Wholesale: Products & Services

Open Product/Process CR PC110205-1 Detail

Title: Report Containing USOC / Class of Service / Rates
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC110205-1 Completed
Originator: Cornwell, Barbara
Originator Company Name: Qwest Corporation
Owner: Cornwell, Barbara
CR PM: Esquibel-Reed, Peggy

Description Of Change

After a Cost Docket the CLEC can request their USOC, Class of Service, and rates associated with changes from the Cost Docket. The report for Resale will provide only the USOC and the discount percentage. The CLEC must send in a written request through their Service Management Team. This information may be requested after the billing systems have been updated with the new rates. Any discrepancies found on this report should follow the normal dispute process.

SAMPLE REPORT (non-Resale):

Non Recurring billed at 82.0 percent of the Tariffed Rate


Date: 11/2/2005

State: Arizona

Reseller: XXX

CTC for:For AZ Permanent Order




NR9RJ / / Private Line transport first circuit. / $41.05


ST USOC disc Type Product Description Special Recur% Nrc%

122 82 XX XX 8200 8200

12Y 82 XX XX 8200 8200


Non Recurring billed at 79.0 percent of the Tariffed Rate


Date: 11/2/2005

State: Arizona

Reseller: xxx

CTC for:For AZ Permanent Order






ST USOC disc Recur% Nrc%

122 79 7900 7900

12Y 79 7900 7900

Expected Deliverable:

An EXCEL spreadsheet that contains the USOC, Class of Service and rate changes by product from a Cost Docket change. The report for Resale will contain USOC and discount percentage only. To begin with the next Cost Docket.

Date Action Description
11/2/2005 CR Submitted 
11/2/2005 CR Acknowledged 
11/16/2005 Discussed in the Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting 
11/22/2005 PROS.11.22.05.F.03455.Billing_Info_CRISV34 (Level 4) 
12/14/2005 Discussed in the Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting 
1/18/2006 Discussed in the Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting 

Project Meetings

January 18, 2006 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting Discussion: Jill Martain-Qwest stated that this CR was in CLEC Test due to the implementation on January 6th and would like to close the CR. Jill stated that there are no Cost Dockets in the next 30-days and noted that the new process would be used for the next one. There was no objection to closing the CR.

- December 14, 2005 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting Discussion: Jill Martain/Qwest stated that this effort is on target for a January 6, 2006 deployment. This CR remains in Development Status.

-- November 22, 2005 COMMUNICATOR EXCERPT Announcement Date: November 22, 2005 Proposed Effective Date: January 06, 2006 Document Number: PROS.11.22.05.F.03455.BillingInfoCRISV34 Notification Category: Process Notification target Audience: CLECs, Resellers Subject: CMP - Billing Information-Customer Records and Information System (CRIS)-V34.0 Level of Change: Level 4 Associated CR Number or System Release Number: Qwest CR # PC110205-1 Summary of Change: On November 22 , 2005, Qwest will post planned updates to its Wholesale Product Catalog that include new/revised documentation for Billing Information-Customer Records and Information System (CRIS)-V34.0. These will be posted to the Qwest Wholesale Document Review Site located at http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/review.html

Qwest has created a new process as result of CMP CR PC110205-1 to provide CLECs the ability to request: USOC, Class of Service and Rates for the CRIS billed products affected by a Cost Docket. The CLEC would issue a written request to their Service Manager and the information would be provided after the billing systems have been updated with the new rates. This information was added to the PCAT in the Pricing Section, Rates Subsection.

Current operational documentation for this product or business procedure is found on the Qwest Wholesale Web Site at this URL: http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/clecs/cris.html

These documentation updates are associated with CR # PC 110205-1. Further information about this Change Request is available on the Wholesale Web site at URL http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/changerequest.html.

November 16, 2005 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting Discussion: Barb Cornwell/Qwest stated that Qwest revisited this and will be providing the requested information. Barb stated that good feedback was received and noted that the spreadsheets would be helpful. Barb stated that the information would be provided after a Cost Docket, upon written request, via their Service Management Teams. Barb stated that the report would contain USOC, class of service, and rates. Barb then noted that the Resale report would only contain USOC and discounted percentage information. Barb said that this will begin with the next Cost Docket. Barb then stated that she would provide TDS with the information that they requested. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon asked if the process would be documented. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that this effort was being implemented via a Level 4. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon asked if there was availability for the CLECs to get the information 1 time and then on a going forward basis. Barb Cornwell/Qwest stated that it probably could be made available via a written request through their Service Manager. Barb stated that an estimated time to provide the reports can then be determined based on the volume of the requests. Barb stated that going forward; the reports would be provided after Cost Dockets. Jennifer Arnold/TDS Metrocom said Thank You very much and stated that she appreciated the effort. Barb Cornwell/Qwest said that she appreciated the CLECs working with Qwest through this issue.

