Open Product/Process CR PC100202-1 Detail |
Title: Synchronization ("Router") Testing for Line Sharing | ||||||
CR Number |
Current Status Date |
Area Impacted | Products Impacted | |||
PC100202-1 |
Completed 4/16/2003 |
Provisioning, Testing | Line sharing, line splitting |
Originator: Burke, Laurel |
Originator Company Name: Qwest Corporation |
Owner: Boudhaouia, Jamal |
Director: |
CR PM: Sanchez-Steinke, Linda |
Description Of Change |
Overview: Qwest will begin offering data synchronization testing (aka, router testing) as an option for CLECs submitting line sharing orders in Central Offices where Qwest DSL has been deployed. Qwest commits to performing the same physical layer "router" testing for line shared loop provisioning that it provides to itself with data synchronization testing in those central offices in which Qwest currently deploys and those where it plans to deploy Qwest DSL.
Qwest does not propose a separate recurring or non-recurring charge for Data Synchronization/"router" testing at this time, but does reserve the right to propose alternate rate structures for line sharing in future rate proceedings.
Qwest commits to implement router testing for line shared loop provisioning as soon as practical but no later than the end of first quarter 2003.
Required Information: In order to be eligible for data synchronization testing on line sharing orders, Qwest must know what type of DSL technology the CLEC is utilizing in itsDigital Subscriber Access Multiplexer (DSLAM). Thus, if a CLEC wishes to take advantage of this testing option and to ensure the correct test is performed, specific DSL technology type information to must be provided to Qwest. When performing data synchronization testing, Qwest DSL test equipment can support the following DSL technologies: DMT, CAP, G.lite,T1.413.
Special considerations: If a CLEC uses more than one technology in a given Central Office location, the specific technology for each splitter shelf must be identified separately. If a CLEC would like to designate a desired technology on a regional or state wide basis, it may do so; however, APOTs for each location must still be submitted. MVL technology is not supported by the DSL test set and if a CLEC utilizes this type of technology, when provisioning the line sharing order, the Qwest personnel will revert to the LSVT test. In cases where line sharing orders are submitted for Central Offices where Qwest DSL is not provided, no data synchronization testing will occur, however, Qwest will continue to perform continuity testing utilizing LSVT test sets. That is, there will be no change to the line shared loop provisioning process. The following website contains central office locations where Qwest is currently providing DSL and therefore will be available for synchronization testing: For each Central Office location in which a CLEC would like to obtain data synchronization testing, the following needs to be provided:
- The completed final APOT (this was provided by Qwest to the CLEC when the splitter was installed).
- For each APOT indicate the type of technology being used for each splitter shelf. Any of the following technologies may be indicated: DMT, CAP, G.lite, T1.413
NOTE: If information is not received about the type of technology in conjunction with a specific APOT the CO tech will continue to perform the LSVT for your new line sharing/shared loop orders.
***To include sites already provisioned with splitters in the initial deployment of data synchronization testing for newly installed line sharing/shared loop orders, this information must be provided to the CPMC, via email to with the subject line of synch test, no later than 4pm MST November 1, 2002.
All questions should be addressed to your Wholesale Collocation Project Manager.
Expected Deliverable: Qwest will begin offering data synchronization testing as an option for CLECs submitting line sharing orders in Central offices where Qwest DSL has been deployed.
