Archived System CR 5043176 Detail |
Title: Better Explanations of OCCs on Invoices | |||||
CR Number |
Current Status Date |
Level of Effort |
Interface/ Release No. |
Area Impacted |
Products Impacted |
5043176 |
Completed 3/16/2005 |
- | 11/ | Invoicing |
Originator: Markert, William |
Originator Company Name: Eschelon |
Owner: Winston, Connie |
Director: |
CR PM: Stecklein, Lynn |
Description Of Change |
Provide more detailed explanation/description of OC&C charges contained within billmate files. Currently, billmate reflects OC&C descriptions as either “non-recurring charges” or “fractional charges”. Rather than reflecting these vague descriptions, Eschelon would like to have the USOC listed and the description of the USOC listed, similar to how descriptions and USOCs are contained on the Monserve file. Please review the attachment of “occphrase” files for each state for examples.
Status History |
Date | Action | Description |
8/31/2000 | CR Submitted | New - To be clarified |
8/31/2000 | Status Changed | New - To be validated. |
9/1/2000 | Status Changed | New - To be industry evaluated. Discussed CR clarification with Kerrie Douglas in phone call. Changed Interfaces Impacted section. Sent email to Kerrie Douglas with CR # and status. |
9/1/2000 | Info Sent to CLEC | Sent email to Kerrie Douglas with CR # and status. |
9/1/2000 | Record Update | Discussed CR clarification with Kerrie Douglas in phone call. Changed Interfaces Impacted section |
9/20/2000 | Status Changed | Status changed to Evaluated - To be reviewed. Request made in CICMP meeting to split this CR into 2. |
9/22/2000 | Status Changed | Status changed to Reviewed - Under consideration. |
9/27/2000 | Related Change Request | CR was split into 2 - this CR refers to OCC charges, CR #5110474 refers to termination penalty. |
9/29/2000 | Info Sent to CLEC | Sent email to Kerrie Douglas and William D. Markert about status changes. |
10/18/2000 | LOE Issued | T-Shirt Size Extra Large and Option provided in CICMP meeting. Eligible for industry prioritization. |
11/8/2000 | Info Sent to CLEC | Sent email to William D. Markert with updated CR. (Being worked) |
12/13/2001 | Status Changed | Waiting for Bill Markert to confirm that the requirements have been fully met. |
2/13/2002 | Additional Information | Alan had Tom Moynihan investigate the issue. |
2/21/2002 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Mark Routh/Qwest presented this CR. This CR will remain open until the USOC issue in Washington and Oregon is resolved. |
2/27/2002 | Additional Information | Waiting for Alan Zimmerman to reply on the missing USOC information for Washington and Oregon. |
4/8/2002 | Additional Information | Tom Moynihan determined that the information is not provided to Billmate and should not appear on the SOACTVTY.det file. |
4/18/2002 | Status Changed | Placed back into Development. To be implemented in June. |
4/18/2002 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | 5043176 discussed at April Systems CMP Monthly meeting; please see Systems CMP Distribution Package April CMP -- Attachment E |
5/3/2002 | Info Requested from CLEC | Requested that we close this CR and open a new to specifically address USOC information for miscellaneous charges. |
5/9/2002 | CLEC Provided Information | Kathy Stichter would like to keep this CR open and address the USOC information as part of this CR. |
5/16/2002 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | This CR was was discussed at the May CMP meeting. Qwest will determine when this can be completed. |
6/20/2002 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | 5043176 discussed at June Systems CMP Monthly meeting; please see Systems CMP Distribution Package June CMP -- Attachment I; Qwest explained that development work is being scheduled |
6/21/2002 | Status Changed | Status changed back to Evaluation as Qwest works to schedule the work for the Western Region solution |
9/19/2002 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | 5043176 discussed at September Systems CMP Monthly meeting; please see Systems CMP Distribution Package September CMP -- Attachment I |
9/19/2002 | Status Changed | Status updated to "CLEC Test" |
9/19/2002 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | 5043176 discussed at September Systems CMP Monthly meeting; please see Systems CMP Distribution Package November CMP -- Attachment G |
10/17/2002 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | 5043176 discussed at October Systems CMP Monthly meeting; please see Systems CMP Distribution Package October CMP -- Attachment G |
11/12/2002 | Additional Information | Trouble Ticket 6067501 issued to address repair record order issue |