- INFORMATION FROM AI092205-1: October 19, 2005 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting Discussion: Barb Cornwell/Qwest stated that she reviewed the May 2002 Meeting Minutes where this issue was first discussed. Barb stated that the documentation did contain discussion regarding cost dockets and stated that Qwest continues to provide the information that was agreed to in 2002 and noted that the meeting minutes do not indicate that Qwest agreed to provide contracted loaded sheets with USOCs. Barb stated that there is no existing process in place for Qwest to provide the information. Barb stated that she spoke with a Service Manager and was advised that a Service Manager did provide information to a CLEC that had requested it and it was a one time only spreadsheet. Barb stated that this is not an undocumented process because there is no process in place. Barb again noted that Qwest continues to provide items discussed in 2002. Jennifer Arnold/TDS Metrocom stated that she does not disagree that this item was from a 2002 discussion but stated that she would not have brought this issue up if she was not told that she could obtain the information from her Service Manager. (Comment to minutes received from Eschelon 10/27/05 Jennifer Arnold/TDS Metrocom stated that she does not disagree that this item was from a 2002 discussion but stated that she would have brought this issue up if she was not told that she could obtain the information from her Service Manager). Jennifer stated that she disagrees that there is no existing process because there was one in place. Barb Cornwell/Qwest stated that she believed that it was provided one time only. Jennifer Arnold/TDS Metrocom stated that there was a process put into place and noted that all the CLECs have received the information. Jennifer stated that she (Comments to minutes received from Eschelon 10/27/05) received the data more than once and is now hearing that Qwest no longer wants to provide the information. Barb Cornwell/Qwest stated that it was only provided one time. Liz Balvin/Covad stated that other CLECs have received the information and stated that the process was for the CLECs to request the information from their Service Manager’s and the Service Manager’s then would provide it. Jennifer Arnold/TDS Metrocom stated that her request is to have that process documented. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that the difference is that there was no consistency in the Service Managers providing the information or as to how it was provided. Jill stated that it was not a common process across the board and not a process with a common utility to provide the information. Jill stated that this a gray area and that she believes there is no consistent process to document. Liz Balvin/Covad asked if Qwest is opposed to provide information that was previously provided. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that changes would be needed to be made to ensure that the data provided was accurate and not just a report off-the-fly. Barb Cornwell/Qwest stated that it would need to be created for each CLEC. Jennifer Arnold/TDS Metrocom stated that she disagrees that there is no process and stated that the information was available to all CLECs and was discussed at CMP. Jen stated that she needs to know how to get the information and noted that the amount of work should be the same as it was in the past. (Comments to minutes received from Eschelon 10/27/05) Jen said that she used to get the data in a 2 to 3 day turnaround so the data must be available. Barb Cornwell/Qwest stated that it would be very time consuming and that there have been dramatic system changes. Jennifer Arnold/TDS Metrocom stated that she could provide the reports that she received and stated that the information is not in the PCATs or in Exhibit A. Jennifer stated that she needs Qwest to provide the data. Jennifer stated that she received the information and could send the data to Qwest. Liz Balvin/Covad asked why Qwest does not want to document the process and support it. Liz stated that it would eliminate 50% of the disputes, which would benefit Qwest and all the CLECs. Liz stated that CLECs have previously received the information. Liz then asked what it would take for Qwest to fill in the gray areas and get it documented. Sharon Van Meter/AT&T asked for the frequency of the report. Jennifer Arnold/TDS Metrocom stated that it is provided (Comments to minutes received from Eschelon 10/27/05) overall one time and TDS needs it only after cost dockets changes, so could validate that the rates were loaded correctly. Jennifer stated that in there was a cost docket for North Dakota in 2005 and that she needs the information. Jill Martain/Qwest asked if information is not provided on cost dockets. Barb Cornwell/Qwest stated that information is in Exhibit A and is generic. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon stated that Qwest does not understand and asked to please stop relating Jennifer’s request with an AT&T CR because they are not related. Barb Cornwell/Qwest stated that she agreed that there is no relationship between the two. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon stated that Qwest keeps referring the CLECs to Exhibit A and Exhibit A has no relation to how Qwest applied rated to a CLEC. Bonnie stated that verifying Qwest’s billing has challenges and Qwest is obligated to provide an accurate and timely bill. Bonnie stated that CLECs spend a lot of effort verifying the bills and Qwest should provide the information that Jennifer used to get in 1-2 days. Bonnie stated that her position is the same as Liz’s. Bonnie stated that she did not understand the pushback and why Qwest does not want to work with the CLECs. Bonnie stated that the process may not have been an internally documented process but that the people who provided the information were (Comments to minutes received from Eschelon 10/27/05) representing Qwest people. Bonnie stated that there seemed to be common understanding when some CLECs asked for the report because they did get it. Sharon Van Meter/AT&T asked how much work it would take if it is only after cost docket changes. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that Qwest would go back and see if any changes can be made. Barb Cornwell/Qwest stated that she did not find any information that supported that there was a process. Liz Balvin/Covad stated that Covad had also received the report. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon also stated that they had received it. Liz Balvin/Covad stated that a concern is that it has been 3 months already and wants to see progress before next month. Liz stated that if it is appropriate, a CR should be submitted. Liz stated that their business need is for bill validation and that the report is a useful tool. Jennifer Arnold/TDS Metrocom stated that she received the report in 2002 for 2 states, in 2003 for Minnesota, 2004 for North Dakota, and in 2005 for Iowa and North Dakota. Liz Balvin/Covad stated that this would benefit all and that it should not be a huge undertaking. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that Qwest would look at the costs and the risks of providing the report. Liz Balvin/Covad asked that if Qwest sees that changes do need to be made, if Qwest would open the CR. Jill Martain/Qwest said yes. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon stated that Qwest should be providing complete and accurate bills and should not put the owness (Comments to minutes received from Eschelon 10/27/05) on verifying the rates Qwest loads for a CLEC on the CLECs. Bonnie stated that Qwest must have the information as to what was loaded. Barb Cornwell/Qwest stated that Qwest did have the data that was loaded but that queries would need to be written, data pulled, etc. and stated that to do in all 14-states would be time consuming. Liz Balvin/Covad agreed that it would be initially but that the long term benefit is a lot less disputes for Qwest. Liz stated that looking at this from a business perspective; it is the right thing to do. Jennifer Arnold/TDS Metrocom stated that then she could work with her billing SDC’s to understand the discrepancies and maybe avoid a dispute. Sharon Van Meter/AT&T suggested an ad hoc meeting so another month doesn’t go by. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that if Qwest has information to share before November CMP, an ad hoc meeting could be scheduled. There were no additional questions or comments. This Action Item remains open.