Date | Action | Description |
10/2/2002 | CR Submitted | |
10/4/2002 | CR Acknowledged | |
10/4/2002 | Clarification Meeting Scheduled | |
10/4/2002 | Conducted clarification meeting with SME | |
10/16/2002 | October CMP Meeting - Qwest clarified this CR. Meeting minutes are posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. | |
10/16/2002 | CR moved to Evaluation status. | |
10/22/2002 | E-mail from Covad regarding data needed for synchronization testing | |
10/23/2002 | E-mail from Qwest to Mike Zulevic at Covad regarding data needed for synchronization testing | |
10/24/2002 | E-mail from Qwest to Beckie Neesen at Covad regarding data needed for synchronization testing | |
10/27/2002 | E-mail from Covad regarding timeframe to provide Qwest with data for synchronization testing | |
10/28/2002 | CLEC Community Meeting held. Meeting minutes are posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. | |
10/28/2002 | E-mail from New Edge Networks attachment, APOTS | |
10/29/2002 | E-mail from Qwest to New Edge Networks asking for Technology used at APOTS | |
11/1/2002 | E-mail from Qwest to Tina Thompson at New Edge Networks regarding locations where Qwest DSL not deployed | |
11/1/2002 | E-mail from Covad regarding timeframe to send Qwest final APOT and technology information | |
11/15/2002 | Initial Response posted to web site | |
11/20/2002 | November CMP Meeting - Qwest presented initial response. Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. | |
12/11/2002 | Qwest Draft Response dated 12/5/02 posted to the web site | |
12/18/2002 | December CMP Meeting - Qwest presented revised draft response to this CR. Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. | |
12/23/2002 | Qwest issued IMA 11.01 Draft Release Notes, IMA User's Guide 11.01 SYST.12.20.02.F.04223.GUI28DySysDocRev1 | |
12/30/2003 | Qwest issued IMA 11.01 Final Release NotesSYST.12.27.02.D.04230.21DyIMAFinalDocRel | |
1/6/2003 | Product Notification sent, PROD.01.06.03.F.00893.ColloProdupdates, PCAT updates | |
1/15/2003 | January CMP Meeting - Qwest presented updated response. Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. | |
1/27/2003 | Qwest issued Final Notification. Notification PROD.01.27.03.F.03300.FNL_Collo_Pro_Updates. Effective date of change is 2/11/03. | |
2/19/2003 | February CMP Meeting - Status of CR was discussed. Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. | |
3/19/2003 | March CMP Meeting - Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. | |
4/16/2003 | April CMP Meeting - Meeting minutes will be posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. |
Project Meetings |
04/16/03 April CMP Meeting Jamal Boudhaouia with Qwest provided an overview of the synchronization testing process when CLEC submits a line share order with synchronization testing requested. The COT tests for load coil and if there is load coil detected, the order is placed in jeopardy. If no load coil is detected, the tech will place OE and facility and draw dial tone at ANI. If the assignment is correct, the tech will verify the line is not busy. If the line is busy, the tech will place on hold and check every 30 minutes. After the line is no longer busy, the tech will terminate the new jumper to the line splitter and ANI line circuit. If failed, trouble shoot at ICDF. Then test LSVT and get remark from FOM order if sync test has passed sync is completed. If test has not passed, then test DSLAM on 410 block. If there is a problem, resolve the problem and if fails because of splitter issues, use S1 jep code. If problem is in the first port on splitter, the tech will attempt to change the card. Mike Zulevic with Covad asked if the 350 test set is used at the 410 block and Jamal said yes. Mike asked if there is a problem at the splitter where Qwest provides maintenance, how will that be handled. Jamal said if there is more than one customer, will not take a customer out of service. Mike asked if Qwest will strap around the ICDF and jep the order S1 and Jamal said yes. Mike asked how would Qwest jep the order before sync testing if there was a problem in the splitter and need to get clearance. Jamal said that the S1 jep is for the data stream from DSLAM and the A8 jep code would be used if the splitter has an issue. Mike said that Covad is looking for something to help both Qwest and CLEC techs understand how sync testing is performed. When Covad techs are dispatched they need to have testing information available in the central office. Mike would like to close this CR on the condition the synchronization testing process documentation is posted in the central offices. This CR was moved to Completed status.
