Open Product/Process CR PC110201-1 Detail |
Title: Qwest Rate Center Maps | ||||||
CR Number |
Current Status Date |
Area Impacted | Products Impacted | |||
PC110201-1 |
Completed 3/20/2002 |
Originator: Van Meter, Sharon |
Originator Company Name: AT&T |
Owner: Saunders, Craig |
Director: |
CR PM: |
Description Of Change |
Qwest determines the Rate Centers. AT&T needs to mirror the Rate Center areas for residential LNP. What is the process for obtaining Rate Center Maps from Qwest?
Date | Action | Description |
11/1/2001 | CR received from Sharon Van Meter of AT&T | |
11/2/2001 | CR status updated to Submitted | |
11/2/2001 | Updated CR sent to Sharon Van Meter of AT&T | |
11/14/2001 | CMP Meeting - AT&T presented its CR in open forum. Qwest would expand CR to include CLLI codes, Eschelon requested DA maps also be included. AT&T asked that the clarification meeting be held with all CLEC community. | |
11/16/2001 | Held Clarification Meeting with AT&T, Eschelon and Worldcom (see meeting minutes and Eschelon e-mail). | |
12/12/2001 | CMP Meeting: AT&T presented this CR, Qwest SME in attendance. Discussion on the level of detail and the location needed for each map. Status changed to Evaluation. Qwest will present their draft response at the January CMP meeting. | |
12/18/2001 | Requested example rate map from LeiLani Hines (Worldcom). She posted to Qwest via mail the same day. | |
12/21/2001 | Map received by Qwest. Craig Saunders has copy. | |
1/4/2002 | E-mail from AT&T requesting map examples | |
1/4/2002 | E-mail response to AT&T | |
1/4/2002 | E-mail from Eschelon requesting additional information on Qwest response content | |
1/9/2002 | E-mail from Qwest asking for AT&T address to forward map example. | |
1/9/2002 | E-mail from Qwest responding to Eschelon e-mail on Qwest response content | |
1/10/2002 | Draft response dated 01/10/02 posted to the CMP database and issued to AT&T. Status changed to "Presented" | |
1/16/2002 | January CMP meeting. Qwest presented their response. Eschelon asked if they will be able to use these maps for predicting rates for their lines. Qwest took an action to respond to this request at the February CMP meeting. Status will remain in "Presented" status. | |
1/18/2002 | E-mail with AT&T mailing address for map example | |
1/18/2002 | Clarification e-mail from Eschelon | |
1/18/2002 | Map request e-mail from Eschelon | |
2/20/2002 | February CMP meeting: Qwest will have the rate center maps on the wholesale web site by the end of this week. There will also be a web form to enable CLECs to order maps to a street level detail. CR status changed to "Development" until CLECs are notified of URLs. CR status will then change to CLEC Test status. Meeting discussions will be set forth in the Product/Process Draft Meeting Minutes contained in the Product/Process CMP Meeting Distribution Package 03/20/02 | |
3/1/2002 | Formal response dated 03/01/02 posted to the CMP database. Response was updated to include the URL for rate center maps | |
3/1/2002 | Formal response dated 03/01/02 issued to CLECs. Notification number: CMPR.03.01.02.F.01233.CR_Responses | |
3/4/2002 | Formal response dated 03/01/02 posted to web in the Product & Process Interactive report URL: CR Status changed to "CLEC Test" | |
3/20/2002 | March CMP Meeting: CLECs agreed to close CR. CR Status changed to "Completed." Meeting discussions will be set forth in the Product/Process Meeting Minutes to be posted on the CMP Web site | |
4/17/2002 | CR Open/Closed status changed to closed and inactive and checked for Archive 2002 |
Project Meetings |
01/18/02 Map request e-mail from Eschelon
Subject: RE: Clarification on Rate Maps/document to determine zones for lo op rates Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 17:13:09 -0600 From: "Clauson, Karen L."
01/18/02 Clarification e-mail from Eschelon
Subject: RE: Clarification on Rate Maps/document to determine zones for lo op rates Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 17:12:04 -0600 From: "Clauson, Karen L."
01/18/02 E-mail with AT&T mailing address
Subject: RE: Your Address Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 12:50:10 -0500 From: "Van Meter, Sharon K, NCAM" --Original Message-- From: Todd Mead [] Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 10:42 AM To: Van Meter, Sharon K, NCAM Cc: Saunders, Craig Subject: Your Address Sharon, Please send me you mailing address and we will send you a copy of the map you requested. Thanks Todd
01/09/02 E-mail from Qwest responding to Eschelon e-mail on Qwest response content
Subject: Re: Qwest Rate Center Maps Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2002 16:09:55 -0700 From: Todd Mead
01/09/02 E-mail from Qwest asking for AT&T address to forward map example.
Subject: Re: Qwest Rate Center Maps Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2002 16:07:41 -0700 From: Todd Mead
01/04/02 E-mail from Eschelon requesting additional information on Qwest response content
Subject: RE: Qwest Rate Center Maps Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 11:26:00 -0600 From: "Clauson, Karen L."
