Open Product/Process CR PC020802-1 Detail |
Title: Correct and accurate transmission of ADUF or category 011 DUF records. | ||||||
CR Number |
Current Status Date |
Area Impacted | Products Impacted | |||
PC020802-1 |
Completed 7/17/2002 |
Originator: Dickinson Pardee, Carla |
Originator Company Name: AT&T |
Owner: Zimmerman, Alan |
Director: |
CR PM: |
Description Of Change |
CLECs depend on accurate and correct transmission of access DUF records (category 011 or ADUF) in order to bill IXCs access records. Qwest is not transmissting complete accurate DUF records for category 011, or ADUF records. Consequently AT&T and other CLECs are unable to accurately and completely bill other IXCs.
Modification: Revised Category reference from "013" to "011"
Date | Action | Description |
2/8/2002 | CR Submitted by AT&T | |
2/8/2002 | CR acknowledged by P/P CMP Manager. | |
2/11/2002 | Scheduled Clarification Meeting by e-mail notification to AT&T for 02/15. | |
2/15/2002 | Conducted Clarification Meeting with AT&T. | |
2/19/2002 | Issued Clarification Meeting Minutes to AT&T. | |
2/24/2002 | Issued Revised Clarification Meeting Minutes to AT&T. | |
3/14/2002 | AT&T issued e-mail requesting additional input on the fixes for DUF records. | |
3/20/2002 | CMP Meeting - AT&T presented its CR. Qwest to set-up a meeting with CLECs. Meeting discussions will be set forth in the Product/Process Meeting Minutes to be posted on the CMP Web site. It was agreed that the CR would move to Evaluation. | |
4/4/2002 | CLEC Notification, CMPR.04.04.02.F.01250.CR_Mtg_Logistics, issued scheduling conference call per Action Item 1. | |
4/10/2002 | Issued Qwest's Draft Response dated April 5, 2002 to AT&T. | |
4/10/2002 | Voice Mail received from AT&T requesting that the CLEC conference call scheduled for 4/12/02 be rescheduled. | |
4/11/2002 | CLEC Notification, CMPR.04.11.02.F.01253.CR_MTG_Cancelled , issue to cancel Conference Call. | |
4/17/2002 | CMP Meeting - Qwest Presented its response. Meeting discussions will be set forth in the Product/Process Meeting Minutes to be posted on the CMP Web site. It was agreed that the CR would be status as Development. | |
4/19/2002 | Formal response dated April 5, 2002 issued to CLECs. Notification CMPR.04.19.02.F.01258.Final_CR_Responses. | |
4/26/2002 | Conducted CLEC Conference Call to review system fixes implemented by Qwest to address third party test issues. | |
5/3/2002 | Issued meeting minutes from CLEC Conference call to CLEC participants for comments. | |
5/9/2002 | Issued meeting minutes from CLEC Conference Call to CLEC Community. Notification CMPR.05.09.02.F.01263.Mtg_Minutes_4_26_02. | |
5/15/2002 | CMP Meeting - Qwest advised that the CLEC Conference Call was conducted and meeting minutes issued. Eschelon advised that Qwest's answers to questions were not accurate. Eschelon to send e-mail to Qwest. Meeting discussions will be set forth in the Product/Process Meeting Minutes to be posted on the CMP Web site. It was agreed that the CR would remain in Development. | |
6/17/2002 | Conducted conference call with Eschelon to clarify their concerns on Qwests response to Action Item No. 2. | |
6/18/2002 | Issued e-mail to Eschelon confirming that the issue of CICs being 0000 in the 110125 access records was limited to the Central Region. | |
6/19/2002 | CMP Meeting - Meeting discussions will be set forth in the Product/Process Meeting Minutes to be posted on the CMP Web site. CR status was changed to CLEC Test. | |
6/25/2002 | Issued e-mail to Eschelon and copied AT&T with clarifications to questions raised by Eschelon at the 4/26/02 CLEC conference call. | |
7/3/2002 | Follow-up telephone conversation with Eschelon to confirm that clarifiation response was acceptable. Eschelon to advise. | |
7/17/2002 | CMP Meeting - Meeting minutes posted to this CR's Project Meetings section. CR status was changed to Completed. |
Project Meetings |
07/17/02 - July CMP Meeting Minutes: AT&T agreed to close this Change Request
Subject: Clarification Response to Questions from 4/26/02 CLEC Conference Call Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 09:06:57 -0600 From: Richard Martin Kathy/Bill, Based on our conference call, Monday June 17, 2002, the following clarifications were made to the previous questions asked and anwered from our 4/26/02 CLEC Conference Call to review System Fixes Implemented Pursuant to Third Party Tests on DUF Transmission: Meeting Minute item 3.2 - The original question had to do with why access records appear on the DUF with zero's in the CIC. The original answer discussed Feature Group A usage. There is one more circumstance when an access record would show a CIC of zero's. That has to do with 110125 records in the Central region when Qwest is the underlying provider of the 8XX service. Those records currently go out with a zero CIC as well. Meeting Minute item 3.3 - It was confirmed that Eschelon will be getting two separate files for Meet Point Billing and DUF. The type of file and mehtod of transmission will depend on the agreements made between Eschelon and Qwest.