03/19/03 March CMP Meeting Heidi Moreland with Qwest provided an update on the change request and said that Synchronization Testing has been implemented and all is running smoothly. There were no questions and Qwest had anticipated that Covad would ask for information regarding Qwest process for Synchronization testing. The following is an outline of steps performed by Qwest Central Office technicians for Synchronization Testing: Heat coils are removed from protector at the MDF and TPI 350+ test set is connected to binding posts to test. Synch test with Acturna TPI 350+ test set is performed and test is run until green light verifies test is completed. If the synch test fails, technician will verify that all terminations and jumpers are correct. If trouble is isolated to the DEMARC 410 block the tech will jep the order. If splitter problems are discovered, CO Tech will jumper around the splitter to maintain voice service and place the order in jeopardy. This CR was moved to Completed status. It has been reopened since the initiating CLEC was off line during a portion of the 3/19 CMP meeting. Qwest will keep the CR open for one more session to give the CLEC another opportunity to bring forth any comments. 02/19/03 February CMP Meeting Jamal Boudhaouia with Qwest provided an update and said that systems have been tested, are working, and Qwest has been receiving orders from the CLECs. Mike Zulevic with Covad asked for the jeopardy code and Jamal said it is S1, and was provided in IMA 11.01 User’s Guide. This CR will be moved to CLEC test. 01/15/03 January CMP Meeting Jamal Boudhaouia with Qwest reviewed the updated response. Jamal said that documentation of the PCAT is available on the web for review. Mike Zulevic with Covad asked if Qwest had deployed in any central offices and if the jep codes will be provided. Jamal responded that Qwest will deploy in central offices on 3/1/03 and the jep codes will be provided. This CR will remain in Evaluation status. 12/18/02 December CMP Meeting Jamal Boudhaouia presented the Qwest update on this CR and said that documentation updates will be made to include Synchronization Testing will soon be available for CLEC review. Mike Zulevic with Covad asked about the jeopardy code from Telecordia and if implementation is on track for completion by end of 1Q03. Jamal said that Qwest is on track for implementation during 1Q03. This CR will remain in Evaluation status 11/20/02 November CMP Meeting Laurel Burke reviewed the Qwest draft response dated 11/4/02. Laurel said that we are on track for implementation in the first quarter of 2003. There is Telcordia software that will be loaded and tested 12/19/02. Mike Zulevic with Covad asked if Qwest expected to deploy by the end of year and Laurel said that the systems concerns were larger than anticipated and Qwest does not expect to trial before the end of the year. Barry Orrel explained that Qwest is using an off the shelf expansion for jeopardy codes and have found some bugs that will not be fixed until December. Mike Zulevic with Covad asked if customer not ready jeopardy code could be used and Barry said that we are using a new jeopardy code specific to synchronization testing. Mike asked about deployment of Qwest DSL in offices currently not available. Barry Orrel said that the Qwest process isn’t quite worked out and we expect it will be similar to the joint planning process. John Berard with Covad asked how many jep codes there would be and Laurel Burke replied there will be one new jep code. Mike Zulevic asked if synchronization testing would be used in trouble isolation and if similar testing would be done on UNE and second lines. Barry Orrel responded that Qwest wants to understand the value added, if any, on the provisioning side after deployment for line sharing. From: Linda Sanchez-Steinke Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 2:50 PM To: Cc: Subject: Sync Testing - New Edge offices not eligible Tina - Please see attached e-mail from Laurel Burke regarding Change Request PC100202-1, Synchronization "Router" Testing for Line Sharing. Thank you Linda Sanchez-Steinke Change Request Project Manager Wholesale Markets Qwest 303 965-0972 Forwarded by Linda Sanchez-Steinke/GROUPWARE/USWEST/US on 11/01/2002 03:44 PM on 10/31/2002 12:12:21 PM