- September 21, 2005 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting Discussion: Jennifer Arnold/TDS stated that she received an email stating that an Action Item was not opened for an issue raised at the August CMP Meeting, and that the issue would be handled off-line. Jennifer stated that she did send in an external documentation request. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that Qwest is still working on the issue internally and will work with TDS off-line. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon stated that other CLECs are interested and that Eschelon (Comment to Minutes received from Eschelon 9/30/05) has received this report in the past and may have a need in the future. Liz Balvin/Covad stated that she had requested and received the report and noted that it does contain vital information. Liz stated that she would like the process documented. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that an Action Item would be opened and would be discussed at the next CMP Meeting. Jill stated that we are working to see what the differences of the reports are and will have a status at the October CMP Meeting. Jill stated that if this is resolved prior to the October CMP Meeting, an ad hoc call could be scheduled. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon stated that all the CLECs believe that this is an existing process, even though it is not documented. Bonnie stated that if Qwest is no longer providing the report, Qwest has changed the existing process. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that Qwest is still looking into this. Jennifer Arnold/TDS stated that the report was based on discussion at a 2002 CMP Meeting and that it did not relate to an AT&T CMP CR. Jennifer stated that she had received the report before and after AT&T submitted their CR. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that there would be more discussion for this item. Sharon Van Meter/AT&T asked that in the mean-time, if a CLEC requests the report would the request be refused. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that the request needs to go through their Service Manager and it would be determined what, if anything was available. Sharon Van Meter/AT&T asked that if the Service Manager could not provide the report, if they would just have to wait. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that Qwest is working towards a quick resolution. There were no additional questions or comments.