To:, Richard H Martin/Mass/USWEST/US@USWEST cc: Subject: 0000's in the CIC Hello; Yesterday I mentioned that I thought that the issue of CICs being 0000 in the 110125 access records was limited to the Central region. I have since confirmed that this is correct. Central is the only region where this occurs. As discussed in our call yesterday, this is usage that was carried by Qwest, so we would be the billable carrier. This should be the only FG-D usage you see with 0000 in the CIC field. Have a good day! Alan Zimmerman Qwest Wholesale Billing Manager (303)896-8346
-- CLEC Conference Call April 26, 2002 10:00 am (MDT) Conference Call TEL: 877-564-8688 CODE: 8973036 System Fixes Implemented Pursuant to Third Party Tests on DUF Transmission (Product/Process CR PC020802-1) Attendees: Ric Martin, Qwest Wendy Thurnau, Qwest Brad Wickes, Qwest Alan Zimmerman, Qwest Carla Pardee, AT&T Jonathan Spangler, AT&T Kathy Stichter, Eschelon Bill Markert, Eschelon Jack Mungia, Eschelon Deb Hoffman, US Link Introduction of Attendees Introduction of the participants on the Conference Call was made. Ric Martin explained that the call was a result of an Action Item from March’s CMP Monthly Meeting under Change Request PC020802-1. Details on the CR can be viewed in the CLEC Change Request – Product/Process Interactive Report located at the following URL: This call will discuss the system fixes that were implemented by Qwest to become compliant with third party tests on the transmission of DUF Records and provide an update on the Central Regions compliance. Ric Martin requested that all CLEC participants send their e-mail address for receipt of meeting minutes. Review of System Fixes Alan Zimmerman explained the 3rd Party Testing of the DUF conducted by KPMG Consulting and Cap Gemini, Ernst & Young (CGE&Y). The tests involved thousands of calls, and about 43 different call types. Both KPMG and CGE&Y have now concluded that Qwest’s DUF does adequately reflect usage made from Resale and UNE lines. To get to this successful conclusion, Qwest had to make several system changes, as detailed in KPMG’s Exceptions 3036, 3037, 3113 and 3098, as well as CGE&Y IWO 2129. Alan explained that these system changes are generally grouped into two categories: Pending Order File implementations and specific Local Measured Service issues, with a few additional fixes for specific other circumstances. Alan described the fixes and fix dates from those KPMG Exceptions, and answered questions from Eschelon and AT&T. The major fixes discussed included: Pending Order File Process --The pending order file (POF) Process was installed September 13th to more precisely handle usage made within a few days of customer conversion between local service providers. --The Western region had some inconsistencies in the way local measured service usage made on conversion day was handled. This was fixed Nov. 22. --8XX usage did not go to POF process in Western region until Nov 12. Central region had some specific circumstances where 8XX usage delayed in the POF process could be dropped. These circumstances were fixed November 20. --There were timing issues with POF processing in Central such that conversions done via a C order posted on a Thursday or Friday could have some of the usage released from POF for processing before all toll guides and databases were updated. This was fixed Feb. 7th. Local Measured Service (LMS) Records --Central & Eastern had problems that caused a very small percent of Local Measured Svc usage to error. These were fixed in December 2001. --Sent Paid LMS calls that were operator assisted were not properly sent on the DUF in the Western region. This was fixed Nov 22. --Central region LMS calls that originated from a UNE and billed to a resold line did not get a DUF record passed to the reseller until Dec 17. Additional Fixes --WATS attempts that originated from UNEs and did not complete did not have a DUF record generated for the Central region until Feb 18th. --Toll calls that intraLATA calls originated from a coin phone, were sent paid (not alternately billed), were carried by Qwest, and terminated to a UNE account did not have access records generated on the DUF until March 28th. --The Eastern region had a problem that resulted in duplicate records being generated to the DUF when an operator handled LMS call was made. This duplicate record condition was fixed 2/04. Questions Raised During Discussion AT&T asked what products were covered and Qwest confirmed UNE-P and Resale. Eschelon asked what 0 meant and Qwest replied that if it comes from Qwest and it is a 0, bill Qwest. Qwest was requested to advise what condition access calls show up with a kick of 5123 versus 0 in all 3 regions. Eschelon asked what the meet point billing is on the same DUF. Qwest to provide response. Closing Ric Martin advised that meeting minutes would be issued to the CLEC participants for review before posting to the CLEC community. Also responses to the Qwest action items would be issued to the all CLEC participants.