To: Linda Sanchez-Steinke Thank you and please feel free to call me with any questions, Laurel Burke 303-707-7014 11/1/02 12:36p From: Mike Zulevic To:"'Laurel Burke'" Subject:RE: router test information requirements Laurel, Thanks for the update. We will do our best to meet this time frame. Mike Z. From Laurel Burke 10/29/02 11:07 a.m. To:Tina Thompson Subject:Sync Test Tina - Thank you for your very timely response to our information request related to synchronization testing. One question remains open though, from my brief review, I don't see in the APOTs you provided yesterday the type of technology New Edge will use. From the information you provided in the conference call yesterday 10/28, I understand that DMT is the only technology that New Edge utilizes for line sharing/shared loop applications. Is that correct? If so, do you want the APOTs you provided yesterday associated with DMT technology? Thank you for your assistance, Laurel Burke From: Tina Thompson 10/28/02 1:53 p.m. To:"''" Subject:Synch Test - C.htm - New Edge LS From:Laurel Burke 10/29/02 at 5:37 p.m. To:"Zulevic, Michael" SubjectRe: router test information requirements Mike - Thank you for the feedback; in lieu of requiring the final APOT and the technology for each location, Qwest has agreed to accept a spreadsheet with the necessary information. Since we too have an interest in testing beginning sooner rather than later, in the interest of time, we can accept Covad's information in "chunks" - i.e. a state at a time. To stay on track, we would like to complete entry your information into our systems before the end of November. Beckie, before her vacation, indicated that the week of Thanksgiving was feasible to complete the data transfer to us. Although I was unable to touch base with Sandra Caron again today, I spoke with her yesterday after the call and she indicated that Covad could provide a proposed schedule of states. Thanks, Laurel Meeting Minutes Synchronization ("Router") Testing for Line Sharing October 28, 2002, 1-877-572-8687, Conference ID 3393947# 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Mountain Time List of Attendees Chuck Browitt, Covad Tina Thompson, New Edge Networks Rocky Rinehart, New Edge Networks Carla Pardee, AT&T Sandy Blake, Covad Sandy Caron, Covad Jonathan Spangler, AT&T Laurel Burke, Qwest Susan Earley, Qwest Deb Smith, Qwest Charliss Miller, Qwest Kristin Provost, Qwest Brad Hoffner, Qwest Barry Orrel, Qwest Linda Sanchez-Steinke, Qwest PURPOSE At the October CMP Meeting, participants agreed to hold a conference call and include CLEC technical experts for an overview of proposed Synchronization Testing and a time for questions and answers to be addressed. The following is the write-up of the discussions, action items, and decisions made in the working session. MEETING MINUTES The meeting began with Qwest making introductions and welcoming all attendees. Overview of Synchronization Testing Laurel Burke with Qwest provided an overview of Data Synchronization "Router" Testing as a provisioning option for CLECs on Line Shared Loops in Central Offices where Qwest has deployed Qwest DSL. She further indicated that this option will also be available in those Central Office where Qwest deploys Qwest DSL in the future. Qwest will continue to perform LSVT testing for CLECs that don’t want the Synchronization Testing option as well as in those offices where Qwest DSL has not been deployed. Qwest does not propose a separate or incremental recurring or non-recurring charge for Synchronization Testing at this time, but does reserve the right to propose alternate rate structures for line sharing in future rate proceedings. Qwest provided an overview of the testing procedures that are performed between the protector /MDF and the CLEC provided DSLAM. Laurel said that by offering this option, Qwest wants to meet CLEC needs and then opened up the discussion for questions. Questions and Answers Rocky Rinehart with New Edge Networks asked how testing was performed using the router. Laurel Burke said that Qwest utilizes a vendor provided test set to test the physical layer of the data signal from the protector/MDF to the CLEC DSLAM. The technician plugs the test set in and if test set shows that the data syncs up, then Qwest will complete the order; if data fails to sync up according to the test set reading, then a jeopardy code will be assigned on the order. Tina Thompson with New Edge asked if the test at the MDF will be extended to the loop. Laurel stated that because Qwest does not use the DSL test set to test its own loop, the proposed router test will not test CLEC loops as well.. Jonathan Spangler with AT&T asked if the test will be requested