Open Product/Process CR PC050302-1 Detail |
Title: Email Notifications of No Dial Tone at 48 Hours | ||||||
CR Number |
Current Status Date |
Area Impacted | Products Impacted | |||
PC050302-1 |
Completed 4/15/2009 |
Other: Coordinated Hot Cuts and Regular Cuts | Unbundled Loop, UNE |
Originator: Mendoza, Lori |
Originator Company Name: Allegiance |
Owner: Houston, Neil |
Director: |
CR PM: Harlan, Cindy |
Description Of Change |
The current process for the QCCC is to call Allegiance with notifiction of No Dial Tone at 48 hours prior to cut date. Allegiance would like to receive all notifications of NDT at 48 hours prior to cut date through email using Qwest's PTA tool in place of receiving these notifications by telephone calls or leaving voice mails.This will allow proper tracking of NDT notifications by both Qwest and the CLECs. This will also insure the CLECs have sufficient time to achieve dial tone prior to cut date. Allegiance believes that receiving email notifications will save a lot of time for both Qwest and the CLECs
Date | Action | Description |
5/3/2002 | CR Submitted by Qwest. | |
5/3/2002 | CR acknowledged by P/P CMP Manager | |
5/6/2002 | CR posted to Web | |
5/9/2002 | Schedule Clarification Meeting with Allegiance for this date. | |
5/9/2002 | Conducted Clarification Meeting with Allegiance. | |
5/14/2002 | Issued Clarification Meeting minutes to Allegiance. | |
5/15/2002 | CMP Meeting - Allegiance introduced its CR. Meeting discussions will be set forth in the Product/Process Meeting Minutes to be posted on the CMP Web site. | |
6/10/2002 | Received e-mail from Allegiance providing spreadsheet on the NDT trial. | |
6/19/2002 | CMP Meeting - Meeting discussions will be set forth in the Product/Process Meeting Minutes to be posted on the CMP Web site. CR status was changed to Evaluation. | |
7/10/2002 | Initial response sent to Allegiance and posted to the Web | |
7/17/2002 | CMP Meeting - Meeting minutes posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. CR status was changed to Development. | |
7/20/2002 | Qwest issued formal response to the CLEC Community. Notification CMPR.07.29.02.F.01300.Final_CR_Responses. | |
8/21/2002 | CMP Meeting - Qwest provided a status on issuance of the Level 3 notification. Minutes on this CR to be posted to the Project Meetings section. Status to remain in Development. | |
9/5/2002 | Qwest issued Initial Notification on e-mail notification process. Notification PROD.09.05.02.F.00818.Analog_Loop_2_4_Wire. | |
9/18/2002 | CMP Meeting - Qwest advised that the Level 3 notification was issued and the comments cycle ends 9/20/02. Minutes on this CR to be posted to the Project Meetings section. It was agreed that the CR would be status as CLEC Test. | |
9/26/2002 | Qwest issued Final Notification on e-mail notification process. Notification PROD.09.26.02.F.00830.Analog_Loop_Final. Effective date of change is 10/11/02. | |
10/16/2002 | CMP Meeting - Qwest explained this process was implemented 10/11/02. Minutes on this CR to be posted to the Project Meetings section. It was agreed this CR would stay in CLEC test until next month. | |
11/20/2002 | CMP Monthly Meeting agreed to close this CR. | |
4/15/2009 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at the April CMP Meeting - See Attachment N in the Distribution Package |
4/21/2009 | Status Changed | Status changed to Completed - CR placed in a Closed status in error |
Project Meetings |
Qwest explained this process was implemented effective October 11, 2002. No issues have been identified with the process and Qwest requested to close this CR. Lori Mendoza - Allegiance advised they are using the process and it is working without any issues. Allegiance and the other CLECs in attendance agreed to close the CR. 10/18/02 October CMP Monthly Meeting Minutes Qwest explained this process was implemented effective October 11, 2002. As of October 16, four CLECs have signed up to receive E-Mail Notification of NDT via the PTA tool. Eschelon verified that if you do not sign up for email notification via the PTA tool then you will not get any NDT notification, as the only method of NDT notification is now the PTA tool. CLECs can continue to sign up at any time. Qwest agreed to leave the CR in CLEC Test since this process was just implemented, with potential closure in November. 09/18/02 September CMP Monthly Meeting Minutes Qwest advised that the Level 3 notification had been issued and that the comment cycle was scheduled to end this Friday, September 20th. Qwest advised that Qwest Service Managers had sent out notifications to their CLECs advising them to provide their e-mail address. The CLECs expressed concern over the 48-our language as written and intervals that were longer than the standard intervals. Qwest confirmed that the 48-hour notification was from the due date and this would be clarified in the PCAT or in writing. CLECs expressed concern over participation in the trial. It was agreed that next time Qwest does a trial, Qwest could evaluate if additional CLECs need to be involved. CLECs requested that the final notification advise the CLECs of the impact of the e-mail notification change. Qwest advised that they would add language in the final notification that advises the CLECs that if they do not provide an e-mail address they would not receive the No Dial Tone notifications.
