Wholesale: Products & Services

Open Product/Process CR PC022703-2 Detail

Title: Training or Infobuddy or the RPD Database.
CR Number Current Status
Area Impacted Products Impacted

PC022703-2 Withdrawn
Product & Process Research
Originator: Pardee, Carla
Originator Company Name: AT&T
Owner: Orman, Susan
CR PM: Harlan, Cindy

Description Of Change

Currently Qwest provides a product database known as RPD or Infobuddy. This database is not very user friendly when it comes to finding some products or processes. AT&T requests training, preferably web based or via a conference call, to train CLECs how to better locate information in this database. Such training would be equally beneficial for Qwest and CLECs .

Expected Deliverable

AT&T requests training, preferably web based or via a conference call, to train CLECs how to better locate information in this database

Date Action Description
2/27/2003 CR Submitted by ATT 
2/28/2003 CR acknowledged by P/P CMP Manager 
3/5/2003 Contacted customer to schedule Clarification Meeting for 3/10 1:00 
3/10/2003 Held Clarification Meeting with ATT. ATT advised they will withdraw this CR as during the clarification call Qwest provided helpful information on InfoBuddy/RDB. ATT will try to use the information first and then if need by they will issue another CR or discuss with their Service Managers. I advised Carla she needs to present this CR as withdrawn at the March CMP meeting and then we will change the status if other CLECs agree. 
3/17/2003 Emailed and posted the Clarification Meeting Notes 
3/19/2003 March CMP Meeting minutes will be posted to the Project Meeting section 
4/15/2009 Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting Discussed at the April CMP Meeting - See Attachment N in the Distribution Package 
4/21/2009 Status Changed Status changed to Withdrawn - CR placed in a Closed status in error 

Project Meetings

March 19, 2003 - CMP Meeting Minutes Carla Pardee ATT said we had the Clarification meeting and as a result of that meeting she agreed to Withdraw the CR. Carla explained she was having difficulty using RPD. When she would do a search and the Service Manager would do the same search different results would display. Qwest expained during the Clarification call that the CLECs choose their own search engine and this can alter the search results. Carla also clarified that Product terms are different based on what RBOC you are working with, so sometimes you have to search on different terms based on what RBOC you are working with. Bonnie, Liz and Stephanie (Eschelon, World Comm and McLeod) all agreed they have difficulty using RPD. Comments were made stating RPD is not logically arranged. When you use the Table of Contents you can’t figure out where to go. Bonnie explained if you want to find information on Listings you should be able to go to Listings. The categories of Residential and Business are too large.

Sue McNa – Qwest explained that RPD is the Redacted Retail Methods and Procedures. Sue asked what are the CLECs using RPD for. McLeod advised they have been referred to RPD for order examples. Eschelon said for CF variables. Sue advised the Business Procedures, LSOG, and PCATs are the correct document to use for Wholesale information. Sue agreed it seems as if we need to make our PCAT, LSOG and Business Procedures more complete. It was agreed this CR would be closed and an AI would be opened to look at how and why RPD is being used and try to incorporate information CLECs need from RPD but is missing from our PCATs, business procedures and/or LSOG. We will work to direct our customers to our Wholesale Documentation, rather than the redacted retail M&Ps. Additional information provided after the CMP Meeting: Qwest has training in place called ‘Wholesale Web Tour’. This training takes customers through the various documentation contained on the web. This training is currently available to the CLEC Community.

Clarification Meeting 1:00 – 2:00 March 10, 2003

1-877-572-8687 3393947#

PC022703-2 Attendees Susan Orman- Qwest Diane Morrel – Qwest Michael Thompson – Qwest Cindy Macy – Qwest Carla Pardee - ATT Title:

Meeting Agenda:

1.0 Introduction of Attendees Attendance noted

2.0Review Requested (Description of) Change Carla Pardee – ATT reviewed the change request and also advised she is planning on withdrawing this CR but wanted to still talk to us about this so Qwest understands her concern. Carla explained ATT has been referred by their Service Managers to Infobuddy / RPD to find out information about certain subjects/questions they have. When ATT searches the RPD what they see is different that what the Service Manager views. This makes it difficult to discuss the information found as a result of a search in RPD. Carla requested if there was any training on RPD that would help them find the information they are looking for.

Susan Orman – Qwest explained that the ‘search engine’ is not something that Qwest provides. Each CLEC provides their own search engine, which is why the searches sometime deliver different results. There isn’t any training on how to enter search criteria, as this is a standard, yet individual way to query the web.

Carla advised sometimes the product name is different based on what RBOC you are dealing with and this also causes confusion on how to search for product information. The Qwest attendees advised Carla that the CLECs should be able to describe the product and the Service Manager may be able to suggest a few names to search by.

Carla asked about the Table of Contents and said it was not very logical. Michael Thompson explained the TOC was developed by the Retail organization and may not match the Wholesale organization order/view. The Redacted database does not have a sort except by date. The search engine determines how data is sorted/displayed. Diane suggested you look at the data by Product. If the lower level details that you are looking for are offered for more than one product, the data will be available by each product. You could search by many different products and then search again and find the lower level data you need. Diane suggested you filter by Wholesale first, as that will eliminate the Retail data that you may not be interested in.

Carla agreed she would try the suggestions we offered and withdraw her CR. Qwest agreed we would send an internal email to our Service Management team providing them with this concern and clarifications around the RPD, with the intent of them being better able to answer CLEC questions around RPD and Infobuddy.

Cindy advised Carla after the Clarification Meeting that she should present the CR at the March CMP Meeting and move to withdraw it.

3.0 Confirm Areas & Products Impacted Training / RPD

4.0 Confirm Right Personnel Involved Agreed

5.0 Identify/Confirm CLEC’s Expectation Carla will withdraw CR

6.0 Identify any Dependent Systems Change Requests None

7.0 Establish Action Plan (Resolution Time Frame) Carla will withdraw the CR at the March CMP meeting

Information Current as of 1/11/2021