on the order and if they will need to do re-applications for existing collocations. Laurel Burke said that on new collocations, the application form will ask for a technology to be designated (if synchronization testing is desired). If Synchronization Testing is desired for existing collocations (sites that have already been pre-provisioned for line sharing) to be included in the initial deployment, send Qwest an e-mail now as directed by the notification for this meeting. Chuck Browitt with Covad asked if on MDF sync, if there is no sync, if Qwest tests at the cable head. Barry Orrel indicated that if it won’t train we check for wiring problems and we isolate the problem to the DMARC. Chuck also asked if the testing will give a margin rate. Laurel said no it will train or not train. Barry added that router testing for line shared loop provisioning will be performed only at the physical layer to ensure data connectivity. Chuck Browitt asked if the router testing will be used for maintenance issues. Barry Orrel said that we use LSVT to the demarc for maintenance purposes. Sandy Caron with Covad asked if there would be a charge for Synchronization Testing. Laurel Burke said Qwest does not propose a recurring or non-recurring charge for Synchronization at this time, and Barry Orrel added that we don’t see any additional charge now, but if additional costs are identified may seek recovery of those costs in state by state filings. Laurel Burke said that she had heard that one CLEC was interested in Synchronization Testing and asked if other CLECs would be interested that she was hoping to have necessary information (final APOT and technology identified) by November 1, 2002. Susan Early with Qwest inquired into the type of information needed and Laurel indicated that the information on the final APOT is needed - more specifically, in addition to the splitter circuit count and location, Qwest needs CLEC CLLI, Job Identification/BAN, Wire Center code, Entity Code and ZCID. Qwest further indicated that if there were concerns with providing the information on a speadsheet or faxed APOTs including the information would likely be workable. Laurel Burked asked that CLECs let Qwest know and work with her if they are unable to get the information needed in the timeframe requested. Laurel Burke further asked that Sandy Blake of Covad contact her and said that Becky Niessen had been working with her last week. Carla Pardee with AT&T said she had no specific information about interest in this option and while Tina Thompson with New Edge Networks indicated they are very interested. Questions about Synchronization Testing can be e-mailed to Linda Sanchez-Steinke, and will be forwarded to Laurel Burke. Qwest advised that the minutes will be posted to CR PC100202-1 on the CMP Web site. Qwest asked if there were any additional comments. No comments were made. From: Michael 10/27/02 5:15 p.m. To:"''" Subject: router test information requirements Linda, Beckie has been working with Laurel to try and find a way to get the data Qwest is requesting we provide prior to beginning the router, or "synch" testing. It still appears to me that Qwest should have this information available already, but we will attempt to comply with your request as quickly as we can. I have been informed that much of this data must be manually compiled which may take about 3 weeks. It would be unfortunate if this results in a delay in beginning the router, or "synch" testing of our line sharing orders. I would appreciate it if Qwest would take one more look at whether providing this information is really necessary prior to implementation of testing. Thanks, Mike Z. From: Laurel Burke 10/24/02 5:11 p.m. To:"Neesen, Beckie" Subject:Re: Sample APOT Data - DNVRCODC 10-23-02.xls Beckie - Just to confirm our conversation, the info in the spreadsheet you provided is not enough. In addition to your technology selection(s), from the final APOT, we need: the WC code, Entity code, ZCid, Splitter location, Splitter Circuit count, CLEC CLLI and Job#/BAN. If we have this information, we can work from either a spreadsheet or the APOTs themselves. Since the required information means more time (due to manual handling) needed from your perspective and an inability to meet the 11/1/02 timeframe outlined in the notice, we would prefer to receive your information in batches to minimize the potential effect on the deployment cycle. As an aside, we will address this data/timeline modification with the CLECs who participate in the Monday call as well. Please continue to keep in touch about the projected time required to complete your data gathering. Thank you, Laurel Burke 303-707-7014 10/23/02 at 8:05 a.m From: Linda Sanchez-Steinke . To: Mike Zulevic Mike - Please see attached response from Laurel Burke. Thank you