11/21/2002 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | 5043176 discussed at November Systems CMP Monthly meeting; please see Systems CMP Distribution Package November CMP -- Attachment G |
12/19/2002 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | 5043176 discussed at December Systems CMP Monthly meeting; please see Systems CMP Distribution Package December CMP -- Attachment G |
1/17/2003 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | 5043176 discussed at January Systems CMP Monthly meeting; please see Systems CMP Distribution PackageJanuary CMP -- Attachment G |
2/21/2003 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | 5043176 discussed at February Systems CMP Monthly meeting; please see Systems CMP Distribution Package February CMP -- Attachment G |
4/29/2003 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | 5043176 discussed at April Systems CMP Monthly meeting; please see Systems CMP Distribution Package April CMP |
5/22/2003 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | 5043176 Discussed at May Monthly Systems Meeting - See Distribution Package May - Attach G |
6/24/2003 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | SCR101102-01 Discussed atJune Monthly Systems Meeting - See Distribution Package June Attach G |
7/17/2003 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at July CMP Systems Meeting - Please see July CMP Systems Distribution Package - Attachment G |
8/22/2003 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at August CMP Monthly Meeting - See August Systems CMP Distribution Package - Attachment G |
9/22/2003 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at the September Systems CMP Monthly Meeting; please see September Systems CMP Distribution Package - Attachment G |
10/16/2003 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at the Oct CMP Systems Meeting - See attachment G |
10/17/2003 | Status Changed | Status changed to development |
11/20/2003 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | |
5/20/2004 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at the May Systems CMP Meeting - See attachment I in the May Systems Distribution Package |
11/17/2004 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at the November CMP Systems Meeting - See attachment G in Distribution Package |
11/19/2004 | Communicator Issued | SYST.11.19.04.F.02323.CRISJanTechSpecsRelNotes |
12/28/2004 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at the December CMP Systems Meeting - See attachment G in Distribution Package |
1/19/2005 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at the January CMP Systems Meeting - See attachment K in Distribution Package |
2/2/2005 | Communicator Issued | SYST.01.31.05.F.02511.CRISJanRelFinalNotice |
2/3/2005 | Status Changed | Status changed to CLEC Test |
2/16/2005 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at the February Systems CMP Meeting - See attachment G in the Distribution Package |
3/16/2005 | Status Changed | Status changed to Completed |
3/16/2005 | Discussed at Monthly CMP Meeting | Discussed at the March Systems CMP Meeting - See Attachment G - Systems Distribution Package |
Project Meetings |
3/16/05 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Bonnie Johnson - Eschelon stated that this CR could be closed. 2/16/05 Systems CMP Meeting Jill Martain - Qwest stated that this CR was deployed on January 31st and that Qwest would like to close the CR. Kathy Stichter - Eschelon stated that Eschelon would like to leave this CR open another month until they have the opportunity to review the 25th bills. 1/19/05 Systems CMP Meeting Jill Martain/Qwest stated that this CR is still on target for the January 31, 2005 implementation date. 12/15/04 Systems CMP Meeting Connie Winston/Qwest stated that this CR was scheduled and deployed and subsequently the CLECs opened trouble tickets. Connie said that this only applies to the Western Region. Connie said that when SCR061703-01IG was submitted some complexities were identified that did not allow this functionality to work successfully. Connie said that due to this effort, the date in January should not slip. Kathy Stichter/Eschelon asked if Qwest was confident that the date would not slip because all the problems have been identified and fixed. Connie Winston/Qwest stated that we believe we have found the code to fix and have upgraded the test case. Connie said that we feel confident that the date will not slip. John Berard/Covad asked what the implementation date was. Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest said that the implementation is January 31, 2005. Jill Martain/Qwest stated that this action item will be closed.