01/04/02 E-mail response to AT&T From: Todd Mead [] Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 11:14 AM To: Van Meter, Sharon K, NCAM Cc:;;; Saunders, Craig Subject: Re: Qwest Rate Center Maps Sharon, Thanks for your e-mail. At the December CMP meeting, we had a general clarification on this CR where you presented the business reasons for submitting this CR and then the Qwest SME's asked you several questions pertaining to the exact nature of information you were after with these rate center maps. The following are notes I documented from the December CMP clarification meeting: - What states you wanted maps for (Washington, Utah, Colorado, Oregon, Minnesota, Arizona & New Mexico) - What level of detail (you want to be able to see what rate center a specific address is located in) - What format you are after (CLECs prefer electronic, however hard copy would do) - Whether you wanted to only see major metro areas i.e.. Denver, Aurora, Smokey Hills etc. CLECs agreed to this - Eschelon wanted to know if these maps would show how each customer is being served i.e. RSU (Qwest responded they would not and Eschelon responded that they may submit a separate CR). - Worldcom wanted to know if the maps show the CILLI detail (they had some examples from previous USWest maps). We have since contacted LeiLani and she has forwarded a copy of these old maps to the Qwest SME to review to help their response preparation. - You also want the response to include the process for getting these maps updated At the January CMP meeting (01/16/02) Qwest will present their response to your CR. The Qwest team is currently working on this response and I will e-mail it to you (plus Eschelon and Worldcom) as soon as I receive it from the Qwest SME. The response will also be posted to the CMP database and published on the web no later than next Friday (01/11/02). If I have missed something here, I would be more than happy to discuss this with you. You can call me anytime today to discuss this. Regards Todd
01/04/02 E-mail from AT&T requesting map examples
Subject: Qwest Rate Center Maps Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2002 10:49:43 -0500 From: "Van Meter, Sharon K, NCAM"
12/18/01 e-mail from Worldcom to Qwest Todd, Sure, I will put one in the mail today. LeiLani Hines Worldcom Carrier Management
12/18/01 e-mail from Qwest to Worldcom Leilani, The Qwest SME would like to see the copy of the map you have. Could you please send him one? Thanks, Todd > From: Stichter, Kathleen L. > Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 3:18 PM > To: '' > Subject: PC110201-1 > > Mike, > Qwest has a web site that a CLEC can go to and > click on Outside Plant Jobs Greater than $100K to get information on the > build jobs Qwest is planning. Once at this web page the details Qwest > gives are: > State, WireCenter, Job #, Fiber/Cooper, Quantity, Location i.e. DA/CLLI, > Ready for Service and Completion Date. The information populated in the > Location field is either CLLI or DA (Distribution Area). The DA data is a > number i.e. 310211. This number, for the distribution, means nothing to > Eschelon without a map detailing the bounderies down to street level > detail of the specific distribution area. > Thanks > > Kathy Stichter > ILEC Relations Manager > Eschelon Telecom Inc
3:00 p.m. (MDT) / Thursday 16th Nov 2001 Clarification Meeting Conference Call Attendees: Sharon Van Meter / AT&T Matt Kruzic / Qwest Jacob Barlow / Qwest Jan Attebarry / Qwest Craig Saunders / Qwest Mary Anderson / Qwest Michael Belt / Qwest Kathy Stichter / Eschelon (called later) Tom Dixon / Worldcom (called later) Review Requested (Description of) Change: AT&T – Qwest Rate Center maps to be public information to the CLEC Community Eschelon & Worldcom would like the DA and CLLI Maps also included with this CR. Products Impacted - LNP Identify/Confirm CLEC’s Expectation - Yes the expectations of the CR are understood, need to clarify the issue of Proprietry Qwest information.
CenturyLink Response |
March 1, 2002 Sharon Van Meter Manager AT&T 1875 Lawrence St. Denver, CO 80205 SUBJECT: Qwest’s Change Request Response - CR # PC110201-1 Qwest Rate Center Maps REQUEST: Qwest determines the Rate Centers. AT&T needs to mirror the Rate Center areas for residential LNP. What is the process for obtaining Rate Center Maps from Qwest? Additional clarifications/requests: Requested maps at a street level detail. Requested maps for MSA’s in Arizona, Colorado, Washington, Utah, Oregon, Minnesota, & New Mexico Prefer electronic, however paper will do. Requested maps at a level to determine DA areas. Requested maps at a CLLI level detail. Requested a process to update maps. RESPONSE: Qwest has provided, on the Qwest Wholesale web site, the same rate center maps that Qwest uses and updates on a quarterly basis. The URL is: Qwest does not solely rely upon rate center maps to determine number portability. Qwest, as well as other companies, relies upon the Local Exchange Routing Guide (LERG) as the official guide to determine the portability of a number. Qwest determines whether a number is available for porting by looking at the customers switch information, both from and to, which reflects the serving rate center. As determined by the FCC, Qwest does not permit the porting of the numbers between two different rate centers. Currently the Rate Center maps used by Qwest and provided on the wholesale website do not have the capability to provide wire center street level detail. Maps of DA’s are available through the Qwest Wholesale web site by following the process outlined under the URL: Requesting multiple DA’s in a particular wire center will enable CLEC’s to ascertain the description of the wire center boundary. In regard to the request for maps where Qwest plans fiber and copper jobs greater than $100,000, Qwest has plot maps that are available for review as outlined in SGAT section Qwest agrees to provide CLEC access to relevant plats upon receiving a bona fide request for such information as stated in the SGAT. Sincerely, Craig Saunders Staff Advocate Policy & Law Qwest CC: Barry Orrel, Director Legal Issues, Qwest Jim Eitel, Director Legal Issues, Qwest Lydia Eiguren, Senior Director Business Development, Qwest John Hayat, Staff Advocate Policy & Law, Qwest Mary Retka, Director Legal Issues, Qwest
Information Current as of 1/11/2021