Subject: FW: CR PC020802-1 - Clarification Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 12:00:18 -0500 From: "Pardee, Carla D, NCAM" Ric: AT&T has been discussing this CR (asking for correct and accurate transmission of DUF records) internally. AT&T would like to know the scope of the problem that was fixed. Did this fix correct only billing systems for UNE-P, or did this DUf transmission problem extend to meet point billing records as well? Does this fix have anything to do with the recent notification about the UNE-P records credits? We would like to set up another meeting to discuss this, or, if it is appropriate to discuss it in the CMP meeting next week, we are amenable to that as well. Let me know what works best for you. Thank you. ps - I don't have Allan Zimmerman's correct e-mail address, if you wouldn't mind forwarding this to him also. Thank you. Carla Dickinson Pardee Manager - LSAM (303) 298-6101
Revised (2/24/02) CLEC Change Request Clarification Meeting 2:30 p.m. (MDT) / Friday February 15, 2002 Conference Call TEL: 877-564-8688 CODE: 8973036 PC020802-1, Correct and Accurate Transmission of ADUF, DUF Records Attendees: Carla Pardee, AT&T Richard Martin, Qwest Lynn Stecklein, Qwest Peggy Esquibel-Reed, Qwest Alan Zimmerman, Qwest Mark Pomeroy, Qwest Doug Warren, Qwest Introduction of Attendees Introduction of the participants on the Conference Call were made and the purpose of the call discussed Review Requested (Description of) Change Carla advised that the 013 DUF was to transmit Access records. She indicated that the ADUF records were not being transmitted correctly for UNE-P. She indicated that AT&T didn’t believe they were getting all DUF records and subsequently couldn’t bill their IXCs. Carla indicated that she thought that this was something the ROC was monitoring. Alan advised that the test were in the 3036 ROC Test. Alan further stated that the tests indicated that the Eastern and Western regions were 100% compliant. He indicated that the Central region is having issues with access of records received within a couple of days from a Change Order. Carla asked if there was any documentation on this. Alan advised that the documentation is on the WEB under Exception 3036. Alan explained that there is no Category 013, it is 011 for UNEs. Ric explained that there was a Systems Change to split the ADUF and ODUF records Confirm Areas & Products Impacted It was confirmed that AT&T was interested in the product covered under Cat 011, which is Switched Access. . Confirm Right Personnel Involved It was confirmed that this is a Product/Process CR and Alan Zimmerman is the appropriate SME. Identify/Confirm CLEC’s Expectation It was confirmed that AT&T wants confirmation that the Central Region is in compliance with providing 100% of the records. Identify any Dependent Systems Change Requests It was confirmed that there is a System CR to break out Category 010 from 011. Establish Action Plan (Resolution Time Frame) Qwest will report back on Central compliance progress by March’s CMP meeting
CenturyLink Response |
April 5, 2002 Carla Pardee LSAM Manager AT&T SUBJECT: Qwest’s Change Request Response - CR #PC020802-1 Correct and Accurate Transmission of ADUF or Category 011 DUF Records This letter is in response to AT&T’s Change Request PC020802-1 requesting accurate and correct transmission of access DUF records (category 011 or ADUF). During the February 15, 2002 Clarification Meeting, Qwest advised that the 3036 ROC Tests indicated Qwest’s Western and Eastern Regions were 100% compliant with issuance of DUF records. Qwest’s Central Region was still under testing by KPMG. On Wednesday, KPMG officially closed the last issues associated with the DUF test for the 13 state ROC test area. These last issues had to do with correct population of Indicator 4 and the matches of calls made to DUF records passed in the Central region. KPMG found no records with incorrect Indicator 4 values, and found about 96% of the calls expected on the DUF. KPMG has now sent us the calls that comprise the four- percent of expected calls that KPMG did not find. Qwest will investigate these messages to see if any problems are found. Historically, however, there have been several percent of KPMG's expected calls that did not generate AMA records, did not complete a billable call, did not in fact belong to a wholesale account, or were passed on the DUF but were missed by KPMG. So Qwest expects to be able to explain essentially all the KPMG calls with these valid reasons. That analysis has just begun. Qwest will provide the results of the analysis when they become available. Sincerely, Alan Zimmerman (303)896-8346 Cc: Susan Burson
Information Current as of 1/11/2021