Wholesale: Products & Services

Open Product/Process CR PC072705-1CM Detail

Title: Change Criteria When CR goes into CLEC Test
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC072705-1CM Completed
Originator: Martain, Jill
Originator Company Name: Qwest Corporation
Owner: Martain, Jill
CR PM: Stecklein, Lynn

Description Of Change

Qwest would like to create a consistent process between the Product/Product CRs and the System CRs as to when we place CRs into CLEC Test. Qwest would like to make the following changes to the CMP document:

Existing Language: A CR is updated to CLEC Test status upon agreement by the participants in the Monthly CMP Meeting.

Proposed Language: A CR is updated to CLEC Test status upon the effective date of the change.

The new language allows the CRs to be placed into CLEC Test upon the effective date of the Product/Process Notice or the date that the system functionality becomes available to the CLEC Community. Qwest will continue to gain approval to close the CRs at the monthly CMP meetings.

Implement in the September Timeframe

Date Action Description
7/27/2005 CR submitted 
7/28/2005 CR acknowledged 
8/17/2005 Status changed to Presented 
8/17/2005 Discussed in the August CMP Product/Process Meeting 
9/9/2005 Communicator Issued CMPR.09.09.05.F.03260.CMP_Vote_Required 
9/21/2005 Discusssed in the September Product/Process CMP Meeting 
9/27/2005 Communicator Issued CMPR.09.27.05.F.03317.CMP_Vote_Disposition 

Project Meetings

9/17/05 Product/Process CMP Meeting

Lynn Stecklein/Qwest stated that this CR was presented in the August CMP Meeting and it was agreed that the vote on the proposed change would take place in today’s meeting. She said that this CR is requesting that a CR will be updated to CLEC Test status upon the effective date of the change. She said that Quorum for this vote was 8 and had been achieved. Lynn stated that a vote of ‘Yes’ will indicate a preference that a CR will be updated to CLEC Test status upon the effective date of the change. She said that a vote a ‘No’ will indicate a preference that a CR will not be updated to CLEC Test status upon the effective date of the change and will be updated upon agreement by the participants in the Monthly CMP Meeting. Lynn said that the vote needs to be unanimous. She said that 2 e-mail votes were sent by Sprint and Qwest.

Sharon Van Meter/AT&T asked if Qwest would send a notification stating that the status was changed to CLEC Test.

Jill Martain/Qwest said that we were not planning to send a notification. She said that our intent was to get the Product/Process and System Processes in synch. Jill said that we are not changing the process just the timeframe we change the status of a CR to CLEC Test on Product/Process CRs.

Sharon Van Meter/AT&T asked if they still had the option to leave a CR in CLEC Test.

Jill Martain/Qwest said yes.

The vote was conducted and the results were as follows:

Qwest - Yes Sprint - Yes AT&T - Yes Eschelon - Yes Covad - Yes TDS - Yes MCI - Yes SBC - Yes Cox - Yes Time Warner - Yes XO Communications - Yes Integra - Yes Comcast - Yes

Lynn Stecklein/Qwest stated that the request was granted with 13 ‘Yes’ votes, 0 ‘No’ votes, and 0 abstain votes. She said that Qwest would like to propose a Level 1 notice to be effective immediately.

Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon said that they were ok with the Level 1 notice.

Jill Martain/Qwest said that we will move forward with the change.

9/9/05 Communicator Issued - CMPR.09.09.05.F.03260.CMPVoteRequired

Announcement Date:September 9, 2005 Effective Date:September 9, 2005 Notification Number:CMPR.09.09.05.F.03260.CMPVoteRequired Notification Category:Change Management Notification Target Audience:CLECs, Resellers Subject: CMP Managing the CMP VOTE REQUIRED Associated CR # or System Name and Number:Qwest CR PC072705-1CM Change to CMP Document, Change Criteria when a CR goes into CLEC Test Pursuant to Sections 2.0 of the Qwest Wholesale Change Management Process Document, http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/whatiscmp.html, the purpose of this notification is to alert the CMP community that Qwest has received a proposed modification to the CMP framework CR PC072705-1CM. This CR was discussed at the August CMP Meeting. It was agreed that the CMP community would vote on the proposed changes in the September CMP Product/Process Meeting to be held on September 21, 2005. Exception Request Details: Description of request: This CR is requesting that a CR will be updated to CLEC Test status upon the effective date of the change. (See attached Redlined Document) Vote Meeting Logistics Date: September 21, 2005 Time: During the September CMP Product/Process Meeting that begins at 8:00 a.m. Conference Bridge 1-877-572-8687 Passcode 3393947# Supporting documentation: See related CR, PC072705-1CM, in the Product/Process Interactive Reports at http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/changerequest.html. See Attached Ballot and Redlined Document Deadline for e-mail votes: Pursuant to Section 17.0, all e-mail votes must be received by Qwest, cmpcr@qwest.com, prior to the official close of voting during the voting call/meeting. (Please refer to Section 17.4.3 of the Qwest Wholesale Change Management Document, http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/cmp/whatiscmp.html, for e-mail ballot format and procedures.) A clear statement delineating what 'Yes' and 'No' votes will mean: A vote of ‘Yes’ will indicate a preference that a CR will be updated to CLEC Test status upon the effective date of the change. A vote of ‘No’ will indicate a preference that a CR will not be updated to CLEC Test status upon the effective date of the change and will be updated upon agreement by the participants in the Monthly CMP Meeting

The appropriate voting standard: Section 2.1 states that incorporating a change into the Change Management Process requires unanimous agreement using the Voting Process, as described in Section 17.0. Primary contact information: Lynn Stecklein, Qwest CMP CRPM, Lynn.Stecklein@qwest.com, 303-382-5770.



8/17/05 Product/Process CMP Meeting

Jill Martain - Qwest stated that Qwest would like to create a consistent process between Product/Process CRs and System CRs as to when we place CRs into CLEC Test. Jill said that the proposed language would state that a CR is updated to CLEC Test status upon the effective date of the change. She said that the new language allows the CRs to be placed into CLEC Test upon the effective date of the Product/Process Notice or the date that the system functionality becomes available to the CLEC Community. She said that we will conduct the vote in the September Meeting.

Information Current as of 1/11/2021