Linda Sanchez-Steinke CRPM 303-965-0972 Forwarded by Linda Sanchez-Steinke/GROUPWARE/USWEST/US on 10/23/2002 08:04 AM To:Linda Sanchez-Steinke Subject: Re: router test data Linda - I just spoke with the SWITCH guru and confirmed that Qwest needs to have the final APOT for each location. We want to ensure that we all are working from the same information as we update the records to include the specific technology. A spreadsheet such as the one Mike describes could be included but would not be enough in and of itself. Thanks. Laurel Burke "Zulevic, Michael" Beckie has been working with Laurel to try and find a way to get the data Qwest is requesting we provide prior to beginning the router, or "synch" testing. It still appears to me that Qwest should have this information available already, but we will attempt to comply with your request as quickly as we can. I have been informed that much of this data must be manually compiled which may take about 3 weeks. It would be unfortunate if this results in a delay in beginning the router, or "synch" testing of our line sharing orders. I would appreciate it if Qwest would take one more look at whether providing this information is really necessary prior to implementation of testing. Thanks, Mike Z.
10/16/02 October CMP Meeting Barry Orrel with Qwest provided an overview of this CR and explained that the CR was initiated to offer Data Synchronization "Router" Testing as a provisioning option for CLECs on Line Shared Loops in Central Offices where Qwest has deployed Qwest DSL. Qwest also committed to expanding this option to newly deployed Central Offices. Qwest will continue to perform LSVT testing for CLECs that don’t want the Synchronization Testing option. Qwest will also continue to perform LSVT testing in those Central Offices that Qwest does not provision Qwest DSL. Qwest provided an overview of the testing procedures that are performed between the MDF and CLEC provided DSLAM. Router testing for line shared loop provisioning will be performed only at the physical layer to ensure data connectivity. The outcomes of the Synchronization Test are 1) data syncs up, then Qwest will complete the order, 2) if data does not sync up, then a jeopardy code will be assigned on the order. At this time Qwest does not propose a separate or incremental recurring or non-recurring charge for Synchronization at this time, but does reserve the right to propose alternate rate structures for line sharing in future rate proceedings. Sharon Van Meter with AT&T pointed out that the CR does not reference the disclaimer about reserving the right to propose rate structure changes. Barry Orrel agreed and the CR will be updated and include the information. Qwest explained that we would like to move forward and implement in 1Q03 or sooner and do have dependencies with delivery of vendor provided software and CMP. Laurel Burke with Qwest asked that CLECs interested in Synchronization provide DSLAM and Splitter APOT information, and the technology they are using. This information should be e-mailed to the CPMC by November 1, 2002. AT&T asked if a conference call could be held to include their technical experts. A notification of proposed meetings, either next Thursday or Friday will be sent to the CLEC community and a date for Overview and Question and Answer will be selected and final notification provided. Michael Buck with Qwest discussed the CMP process, Section the participants agreed that it would be a Level 4 Change and will follow the process for Level 4 Change. The next step is to send out a notification of possible meeting times today, at the latest tomorrow. Jamal Boudhaouia with Qwest asked that with the final meeting time notification if CLEC participants would send back any questions that may be asked during the meeting so questions can be researched ahead of time. The participants agreed to send questions and preference for meeting time to Linda Sanchez-Steinke, Sharon Van Meter asked that the CR more fully describe how Synchronization testing will work technically. Michael Buck said that the CR would be updated with meeting minutes from today’s discussion and further describe Synchronization testing.