11/17/04 Systems CMP Meeting Jill Martain/Qwest stated that the targeted date for this request is 1/31/05. Kathy Stichter/Eschelon asked why the implementation date moved from December to January. Kathy said that this work started in August of 2000 and that Qwest has moved the implementation date 4 times. Kathy asked Qwest why this work has been delayed so many times. Jill Martain/Qwest said that she understood Eschelon’s concern and would research and get back to Eschelon. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon stated that they want an explanation and commitment that this new date will not be moved out again. 5/20/04 Systems CMP Meeting Discussion: Peggy Esquibel-Reed/Qwest stated that the targeted implementation date for this CR is 12/4/04. This action item will be closed. 10/16/03 CMP Systems Meeting Kathy Stichter/Eschelon asked if this CR could be moved to another section or category. Connie Winston/Qwest stated that was a good idea since the work to complete is still underway. This status of this CR will move to development. 9/18/03 CMP Systems Meeting Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that trouble ticket 44886 and a CMP CR SCR061703-03IG are semi related for Western CRIS. Lynn said that we originally were looking to provide the rates with the USOCs on the BOS BDT and now will provide on all formats, not just the BOS BDT. Lynn said that we would work the trouble ticket 44886 and SCR061703-03IG together because of the common resources and common modules. Lynn stated that the targeted implementation date is June of 2004. Kathy Stichter/Eschelon stated that this CR, with that targeted implementation, will be two months shy of 4 years old. Lynn Notarianni/Qwest said that she understood. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon asked if Qwest was asking them to close this CR. Lynn Notarianni/Qwest said that no, Qwest will be working these together. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon asked that the CR have the notes updated to reflect this information. Lynn Notarianni/Qwest noted that Qwest would inform the CLECs if there is a change in the date. 8/21/03 CMP systems meeting Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that we had a meeting with Eschelon to determine what we needed to do to close this request. She said that the meeting was successful and now we are moving forward with working and scheduling the Date TBD trouble ticket based on that meeting. She indicated that this CR will remain in CLEC Test. 7/17/03 CMP Systems Meeting Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that there is an outstanding trouble ticket with a date of TBD. This trouble ticket is associated with USOCs in the Western Region. We are currently looking at scheduling. 6/19/03 CMP Systems Meeting Lynn Notarianni/Qwest stated that there is an event notification on this with a Date TBD. Lynn stated that there is not yet a date for the patch so the CR will remain open. Kathy Stichter/Eschelon stated that Eschelon is still having problems with Washington & Oregon. This CR will remain in CLEC Test. 5/22/03 CMP Systems Meeting Kathy Stichter/Eschelon said that this CR needs to remain open. She said that she still is not seeing the USOCs on the Washington bill. There was an event notification that went out on this and they would still like to review the bills.