08/21/02 August CMP Monthly Meeting Minutes Qwest provided a status update on issuance of the Level 3 notice. Qwest indicated that they were holding off until the current 2-wire 4-wire PCAT language gets published to the Web on August 26, 2002. Allegiance expressed concern that issuance was based on the no dial tone PCAT language since they have taken exception to the language. Qwest advised that this could be addressed during the 1:00 p.m. discussion on issuance of the PCAT language. Eschelon advised that they were disappointed that they will need to wait longer for issuance of the Level 3 notice. They stated that Qwest advised last month that it would be issued by this month’s meeting and now they have to wait longer. AT&T asked if they could only have one e-mail. Qwest advised that they could only have one and it must be different than the e-mail if they are receiving test results.
- 07/17/02 - July CMP Meeting Minutes: Qwest will continue with the trial that began May 6, 2002. It is available to all CLECs. Allegiance asked if all CLECs had to request the process in order for it to proceed. Qwest responded that the answer is yes, it is all or nothing. Allegiance stated that there should be a choice and that the Qwest response does not reference the “all or nothing” position. Qwest responded that the Level 3 process will support this effort and will allow other CLEC participation.. Qwest will issue the Level 3 initial notice prior to the August CMP meeting. CR status was changed to development.
Subject: Allegiance - NDT Trial E-mail Notification Final Spreadsheet 5/6 - 5/31/02 Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 11:36:25 -0500 From: "Wicks, Terry" Here is the finalized spreadsheet with the data and comments captured for May. The trial is continuing through June and I will have a separate spreadsheet for June.
Terry Wicks LEC Account Manager allegiancetelecom, inc 469-259-4438
-- CLEC Change Request Clarification Meeting May 9, 2002, 3:30 p.m. (MT) Conference Call 877-564-8688 PC050302-1, E-Mail Notification of No Dial Tone at 48 Hours Attendees: Ric Martin, Qwest Neil Houston, Qwest Mike Raleigh, Qwest Deni Toye, Qwest Terry Wicks, Allegiance Introduction of Attendees Introductions of the participants on the Conference Call were made and the purpose of the call discussed Review Requested (Description of) Change Terry reviewed Allegiance’s CR. He explained that the initial phone call would roll to voice mail and the issue is with the voice mail notifications falling through the crack. He would like to get an e-mail to have a record to hold Allegiance personnel accountable. Terry advised that there is currently a trial with Qwest and Allegiance on this process that started in February with the QCCC. Deni advised that the trial started May 6th and is to be concluded May 31st. Currently they are having the PTA System send the e-mail. Terry advised that the CR was submitted in addition to the trial to have this process implemented for all CLECs. Confirm Areas & Products impacted It was confirmed that the area impacted was Provisioning for coordinated hot cuts and basic cuts. The product impacted is UBL, LX—Reuses. Confirm Right Personnel Nvolved Qwest confirmed that Neil Houston would be the SME for response to this Change Request. Identify/Confirm CLEC’s Expectation Allegiance would like this process implemented for all CLECs. Identify any Dependent Systems Change Requests There are no related Systems CRs. Establish Action Plan (Resolution Time Frame) The trial will complete May 31st. The CR will have the collective CLEC clarification and SME input at the June CMP meeting.
CenturyLink Response |
.July 10, 2002 Terry Wicks LEC Manager Allegiance Telecom, Inc. SUBJECT: Qwest’s Change Request Response - CR # PC050302-1 E-mail notifications of NDT at 48 hours through PTA tool This is in response to Allegiance’s Change Request (CR) PC050302-1. This CR requests that all notifications of No Dial Tone (NDT) at 48 hours prior to the cut date be provided to the CLEC via e-mail using Qwest’s Plant Test Access (PTA) tool. The current trial of PTA e-mail notifications with Allegiance began on May 6, 2002. The trial with Allegiance will continue during the implementation phase for this CR. Qwest is able to provide all NDT notifications via e-mail using the PTA tool. PTA notifications require that CLECs provide Qwest with an e-mail address separate from the e-mail address provided for test results. CLECS should send their NDT PTA e-mail location to Deni Toye, Qwest will add the CLECs NDT PTA e-mail address to the notification list upon receipt. To provide an efficient and uniform notification, Qwest will provide NDT notifications via the PTA tool to all CLECs. Based upon Qwest’s understanding of the scope of this CR, Qwest views the implementation of this CR as a Level 3 Product & Process change. Timing of the implementation of this change will be dependent upon the quantity and nature of CLEC comments. Qwest will seek concurrence for this approach at the July Monthly Product & Process CMP Meeting.
Sincerely, Neil Houston Staff Advocate Policy & Law
cc: Mary Retka, Director, Technical Regulatory Interconnection Planning
Information Current as of 1/11/2021