Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest reviewed the CR description: Qwest has filed for several exceptions from compliance with OBF standards for CABS/IABS. AT&T requests that Qwest implement the following changes so that Qwest will become compliance with the current OBF standards, and allow AT&T to validate several charges currently appearing on Qwest’s wholesale bills. Peggy stated that there are 10 items and each item would be discussed.

Impacted Interfaces: Wholesale Billing

Confirmed Products: Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest stated that the impacted products noted on the CR were UBL, UNE Switching, UNE Transport, UNE Loop, and UNE-P. Peggy asked AT&T for confirmation of the impacted products. Carla Pardee/AT&T stated that the CR is for the current AT&T products. Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that would look into the AT&T product set.

Correct Personnel Involved: No other personnel identified.

CLECs Expectations/Meeting Discussion: Carla Pardee/AT&T stated that she was aware that this CR might need to be split into several smaller CR’s. Carla stated that the CR was issued with all 10 items so that there could be 1 discussion for all issues. Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest stated that after the Clarification call, Qwest will analyze to determine if a split of the issues would make sense and bring forward to AT&T recommendations for how the CR should be split. Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest stated that each of the 10 items would be discussed individually during this call. ITEM 1: Process bill data and CSRs on the same day. Shelley Mason/Qwest asked for confirmation that this was regarding the bill date. Jeri Lancaster/AT&T stated that is asking for the same extract date for the bill pull. Carla Pardee/AT&T asked Jeri (AT&T) what the process is. Jeri Lancaster/AT&T stated that they are currently processed on the same invoice and appears on the differences list. Jeri stated that AT&T receives an error message and that the charges on the tape and paper bill do not match. There were no other questions or comments for Item 1.

ITEM 2: Perform all standard CABS BOS edits on the UNE bills. Shelley Mason/Qwest asked if the requested edits are for the Bill Data Tape. Carla Pardee/AT&T stated that was correct. There were no other questions or concerns for Item 2.

ITEM 3: Populate activity date with the date of the activity associated with the charges. Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest asked if the reference activity date was the service order activity date. Carla Pardee/AT&T responded yes. Jami Larson/Qwest asked if AT&T was getting an error message. Jeri Lancaster/AT&T stated that an error message was not received but that AT&T could not correlate a charge to a service order. Jeri (AT&T) stated that AT&T cannot validate the service order date. There were no other questions or comments for Item 3.

ITEM 4: Populate adjustment thru date with the date through which the adjustment applies. There were no questions or comments for Item 4.

ITEM 5: Populate adjustment from date with the date from which the adjustment applies. There were no questions or comments for Item 5.

ITEM 6: Populate audit number with the reference number provided by AT&T (if provided). Carla Pardee/AT&T stated that this issue is similar to Eschelon’s CR requesting the maintenance number, circuit ID on the bill. Carla (AT&T) asked AT&T to clarify this issue. Mer Thompson/AT&T stated that the audit number is a number associated to a billing dispute or is a reference number for a trouble ticket. Mer (AT&T) stated that AT&T needs a way to associate adjustments to a trouble ticket or to a dispute. Shelley Mason/Qwest asked if this would only apply to adjustment records and asked where the audit number appears, adjustments and OC&C’s. Jami Larson/Qwest stated that appear on adjustments and OC&C’s if provided. There were no other questions or comments for Item 6.

ITEM 7: Populate recurring/non-recurring charge indicator with a value of "1" for monthly recurring access charges and a value of "2" for non-recurring charges. There were no questions or comments for Item 7.

ITEM 8: Populate service established dates with the date on which service was established. Shelley Mason/Qwest asked for clarification if ‘service established’ means the account established date or when an item of service was established. Jami Larson/Qwest stated that ‘service established’ is when service or a specific feature was established. Jeri Lancaster/AT&T asked if this was the provisioning date. Jami Larson/Qwest stated that it could be. Jami stated that it is the date that billing starts for the establishment of the service or of the feature. Jeri Lancaster/AT&T stated that it is the completion date for the adding of a feature or an additional line. Jeri (AT&T) stated that the original established date is not the activity date when a change was made via a service order. There were no other questions or comments for Item 8.

ITEM 9: Separate taxes and surcharges and populate on the appropriate records per the CABS guidelines. There were no questions or comments for Item 9.