4/24/03 e-mail received from Eschelon To:"Stichter, Kathleen L." Subject:Re: CR 5043176, SCR060402-04 Hi Kathy Thanks for the information on CR5043176 and SCR060402-04. I have advise the IT team of your trouble ticket and please let me know if you are not getting a response from the help desk. Thanks, Lynn Stecklein 303 896-0547 4/24/03 From: Lynn Stecklein To: Kathy Stichter Re: CR 5043176, SCR060402-04 Hi Kathy Thanks for the information on CR5043176 and SCR060402-04. I have advise the IT team of your trouble ticket and please let me know if you are not getting a response from the help desk. Thanks, Lynn Stecklein 303 896-0547 cc: Subject: CR 5043176, SCR060402-04 Lynn, For CR 5043176, Better Explanations of OCC, the USOCs for MOS (Maintenance of Service Charges) are still not showing on our April 5, 2003 bills in Oregon, 503-Z05-0182 & 503-Z05-0210 and our March 25, 2003 bills in Washington, 206-Z25-0026, 206-Z25-0041, 206-Z25-0820. There was a patch that was to fix the problem on 3/14/03. For CR SCR060402-04, BillMate to include CKT ID and date of Qwest dispatch for MOS charges, the CKT IDs are still not showing on our April 1, 2003 bill in Minnesota, 320-Z01-0310 and our March 25, 2003 bills in Washington, 206-Z25-0026, 206-Z25-0041, 206-Z25-0820. This was to be effective on March 17, 2003. I called a ticket into the Help Desk, ticket number 6213921. Kathy Stichter Senior Invoice Validation Analyst Eschelon Telecom, Inc 612-436-6022 4/17/03 CMP Systems Meeting Lynn Notarianni/Qwest indicated that there was a trouble ticket against this CR that had a patch implemented on 3/14/03 that corrected this problem and asked if Eschelon would like to close this CR. Kathy Stichter/Eschelon stated that she would like to leave this CR open one more month. She said that Eschelon’s bills are received at the end of the month and would like to review them before closing. 3/20/03 CMP Systems Meeting This CR will remain in CLEC test. 2/20/03 CMP Systems Meeting Connie Winston/Qwest stated that there was a trouble ticket with a date of TBD associated with this Change Request. There was an Event Notification issued on January 21, 2003 that provided the patch date of March 14, 2003. January 16, 2003 Systems CMP Meeting Connie Winston/Qwest said that we are still trying to get this scheduled. The maintenance and repair USOCs are not showing up on OCC phrases for ‘R’ orders. This Change Request will remain in CLEC Test. December 19, 2002 Systems CMP Meeting Kathy Stichter/Eschelon said that she would like this CR to remain open until the trouble ticket is cleared. Connie Winston/Qwest said this CR will remain in CLEC Test until Ticket # 6067501 (See Attachment M for details) is completed. November 12, 2002 Trouble Ticket 6067501 issued to address record order repair issue October 17, 2002 CMP Systems Meeting Michael Buck/Qwest stated that this has been fixed and that Qwest has been working with Kathy Stichter (Eschelon) regarding not seeing USOCs on R orders in WA & MN. Michael stated that per Dan (Busetti), would need to change Western CRIS. Kathy Stichter/Eschelon stated that the only place is seeing this is in Oregon/Utah. I got a response from Dan saying the reason that isn’t is because there would have to be a change in western CRIS, everything else is coming up fine. Jeff Thompson/Qwest stated that we would look into the record order repair issue and make sure we are squared away with that. Bill Markert/Eschelon asked if that means everything else is fixed? Jeff Thompson/Qwest responded yes. Kathy Stichter/Eschelon advised Bill Markert that she has looked at the bills. This CR remains in CLEC Test status. Discussion from the June 20, 2002 CMP meeting Jeff Thompson/Qwest explained in researching this CR, Qwest determined what is needed to get this to work and is working with the Billing organization to get this scheduled. The Action item will be closed and Qwest will report at a later date with the scheduling details. Discussion from the May 16 CMP meeting: Kathy Stichter/Eschelon wanted to know what is being done on this CR. Mark Routh/Qwest said that we had talked to Eschelon about closing this CR and opening another CR and they denied that. A new UR has been opened internally to do this work. This work may be completed to go into the new system that will be implemented in July. We will look into when the deployment date of the new system will be. Mark Routh/Qwest provided clarification on what the CR was asking for. Michael Buck/Qwest said that essentially part one has been developed and implemented and the 2nd part is not yet in development. Kathy Stichter/Eschelon said that part 1 has been open for forever. She read the description of Change that specifically asked for USOCs. Kathy