CenturyLink Response |
January 8, 2003 DRAFT RESPONSE For Review by CLEC Community and Discussion at January’s CMP Meeting SUBJECT: Qwest’s Change Request Response - PC100202-1 Synchronization ("Router") Testing for Line Sharing The following is a progress update on the Synchronization Test project: Qwest has reviewed and updated the following PCATs to include Synchronization Testing: - Collocation - General PCAT - Adjacent Collocation - Facility Connected Collocation - Line Sharing/Shared Loop - Common Area Splitter Collocation The Collocation Application and APOT forms have also been updated to include this new testing. These documents were distributed to the CLEC community for comments on January 7th per the CMP guidelines. Sincerely, Jamal Boudhaouia, Heidi Moreland Staff Adovcate, Policy & Law Local Network Technical Regulatory Qwest Corporation cc: Barry Orrel, Director Local Network Technical Regulatory, Qwest Corporation Mary Retka, Director Local Network Technical Regulatory, Qwest Corporation December 5, 2002 DRAFT RESPONSE For Review by CLEC Community and Discussion at November’s CMP Meeting SUBJECT:Qwest’s Change Request Response - PC100202-1 Synchronization ("Router") Testing for Line Sharing As Qwest has informed the CLEC community at the October 16, 2002 and the November 20, 2002 CMP meetings, the following is a progress update on the Synchronization Test project: Qwest is currently reviewing the following PCATs for the purpose of including the Synchronization Testing: - Collocation - General PCAT - Adjacent Collocation - Facility Connected Collocation - Line Sharing/Shared Loop - Common Area Splitter Collocation Qwest is also reviewing the Collocation Application and APOT forms to include this new testing. Once these documents are updated, they will be distributed to the CLEC community for comments per the CMP guidelines. Sincerely, Jamal Boudhaouia Staff Adovcate, Policy & Law Local Network Technical Regulatory Qwest Corporation cc: Barry Orrel, Director Local Network Technical Regulatory, Qwest Corporation Mary Retka, Director Local Network Technical Regulatory, Qwest Corporation
- November 5, 2002 DRAFT RESPONSE For Review by CLEC Community and Discussion at November’s CMP Meeting SUBJECT:Qwest’s Change Request Response - PC100202-1 Synchronization ("Router") Testing for Line Sharing At the October 16, 2002 CMP Meeting, Qwest introduced Change Request PC100202-1, Synchronization ("Router") Testing, as an option for Line Sharing in central offices where Qwest has deployed Qwest DSL. The synchronization test checks for physical layer continuity between the protector and the Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM). To provide the testing for interested CLECs, Qwest must know what technology is in use at the CLEC DSLAM for each splitter shelf in central offices where Qwest currently provides DSL. Qwest requested that interested CLECs submit information identifying the type of DSL technology by November 1, 2002. To further clarify and explain the technical parameters of the test, Qwest also conducted an overview, question and answer session with the CLEC community on October 28, 2002 in which three CLECs and Qwest representatives participated. Following that meeting, two CLECs expressed an interest in the testing and Qwest is moving forward with the necessary updates to reflect their technology choices. We hope to complete the systems entry of CLEC provided information during 4th Quarter 2002. Once the CLEC technology information has been entered into the appropriate systems, modifications made to process and methods documents, and all system upgrades from Telcordia implemented effectively, Qwest will be able to deploy synchronization testing for line sharing in those offices where Qwest DSL has been deployed. We anticipate being able to begin synchronization testing in those offices with Qwest DSL no later than the end of 1st Quarter 2003, and, as Qwest DSL becomes available in additional offices, synchronization testing will be offered in those offices. As agreed to at the October CMP Meeting, this Change Request will be treated as a Level 4 change and Qwest will propose changes to the CLEC Community as required in the CMP process. Sincerely, Laurel Burke Staff Adovcate, Policy & Law Local Network Technical Regulatory Qwest Corporation cc: Barry Orrel, Director Local Network Technical Regulatory, Qwest Corporation Mary Retka, Director Local Network Technical Regulatory, Qwest Corporation
Information Current as of 1/11/2021