Wholesale: Products & Services

Open Product/Process CR PC100401-1XMN Detail

Title: LNP Port In/Port Within Completion Call (Crossover SCR100401 1X)
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC100401-1XMN Completed
Ordering, Provisioning LNP, Resale: Resale CTX, POTS, DSS, DID, UNE: UNE CTX, POTS, DSS, DID
Originator: Johnson, Bonnie
Originator Company Name: Eschelon
Owner: Wells, Joan
CR PM: Sanchez-Steinke, Linda

Description Of Change

To implement the Port In/Port Within Completion Call process Qwest will utilize the Remarks field of the LSR. Port In and Port Within activity currently use manual processes for order issuance. The Resale or UNE-P Provider will use the Manual IND = Y, with an added Remark entry, " Completion Call requested, CCON Name & CBR". Upon receipt of the LSR, the Centers will then add the necessary USOC to the order and network will follow through with the Completion Call to the Provider. This process as outlined will require SOPS changes, as well as CRIS rating implementation. One-time charges for the Completion Call offering have not yet been determined. The USOC will be $0.00 rated at this time.

Expected Deliverable

Upon completion of the Qwest field work on Port In and Port Within service orders, Qwest outside field technicians will contact the Resale/UNE-P Provider by telephone and confirm that the Qwest work has been completed and that dial tone has been confirmed up to the Network interface. Qwest requests that the CCON/CBR be a staffed telephone number or have call message capability to allow for this completion information to be transferred efficiently.

Date Action Description
1/7/2003 Opened CR PC100401-1XMN, Cross Over CR SCR100401-1X was closed 
1/15/2003 January CMP Meeting - This CR was discussed, CR is in Evaluation status. Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. 
2/10/2003 Issued Qwest draft response to Bonnie Johnson at Eschelon 
2/12/2003 Draft Response posted to the web site 
2/19/2003 February CMP Meeting - Qwest presented draft response. Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. 
3/12/2003 Issued Qwest revised draft response to Bonnie Johnson at Eschelon 
3/19/2003 March CMP Meeting - Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. 
3/28/2003 Qwest issued PROS.03.28.03.F.01045.Port_In_Within Port In V1.0 and Port Within V1.0 Wholesale Product Catalog new documentation 
4/16/2003 April CMP Meeting - Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. 
5/21/2003 May CMP Meeting - Meeting minutes will be posted to this cR's Project Meetings section. 
6/18/2003 June CMP Meeting - Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. 
7/16/2003 July CMP Meeting - Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. 

Project Meetings

07/16/03 July CMP Meeting Joan Wells with Qwest said that documentation became effective on 5/13/03 and Qwest has received a couple of requests. Bonnie Johnson with Eschelon said the process is working well and would like to close this CR. This CR will move to Completed status.

06/18/03 June CMP Meeting Joan Wells with Qwest said that documentation became effective on 5/13/03 and proposed that the CR be moved to Completed status. Bonnie Johnson with Eschelon said they would like to leave the CR open for one more month to allow time to train Eschelon employees and to make sure that the process is working properly. This CR will remain in CLEC Test.

05/21/03 May CMP Meeting Joan Wells with Qwest said that on 5/13/03 PROS.03.28.03.F.01045.PortInWithin Port In V1.0 and Port Within V1.0 Wholesale Product Catalog new documentation became effective. There were no questions and this CR was moved to CLEC Test.

- 04/16/03 April CMP Meeting Joan Wells with Qwest said that documentation has been provided on the document review website and the comment cycle has been completed. Qwest will respond to comments by 4/28/03 and the effective date is 5/13/03. This CR will remain in Development status.

- 03/19/03 March CMP Meeting Joan Wells with Qwest reviewed the revised draft response. Bonnie Johnson with Eschelon asked if on 4/1/03 documentation will be available for review or is 4/1/03 the implementation date. Joan Wells answered that the 4/1/03 date is the date Qwest is targeting documentation to be available for review. This CR remained in Development status.

- 02/19/03 February CMP Meeting Joan Wells with Qwest reviewed the draft response. Bonnie Johnson with Eschelon asked if it would be possible for the tech to call when on the way to the location rather than calling when the work is completed. Joan clarified that Eschelon would like Qwest to call on the way to the location instead of calling when the work is completed and Bonnie agreed. Joan said Qwest will research the tech calling when on the way to the location and provide an updated response. The CR status will remain in Evaluation.

2/13/03 From: Linda Sanchez-Steinke To:"Johnson, Bonnie J." cc

Subject:Re: FW: Draft Response, PC100401-1XMN

Hi Bonnie -

I received your e-mail regarding the CR PC100402-1XMN, "LNP Port In / Port Within Completion Call" and will get back with you when I have more information.

Thank you

Linda Sanchez-Steinke Change Request Project Manager Qwest 303-965-0972

2/11/03 From: Bonnie Johnson To:"'ljsanch@qwest.com'" cc:"Johnson, Bonnie J." , "Isaacs, Kimberly D."

Subject: FW: Draft Response, PC100401-1XMN

Hi Linda, Thank you for the response. Would there be any possibility that the process could be changed to have the tech call when leaving for the customer site? Please let me know.


Bonnie Johnson Sr. Manager ILEC Relations Eschelon Telecom, Inc. Phone: 612 436-6218 Fax: 612 436-6318 Cell:612 743-6724

01/15/03 January CMP Meeting Kit Thomte and Connie Overly with Qwest explained that this CR was opened to address the manual process identified for completion calls on LNP Port In/Port Within. Qwest will provide status as the process progresses through to implementation and will follow the CMP notification process once ready for deployment. This CR will remain in Evaluation status.

CenturyLink Response

March 3, 2003

REVISED RESPONSE For Review by CLEC Community and Discussion at the March CMP Meeting

Bonnie Johnson Sr. Manager ILEC Relations Eschelon

SUBJECT: Qwest’s Change Request Response - CR # PC100401-1XMN

This is in response to the Qwest CR opened on behalf of Eschelon, Change Request PC100401-1XMN, requesting that Qwest implement a Port In/Port Within Completion Call process.

Qwest accepts this CR, noting necessary changes: - The CBR must be a local or toll free number. - Per CLEC request, Qwest will place the call notification upon dispatch to the premise, instead of upon work completion.

Qwest will utilize the Remarks field of the LSR. Port In and Port Within activity currently use a manual processes for order issuance. The Resale or UNE-P Provider will use the Manual IND = Y, with an added Remark entry, "Pre-Completion Call requested, CCON Name & CBR".

Qwest requests that the CCON/CBR be a staffed telephone number or have call message capability to allow for this information to be transferred efficiently, thus, limiting the effort to one attempt.

Qwest will update, document and train new internal practices. External CLEC documentation will occur in conjunction with CR’s PC081302-1 and PC081302-1. Updates to Qwest Internal and External Documentation are targeted to be available for review by April 1, 2003.


Joan Wells Process Specialist Qwest

Information Current as of 1/11/2021