Stichter stated that she has no idea what goes on with the Qwest back end systems but her assumption was that this work would have been done months ago. Bonnie Johnson/Eschelon asked why is Qwest only submitting an UR now for this. Mark Routh/Qwest said that Qwest has provided better explanations of OCCs on the invoices for the information that is provided by the systems by the upstream systems (identified when this was first rolled out). He added that since the Western Region does not provide the USOC information on the SOACTVTY.det file, then there was no ability to provide a better explanation of the USOCs to the CLECs. Connie Winston/Qwest said that there is an action item here—Qwest is to complete this particular CR, and we need to let them know when this work is scheduled. The status of development might be misleading; we owe Eschelon some clarification.A follow up call was held with Eschelon on 2/12/02. The attendees were: Bill Markert, Ellen Copley, Kathy Stichter, Alan Zimmerman and Mark Routh. Bill indicated that they were not getting the USOCs populated on the OCC invoice for Washington and Oregon for miscellaneous charges. Alan will look into this and provide the answer on 2/21/02 at the monthly Systems CMP meeting. Discussion from the April 18, 2002 CMP meeting Kathy Stichter/Eschelon stated that they still have an issue in the Western Region with not giving USOCs. Mark Routh/Qwest stated that the system doesn't provide USOCs and that the development team is investigating how far up they would have to go to provide USOCs. The Wholesale Billing Interface is being upgraded and USOCs may be able to provided in June/July. Mark Routh/ Qwest will call Kathy Stichter/Eschelon off-line to discuss the column formatting issue. Evaluation of the possibility of providing the USOCs will be conducted following completion of development in June/July. That status of this CR is Development 4/8/02 - It has been determined that the USOC information for miscellaneous charges are not provided to the Billmate system and will not appear on the SOACTVTY.det file or the paper invoice. This information was provided to Bill Markert at Eschelon. 4/10/02 - Received this message from Kathy Stichter - In the SOACTVTY (OC&C) files for our resale invoices, columns #1 and #5 have to be reformatted on the Washington and Oregon Billmate files in order to read the account numbers listed in these columns Tom Moynihan is investigating this and Qwest will provide a response to Eschelon as soon as the answer is available. 4/22/02 - Eschelon was able to view the data after small modifications to column attributes on their Excel spreadsheet. Discussion from the September 19 CMP meeting: Michael Buck/Qwest indicated that Eschelon had requested that status be provided on this CR. According to some recently completed work, Qwest believes this CR should be updated to “CLEC Test.” Kathy Stichter/Eschelon said that the issue is that the USOCs are still not showing in the Western region Jeff Thompson/Qwest said that the reason this stayed open is that the work had been done previously in Eastern/Central. Qwest believes it has completed this work for Western in the first part of September. Qwest would like Eschelon to go back and look at your bills to determine if the work is completed. Kathy Stichter/Eschelon said that she will check bills this month and provide feedback. Mike Buck/Qwest said indicated that the status of the CR would be updated to CLEC Test with review in October for completion. The action item is closed.
CenturyLink Response |
4/8/02 - Sent the following response to Bill Markert concerning the missing USOCs on the SOACTVTY report. Hi Bill, I have had the Billmate development team looking into your issue concerning the fact that there are no USOCs on the SOACTVTY.det file for miscellaneous charges. What they found is that in the Western region, we don't get associated USOC's with these miscellaneous charges from the upstream systems. And it appears that this is the way the paper bill is generated as well. I asked the Development manager to look into whether this information appears on the files in the Eastern and/or Central regions and he indicated that it does in both of those regions. I have been informed that the systems that provide the Billmate data are being updated later this year. I can't guarantee that we will be able to provide the USOC information in the Western region at that time but I can commit to investigating it and letting you know if that can be done. Based on this information, I don't believe that we need to have the call tomorrow morning but please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns. Thank you Bill, Mark Routh
Information Current as of 1/11/2021