September 14, 2005 Email Received From Jen: Thanks for the clarification Jean. Based on Qwest's response and further discussion I will consider opening a CR to request a manual process to request and receive these excel spreadsheets during the next meeting. But, considering the process already existed just as I'm requesting the spreadsheets now, and because it was Qwest that decided to stop accepting requests for the spreadsheets, I hope Qwest will be willing to share why they felt they should no longer provide the spreadsheets. It seems to me if we can address that, we will have our process back in place! Thanks! Jen

September 14, 2005 Email Sent to TDS: Jen Please let me clarify. I suggested that if wanted these type of reports then TDS should open/issue a CR to request these type of reports. I, at no time, state that the ATT CR was related to your request. Thanks Jean Novak

-- September 14, 2005 Email Received from TDS: Hi Peggy, Our Sr. Service Manager suggested the CR was related to that specific request. I stated during the meeting that we received the reports prior to the CR being brought and implemented based on Qwest stating that if we wanted our rates loaded information we should ask our service manager for it. I disagree with your conclusion that we received the spreadsheets on a ICB and that there was no process; several other CLECs reported receiving the same information from their service managers during the same timeframes. They received the information by requesting it from the service managers... the process Qwest rolled out verbally during a CMP meeting in 2002. Changing the process and claiming it wasn't a process is inappropriate and why I brought the issue to CMP. TDS needs this information to validate our bills. Just knowing what the rates should be by referencing exhibit A does not tell us whether Qwest is making a one-time error here and there based on an individual rep entering the billing information, or a chronic error because the incorrect rate is loaded in the system. This is especially true of infrequently used one-time charges. I don't understand the resistance to provide this validation information; a new set of eyes will likely help Qwest catch where they have errors and all parties will benefit. Unless service management is able to fulfill the request I don't see why Qwest would refer this back to that team? I look forward to Qwest's official answer from the AI during CMP and will proceed from that point. Thanks. Jen

September 14, 2005 Email Sent to TDS: Hi Jen, This email is in regard to the issue that you brought to the August CMP Meeting surrounding Contracted Loaded Rate Sheets. At that meeting, you stated that you received the spreadsheets as a result of an implemented CMP CR, PC110702-1, submitted by AT&T. We met internally to discuss this item and the loaded rate sheets that you were provided in the past is not the same information that was developed and implemented as a result of AT&Ts submitted CMP CR, PC110702-1. The spreadsheet that you are inquiring about was a report that a Qwest Service Manager had provided to you. The Service Manager was providing the report on an Individual Case Basis and it was not a standard process. The decision was then made to stop providing the report and that is why you no longer received them. The AT&T CR, PC110702-1, resulted in Qwest providing rates, but not USOCs, with Cost Dockets. Qwest continues to provide this information, with the Cost Dockets. I have attached a copy of PC110702-1 which contains the Qwest Response to the Change Request. Questions regarding rates should be directed to your Service Manager. Thank you, Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest Change Management

- August 17, 2005 Monthly Product Process CMP Meeting Discussion: Contracted Loaded Rate Sheets Jennifer Arnold-TDS Metrocomm stated that she requested, from her Service Manager, their company specific contracted loaded rate sheets, to validate bills and help with disputes. Jen stated that her Service Manager said that Qwest no longer provides the sheets and that Qwest provides Attachment A via the web. Jen stated that she does not understand why the process was changed. Jill Martain-Qwest asked if this was for all products. Jennifer Arnold-TDS Metrocomm stated that all rates are loaded, including new products. Jen stated that this was developed out of an AT&T CR PC110702-1 and stated that she did receive the rate sheets before and after the CR. Jen stated that their new Service Manager said that Qwest does not send them. Bonnie Johnson-Eschelon stated that they had also received them. Exhibit A is not loaded rates that create the bills and that is the information needed to validate that Qwest has loaded correct rates for each CLEC. Jennifer Arnold-TDS Metrocomm stated that the web does not have the same information as the report and that the report has the class of service, USOC, and the discount information. Jen stated that she has found some incorrect information for specific states. Jen stated that she does not know what changed or if there is just a misunderstanding with their Service Manager. Jen stated that she sent the information to the cmpcr mailbox. [Comment received from Eschelon: Jen said they had a situation where they found out Qwest had loaded a MN rate for ND.] Liz Balvin-Covad stated that the information is very helpful and that Covad did receive it some time ago. Liz stated that she has not recently requested it. Bonnie Johnson-Eschelon stated that Qwest provided this and then did not provide it and the CLECs were not notified. Bonnie stated that this is a concern and stated that maybe it is just a misunderstanding. Sharon Van Meter-AT&T stated that AT&T would not have asked for something limiting. Jill Martain-Qwest stated that we would look into it and see if we can resolve this.

Information Current as of 1/11/2021