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Open Product/Process CR PC063003-1MNX Detail

Title: Flow through report made available to each CLEC in a timely manner with regular frequency (short term).
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC063003-1MNX Crossover
Originator: Johnson, Bonnie
Originator Company Name: Eschelon
Owner: Higer, Shon
CR PM: Harlan, Cindy

Description Of Change

Qwest should make available a report for each CLEC that reports errors causing a flow through eligible order to drop from the flow through process. Qwest currently does not provide this data though it does have the data internally at Qwest. Qwest did provide the data at one time; however, in the report Qwest provided included those errors caused by Qwest’s required manual processes. Therefore, the report was of no benefit. Qwest should develop a report that will provide each CLEC information needed to prevent flow through eligible orders from dropping out of the flow through process. The report should contain only valid information. The report should not include that information that is a result of Qwest’s required manual and workaround processes.

Expected Deliverable:

Qwest will make available a flow through error report for each CLEC. Qwest will ensure the data is valid and does not include those flow through eligible errors that are a result of Qwest’s required manual processes. Short term the report should be provided on Friday for data the week before.

(Mechanized Solution CR Created for long-term request: PCR063003-1X)

Date Action Description
6/30/2003 CR Submitted 
7/1/2003 CR Acknowledged 
7/1/2003 Related Change Request: CR Created for long-term request: PC063003-1X 
7/1/2003 Info Requested From CLEC: Sent email to Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon asking for Clarification Meeting Availability. 
7/9/2003 Clarification Meeting Held: See Project Meetings Section for Meeting Minutes 
7/29/2003 Status Changed: CR Placed in Evaluation and Impacted Interface Changed to 'Other' 
8/20/2003 August CMP Meeting minutes posted to the database 
9/17/2003 Sep CMP meeting notes will be posted to the database. This CR was closed and PC063003-1X will be used to track this CR 
7/27/2009 Status Changed Status changed to Crossover 

Project Meetings

September 17, 2003 Product Process CMP Meeting (see PC063003-1X) Shon Higer advised he is currently validating data, getting ready for an initial data load, identifying delivery method, fields to include, security and CPNI requirements. Bonnie asked will this report be delivered on a real time basis. The most critical is getting accurate and timely data and delivery. Bonnie advised she is looking for a report that tells the CLECs what they can fix. Shon advised this is a manual report, it is not directly from IMA. Connie advised IMAs understanding of manual processes is not as clear as Shon’s understanding. Shon is working on filtering the data. Bonnie asked if we discussed the frequency of the report. Shon asked Bonnie for her preference? Bonnie advised weekly or biweekly. Shon explained it takes several days for all the data to come together. Bonnie agreed biweekly is okay. Shon advised the plan is to have one report for EDI and one report for GUI. This report will be a good training tool. Discussion took place regarding analyzing the ‘error data’ to drive system changes and improvements. Jill Martain advised Qwest does open CRs as a result of data analysis. If Qwest opens CRs as a result of analysis we can reference that in the CR. Qwest advised we opened two CRs originally but due to the solution we will close PC063003-1XMN and retain PC063003-1X.

August 21, 2003 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Kit Thomte/Qwest stated that this CR would be crossed-over to Product/Process. There were no questions or comments.

- August 13, 2003 Email Sent to Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon: Hi Bonnie, This email is in regard to your submitted CMP CR’s SCR063003-01 Flow through report made available to each CLEC in a timely manner. This long-term request is for the information in IMA on a real time basis, and SCR063003-01MN Flow through report made available to each CLEC in a timely manner with regular frequency (short term). In reviewing these requests and based on the discussion that took place on July 9th conference call, it has been determined that there really is no coding to be done for these, they look to be generation of reports. This results in these CR’s being crossed over to Product/Process during the August Systems CMP Meeting and the Impacted Release being revised from IMA to ‘Other’ for both of these CR’s. They will be included in the August Product/Process CMP Meeting distribution package, as well as the Systems distribution package. Shon Higer will attend the Product/Process Meeting to answer any questions in regard to this. If you do have questions prior to the CMP Meeting, please send them to me and I will assist in getting the answers for you. Thank you, Peggy Esquibel-Reed Qwest CRPM -- Systems

- CLARIFICATION MEETING - July 9, 2003 ATTENDEES: Bonnie Johnson (Eschelon), Stephanie Prull (McLeod), Julie Pickar (USLink), Jackie Diebold (USLink), Peggy Esquibel Reed (Qwest, Shon Higer (Qwest), Nicole James (Qwest), Berkley Loggie (Qwest), Kimberly Powers (Qwest), Deb Roth (Qwest) REVIEW CR DESCRIPTION: Qwest should make available a report for each CLEC that reports errors causing a flow through eligible order to drop from the flow through process. Qwest currently does not provide this data though it does have the data internally at Qwest. Qwest did provide the data at one time; however, in the report Qwest provided included those errors caused by Qwest’s required manual processes. Therefore, the report was of no benefit. Qwest should develop a report that will provide each CLEC information needed to prevent flow through eligible orders from dropping out of the flow through process. The report should contain only valid information. The report should not include that information that is a result of Qwest’s required manual and workaround processes. Expected Deliverable: Qwest will make available a flow through error report for each CLEC. Qwest will ensure the data is valid and does not include those flow through eligible errors that are a result of Qwest’s required manual processes. Short term the report should be provided on Friday for data the week before. (Mechanized Solution CR Created for long-term request: SCR063003-01) CONFIRMED IMPACTED INTERFACE: Web Interface CONFIRMED IMPACTED PRODUCT’S: All DISCUSSION: Bonnie Johnson (Eschelon) stated that she also wants orders to flow through and would like to prevent service orders from erring out. Shon Higer (Qwest) asked what type of data is being requested. Bonnie Johnson (Eschelon) stated that she has a copy of a spreadsheet of a report, for the GUI, and stated that she had received it from Kimberly Walden at Qwest. Bonnie sent copy of the spreadsheet to pesquib@qwest.com. Stephanie Prull (McLeod) stated that she had an EDI spreadsheet and sent it to Peggy (Esquibel Reed) as well. Bonnie Johnson (Eschelon) and Stephanie Prull (McLeod) stated would like on the report: PON, Request type, Reason for fallout in English description or code number, TN, LSR ID, Error code and description, contact name, and what to look at i.e. LCC. Stephanie Prull (McLeod) stated that the GUI report did contain different data than the report for EDI. Shon Higer (Qwest) asked if the EDI report needed to be separate from the GUI report. Bonnie Johnson (Eschelon) and Stephanie Prull (McLeod) stated yes. There were no additional questions or comments. ACTION PLAN: This CR to be presented at the August Systems CMP Meeting. The call was ended.

CenturyLink Response

Draft Response

August 13, 2003

SCR063003-01MN Flow through report made available to each CLEC in a timely manner with regular frequency (short term).

Based on information received during the Clarification Call (held July 9, 2003) and additional research, this CR will be crossed-over to Product/Process at the August CMP Meetings. There is no system coding to be performed for this effort.

Sincerely, Qwest

Information Current as of 1/11/2021