ITEM 10: Establish and use more descriptive local use phrase codes for UNE charges and adjustments. Jeri Lancaster/AT&T stated that there are standard phrase codes within CABS/BOS. Jeri stated that Qwest Currently uses 3 phrase codes and are generic, not descriptive enough. Jeri stated that Qwest uses phrase codes such as ‘charge or credit for new service’. Jeri stated that might be X18 or X16. Jeri stated that AT&T needs the existing CABS/BOS phrase codes to be used for billing purposes; for example, ‘one time charge for service provided’. Jeri stated that the phrase codes are in the CABS documentation. Shelley Mason/Qwest asked to clarify that the phrase codes are to be used for UNE charges and adjustments in CABS. Jeri Lancaster/AT&T responded yes. Carla Pardee/AT&T stated that AT&T needs financial assurance of the charges, that is what is driving this CR. Jeri Lancaster/AT&T stated that the current bill that is being produced is a shell and a lot of needed detail is not there. Jeri stated that the bill is not a verifiable bill. Shelley Mason/Qwest asked to clarify that there is an existing set of phrase codes to follow. Jeri Lancaster/AT&T responded yes. There were no other questions or comments for Item 10.

Action Plan: Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest stated that this CR is due to be presented by AT&T at the February 20th Systems CMP Meeting

CenturyLink Response


RE: SCR012103-01 CABS/BOS IABS Updates: Process Bill Data and CSRs on the same day.

Qwest has determined that a phased implementation of SCR012103-01 will allow CLECs to begin to receive CABS formatted bills for the Eastern Region for processing bill data and CSRs on the same day. This functionality is currently available for the Central and Western Regions. The phased implementation for the Eastern Region began on April 1, 2003 and is targeted for completion on July 21, 2003.

Sincerely, Qwest


RE: SCR012103-01 CABS/BOS IABS Updates: Process Bill Data and CSRs on the same day.

Qwest has reviewed the information submitted as part of Change Request SCR012103-01. Based upon the scope of this CR as agreed to in the Clarification Meeting, Qwest is able to provide an estimated Level of Effort (LOE) of 2500 to 3500 hours for this Wholesale Billing Interface Change Request. This CR, SCR012103-01 has a targeted implementation date of May 5, 2003.

At the next Monthly Systems CMP Meeting, CMP participants will be given the opportunity to comment on this Change Request.

Sincerely, Qwest

-- DRAFT RESPONSE February 5, 2003

RE: SCR012103-01 CABS/BOS IABS Updates

Qwest is reviewing the information submitted as part of AT&T’s Change Request SCR012103-01, which is requesting that Qwest become compliant with current OBF standards, and allow AT&T to validate several charges currently appearing on Qwest’s wholesale bills. This CR includes a list of 10 items that AT&T would like Qwest to address. Those items are: 01) Process bill data and CSRs on the same day. 02) Perform all standard CABS BOS edits on the UNE bills. 03) Populate activity date with the date of the activity associated with the charges. 04) Populate adjustment thru date with the date through which the adjustment applies. 05) Populate adjustment from date with the date from which the adjustment applies. 06) Populate audit number with the reference number provided by AT&T (if provided). 07) Populate recurring/non-recurring charge indicator with a value of "1" for monthly recurring access charges and a value of "2" for non-recurring charges. 08) Populate service established dates with the date on which service was established. 09) Separate taxes and surcharges and populate on the appropriate records per the CABS guidelines. 10) Establish and use more descriptive local use phrase codes for UNE charges and adjustments.

Based upon the discussion that took place during the Clarification Meeting (held February 4, 2003) Qwest is analyzing the best approach in splitting this CR into smaller efforts, with AT&T’s agreement. Qwest is also working to investigate each item in order to develop potential solutions. Qwest will continue to research the CR, and will provide an updated response at the March Systems CMP Meeting.

Qwest is working diligently to address this Change Request and to provide the most accurate LOE possible. At the February Monthly Systems CMP Meeting, CMP participants will be given the opportunity to comment on this Change Request and provide additional clarifications. Qwest is interested in the experiences of the CMP community as relates to this issue. Qwest will incorporate any feedback received at the next Monthly Systems CMP Meeting into further evaluation of this Change Request.

Sincerely, Qwest

Information Current as of 1/11/2021